Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1448: Still have a face

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"Luo Lizhi and Luo Zhi are two brothers and sisters. Their tacit understanding of the two cooperative battles is very strong. Mu Qianxi with a drag bottle is definitely not the opponent of their brothers and sisters!"

"If I am, I will admit defeat directly!"

"This test is no suspense!"

"Mu sister!" Luo Yan pulled a thousand whispers.

"When you fight, remember to protect yourself from injury, I won't lose." Mu Qianxi said to Luo.

Her pair of lavender scorpions flashed a bright light, "Well!"

She believes in Ms. Mu!

Luo Zhidao: "You are an outside woman who does not directly admit defeat, but it makes me want to see it, but it is just a useless struggle."

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "I can only count your luck when you run into me!"

Luo Lizhi said: "Big words!"

"Before the test begins!" The referee announced.

Luo Lizhi's feet are on the ground, and the whole person is like a cannonball.

And Luo Zhi's body shape is like a lightning bolt, the fingernails become long, and the fiercely grabbed the past toward Mu Qian.

Everyone felt that Mu Qianzhen was so fiercely attacked by the two people that there was no room for resilience at all, and it was difficult to escape.

Luo Xin Desai said: "She is dead!"

That touch of purple shadow disappeared!

Such an intensive attack is ineffective under the speed of Mu Qianhao beyond ordinary people!

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "The speed of the two of you, really not so good?"

Their brothers and sisters gave a slight glimpse. "You just learned that you have learned a high-level body. You have nothing to be proud of!"

"Split claws!"

"Crashing the sky!"

The aura of the two of them ran wildly, and the two spirits accompanied the sound of space shattering and rushed to Mu Qian.

"Ice Dragons!"

"Ring Luo Yin!"

Mu Qianxi did not want to waste too much time on them. One-stop, one-print, blocked these two moves, and it was very relaxed.

This made everyone almost horrified at the chin. "This... how is this possible?"

"She is really the 9th order of the Emperor, not the 9th order of the Emperor, I am not mistaken!"

"It's right, but this fighting power is terrible!"

"Hey!" The brothers and sisters were defeated by Mu Qian.


The two of them were so heavy that they clearly knew the difference between them and this woman.

Fighting, they have no chance of winning!

However, they must not lose, missed the opportunity to enter the cloud sea.

The two brothers and sisters saw the same. At this time, Luo Lizhi rushed to Mu Qianxi.

Instead of cooperating with him as before, Luo Zhi rushed to the battle.

Attacking Luo Yan, let Mu Qianyi distracted, they do not believe, Mu Qian will be impeccable.

"Damn!" Luodao was angry.

I didn't think that the two brothers and sisters couldn't beat Mu Qian's daughter to start with his daughter. He wanted to stop. At this time, the elders said: "The island owners, their brothers and sisters are both measured, don't worry! It's more important than the test."

The two brothers and sisters shamelessly attacked Luo, and they were completely angry.

The red-red sword was taken out by Mu Qian, and she whispered: "Yanlong lore!"

A sword passed, she quickly rushed to Luo Lizhi.

Her speed is really too fast and too fast, Luo Lizhi did not have time to counterattack!

"Ring Luo Yin!"

"Boom!" Luo Lizhi was blasted to the contest.

The red-red fire dragon surrounded Luo Zhi. She had not had time to touch a hair, and she was smashed into the contest.

Everyone has widened their eyes. The two tricks are almost simultaneously erupting at the same time. What are the horrible talents?

The referee slowed down for a long time before returning to God, saying: "Mu Qianxi and Luo Wei won!"

Mu Qiang went to Luo Wei’s side and said: “Is it a little scared?”

The little arm and the calf couldn't bear the attack of Luo Zhi, but fortunately it stopped in time.

Luo Yan smiled and said: "I am not afraid! Ms. Mu is the most powerful, I am not afraid!" rwU2

Mu Qianxi showed such amazing strength, and all the opponents he encountered later admit defeat.

The strength did not get the spirit of the nineth order, with this metamorphosis, it is simply looking for abuse!

However, they are only one younger generation of Yunji Island Lingdi Jiujie!

Luo core angered: "a group of waste, no species!"

She looked at the tall, handsome man next to her: "Big brother, you must defeat the woman, not let her arrogant."

There was a flash of light in the eyes of Luo Xing. "It is really a woman who has the desire to conquer. I have not encountered such an opponent for a long time."

After the opponents conceded a few games, Mu Qianxi and Luo Wei really met the brothers and sisters of Luoxin and Luo Xing.

Luo Yizhou said: "Don't stop, you don't hurt your sister, you have to be a brother and a sister."

Luo Xin and Luo Xing looked at Luo Wei. This young girl looks like a porcelain doll, but it is a woman of unknown origin who can't like it.

Luo Xingdao: "Head, this woman, I will deal with it! You will stand on the side!"

Luo Xindao: "Big brother, I want to help you too!"

Luo Xing’s cold voice: "You are only getting in the way."

Luoxin has always been arrogant and arrogant. She was dismissed by her own big brother. She did not dare to attack Luo Xing, and she took a look at her.

Blame this **** woman!

Luo Xingdao: "Mu girl, please advise! If you lose, you don't have to take care of that waste. If you are a little son of this son, this princess will not treat you badly!"

Mu Qianxi sneered: "You really think about Luo Gongzi! If you say this, you are not afraid that I will let you break your grandchildren!"

"It seems that Mu's temper is very hot! So I am more interested." Luo Xing smiled.

Luo Island's main brow is close, this son looks good, and is high, because it is special.

By absorbing the woman's spiritual strength to advance, and not thinking about progress, but did not expect him to take Mu Qianyi as a goal.

I still need this woman, she can't waste it!

At this time, the referee said: "Before the test begins!"

Mu Qiang feels that this person is annoying, unsightly, Yan Longjian moves, this time she actively attacks!

"Yanlong lore!"

"Boom!" Luo Xing avoided the entanglement of Yanlong and smiled: "You are really strong, but not enough!"

"I have some wastes that are different. I am the real spirit of the nineth order."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You are not too big, and you don't blush when you say this! Look at your face, you know that your kidney is not good, it is too excessive! This is not enough, it is not stable, it does not seem to be Practice normal exercises!"

"Use the opportunistic method to cultivate to this point, you still have a face to say that you are the real spirit of the ninth order. I think you are even worse than the ordinary spirit of the seven or eight steps! What do you say?"

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