Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1434: Wrath of the Lord

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"Boss, do you have a way?" Yue Ze excitedly looked at Mu Qianxi.

Others also flashed a flash of light in their eyes, and they knew her too well.

Mu Qian said: "Well! I have a way. The most important thing now is to hold on to this place. If you can't stand it, then retreat back to Xuezhou."

That is the worst plan, of course, she believes that it is not yet, go to that step.

"Mu Yi, Xiao Qi!"

The layout of defense and assassination began.

On the other hand, the North Palace has never heard the news: "His Royal Highness, the people we sent out of the chaotic wilderness, all of them are dead. Rejecting the investigation, it is likely to be the hand of Mu Qiang!"

"The base camp of the Ghost Medical Building is likely to be hidden in the chaotic Great Wasteland in the East. What should we do next?"

The North Palace said: "To summon all the people and attack the chaotic wilderness. Even if Mu Qian is not there, I will destroy all of her. This is why she disobeys me."


"Hold them, a fly, don't fly out."

And Mu Qian, is also preparing to prepare for the battle.

Various heavy-duty hidden weapons, in refining!

And the refining pharmacists are refining all kinds of medicinal herbs and poisons!

The next step is to train the beast and improve combat in the shortest possible time.

Enemy under the city!

Originally, the North Han Temple was already a giant, and now the North Han Temple has also annexed the East Pole Hall, and the power is stronger!

Coupled with the people who have been brought from the North Palace, it is extremely difficult to deal with now.

Now, who can stop the North Palace in the entire Quartet.

Ink Jin came to report: "The master, the Prince of the North Palace has been killed with people? The number of the other party is large?"

Ye Chen said: "The sun is very strong, they will arrive! You have led the team to attack."

Mu Qianxi said to them: "Before the war, let me say one thing first! The goal of the North Palace is me. If you can't stand it, the cloud will take you away."

They are wide-eyed one by one. "You mean, you let us leave you and leave!"

"I won't have anything, this is the order!"

Everyone’s face showed a dignified color, and Mu Qian said: “Don’t worry so much, if that guy doesn’t hang me, we can’t beat it!”

"If I hang me, I will definitely burn his hair and let him be a real vulture!"

The sun was very strong, and the army of the North Han Temple approached the city.

Far away, the North Palace must have seen the words "medical city", the face is cold.

"I didn't think of this broken place, there is such a city!"

Nowadays, outside the city, there is a piece of black pressure.

In the city, it is quiet and strange.

The North Palace is absolutely: "Mu Qianxi, if you are here, then come out and surrender, everything is fine!"

"If you are not in the Millennium, the people in the ghost medical building in the city are better off, you have already..."

His words have not been finished, and suddenly the air is dark!

Countless flying saints in the air, "Hey!"

Arrow rain fell from the sky, and every arrow was poisonous.

A purple figure stood proudly on the wall and looked at the black pressure of the army: "Go!"

"Kill him a piece of film does not stay!"

The slender figure, with the horrible murderousness, rushed to the enemy camp.

There is also a blue figure in the shadow.

On the other hand, a woman with a red dress like a fire rushed out, and the strength of the nine-level peak of the Emperor of the Spirit rushed to the other side.

There are only two people on their side!

How about the two, others are fighting and starting to fight back!

The North Palace never avoided the attack of Mu Qianjun. He smiled and said: "Why are you doing this! Do you use such a useless struggle, do you think that with some ants, what can you do?"

Yan Longjian moved, Mu Qianqi cold channel: "Nature can kill you, the North Palace is absolutely!"

"Ha ha ha! Kill me!" North Palace seems to have heard a big joke.


The coldness was pressing, and he released his contract beast.

"Little red, invincible, blocking the guy!"

Invincible grinding his claws: "I have been tolerating this snake for a long time, I really want to dig out his spiritual core and taste it!"

Xiaohong is wrapped in a red-red flame. "You know how to eat! It’s still a bit of a burn, it’s more convenient!"


The three beasts are entangled together, and the fight is broken.

The two sides have moderate combat effectiveness, but the top combat power is too far.

Even with countless help, the side of the ghost medical building is still at a disadvantage!

Condensate is the main battle, and it is also very difficult today.

anyway? They all fight in the end, they must not admit defeat.

Mu Qianzhen and Qingying cooperated with each other and played against the North Palace. The two men were fierce, but the strength of the North Palace was really weak.

In an instant, they still played countless rounds.

The North Palace said: "Hey, you can't rely on this one for a long time."


You must take the North Palace quickly, the longer the time drags, the worse for them!

"Little beauty, sorry! I am coming so late!"

The breath of countless peaks, passing through the air, they joined the battlefield, reducing the pressure on others.

The green figure is very enchanting, and the North Palace has seen a slight glimpse. "Purple lord, when, you also intervene in this small plane."

Purple secluded stood next to Mu Qianxi: "Which are you! The courage is not small, even bullying the little beauty, today will die!"

The North Palace was so mad that he vomited blood. He was a good man in the North Palace and he was also a man of heaven. He didn’t even know.

Purple secluded: "This guy gave me the handle, Xiaomei people go to other things!"

Ms. Qian said: "Purple, remember to stay a sigh!"

Purple smiled and said: "When you see the beautiful beauty of the little beauty, the deity gives him three breaths!"

The North Palace never heard that Mu Qian and Zi You had no one to talk to each other, and they were all green.

"Purple Respected Lord, I admit that if you are in other places, you are better than me! But here we have the same strength of the two people, and whoever is deer can't decide!" riKr

"Who gives you this confidence!" Purple quiet smiled.

"I heard that the purple sage master has always been passionate and passionate, and there are so many confidantes, why not go to a woman with this palace. If you don't intervene in today's affairs, I will send you a few beautiful women in the sky, how to!"

Purple Respected Lord, the right arm of the nine-night monarch of the prison of blood, the strength of the unfathomable, like beauty, especially phoenix!

The Purple Respected Lord is so envious of the Millennium, not to look at the beauty of Mu Qian.

In an instant, the power of fear is rolling.

Purple chilling warning: "It seems that you are really tired!"

"Boom!" A loud noise exploded on the battlefield.

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