Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1442: Crazy auction

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The auction items have not yet been taken out, and a strong lotus fragrance has permeated the entire underground auction site, making everyone feel spiritual.

Good things must be good things, everyone looks at the auction floor with their eyes open.

Soon, the waiter brought in a person, a little girl who was only seven or eight years old.

With a shackle on his hands and feet, when Mu Qian saw the face, he was completely stunned.

"Crystal Ying!"

That little girl is completely a miniature version of Crystal Ying!

"Crystal Ying, what is going on? She... Is she your fragment?"

Crystal Yingdao: "Hey, I didn't feel a little bit of my scent from her body. But my instinct told me that this is no coincidence."

"Of course, my family's crystal Ying looks so beautiful, the whole world is unique. Suddenly a little girl ran out like you, and after you found your fragmentation, it was a coincidence, then it was strange." Ramp.

"Be careful, if it's a trap, it's not good."

Mu Qiang nodded: "I understand, but this is the only clue, naturally can't ignore it!"

Mu Qianxi looks at the child and is determined to win!

The auctioneer said: "This child is a natural lotus fragrance. It is not a multi-functional cultivation. With her presence, it can be cultivated without barriers to the peak of the 9th."

Everyone is amazed!

"This is a step in the sky!"

“Is there such a physical existence?”

"But this little girl is still a little bit small, and the attack has to be raised for ten years."

"It will be worthwhile to wait until ten years to cultivate to the peak strength. If you cultivate yourself, you may have to spend hundreds of years and tens of thousands of years!"

These bidders stared at the little girl like a wolf.

The long hair of the little girl is like the sea. The water blue scorpion is pure and watery, and people want to destroy it.

Not only is the physical condition good, but this appearance is also a beauty of the beauty of the choice. It is definitely a stunner to grow up.

Mu Qianxi couldn't stand so many people staring at a girl who was so similar to Crystal Ying. She quickly shouted: "I have one billion Lingyu, this little girl, I took it away."

"One billion?"

"It’s the woman, it’s crazy enough! It turns out that she is not only interested in the elixir, but she is interested in such a little girl.”


Everyone boiled up. At this time, the auctioneer said: "This guest should not worry, haven't started yet!"

"Let's hurry!"

She was just a stranger with that little girl, but with a crystal face, she couldn't help but protect her.

Crystal Ying is like her sister, always taking care of her and protecting her!

The auctioneer flashed a sigh of anger, but the guest was generous and well-deserved. He was a poorly offended master.

The auctioneer announced: "The reserve price of 30 million Lingyu, each increase can not be less than one million, and now start bidding!"

30 million, less than the price of just a few million.

When others have not called for a price, Mu Qian said: "Three billion!"


All the people took a sigh of relief, "She is crazy!"

"It’s too exciting, even if the richest people in the Quartet don’t dare to mess around like this!”


Three billion, such a high price, many people have given up.

If normal, they that rich family property, so that they have the strength to compete.

But now they hit the one thousand Mu Xi this a freak, scary shout out such a price, all of them are ignorant lived.

Of course, the rich come here a lot.

"3001000000!" Suddenly a voice a voice.

"I only add a million, is it a bit stingy!"

"One million Lingyu is also money, it can save provinces, and not everyone is like that madman."

She just participated in an auction, and she was taken out by a nickname called a madman.

Suddenly soaring at such a high price, she just wanted to see that little girl and see the little girl. What is the problem?

Someone came to bid, and Mu Qianyi once again shouted: "10 billion!"

They heard the price faint.

This number has already caused almost everyone to give up the competition. Ru4v

However, the one who just screamed with Mu Qianzhen still did not give up. He stood up and said: "I have a hundred heavenly medicines here, this little girl, I want it!"

"One hundred, or heavenly..."

Everyone feels that it is going to blow up. This time the underground auction of Baisha Island is too exciting.

Lingyu has a priceless Tianji medicinal invaluable. Since the other party has come up with such a baby, the Baisha Island underground auction site will never refuse.

The auctioneer nodded slightly.

Then, Mu Qian said: "That is better than me! Do you think I will give up? One thousand!"

Xue Qiang, the guide of Mu Qianxi, has been dizzy at this time. He has never seen such a crazy auction in his life.

"That woman is crazy! God!"

"A thousand heavenly medicinal herbs, how many elixir should be spent, how many years can a refining master refine before refining!"

"This little girl has a bad body, but it doesn't necessarily have the effect of being so good in rumors! It's crazy to take pictures of it."

The other side said: "Small girl, I advise you to be cautious! If you take a photo, you can't afford so many days of elixir, completely offended the auction house, don't say the little girl, your life can't keep it. ""

Mu Qian said: "Jokes, a thousand heavenly medicines, I will be missing? You directly shout out your bottom line! I don't want to waste time."

Mad, too mad!

It seems that a thousand heavenly medicines are in her eyes. What is it?

Death cycle Ding muttered in the space, of course not what?

As for the weak chicken's medicinal herbs, as long as the owner gives me enough to eat, two or three days is enough to make a thousand Tianji medicinal herbs, do not use the owner to do it!

The man was angry and said: "Okay, you are very good! The old man has not seen you so hard for a long time. The bottom line of the old man is that ten heavenly nine products are the best medicine."

"Hey! Heaven's nine products, the peak of the drug, that can only be refining the strongest refining pharmacists in the Quartet!"

"What is this adult, what is it?"

"Ten! It turned out to be ten."

Mu Qiang lazy said: "I thought you have a lot of handwriting! I have a hundred."

"One hundred! You are not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big."

Mu Qianxi retorted: "Old guy, you can't take it out, it doesn't mean I can't get it out! I don't need Ling Yu, but Dan medicine is not lacking."

"You...you..." The old man was almost angry.

"Yellow hair little girl, you are waiting to get the medicine, and it was executed by the underground auction house! This little girl is destined to be an old man."

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