Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1450: This is the dead

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"Mu girl, Miss Xiao, Yunhai God is about to begin, the owner will let you go!" At this time, there was a small rumor to report.

Mu Qianxi nodded: "I know!"

"Small, let's go!"

"You are here!" Seeing them coming, Luodao master laughed.

He looked at Luo Wei and was worried.

He took out a silver necklace and hung it around Luo's neck. He said, "No matter what happens, don't take this necklace down."

He still does not care about the Millennium, although this little girl is awesome among young people of the same age, but the sea of ​​clouds is not an ordinary place.

How can he rest assured that his baby is handed to her!

"Come with me!"

Everyone else is here.

The other 18 people are very reprimanded by Mu Qian and Luo.

An outsider, a little girl who can't practice but is favored by the island owner.

Several elders on the island of Yunwu opened an old gate.

Luodao main road: "The opportunity is important, but remember to keep your life! Go!"

The people nodded slightly and then rushed in!

As soon as they entered, they were wrapped up in white fog. Mu Qian said: "This is the sea of ​​clouds!"

Luo Xin squatted on the ground and said: "Mu Qianxi, when I get the power in the cloud sea secret, you will die! You can not bring this oil bottle to die too fast."

Luo Xing also looked straight into the door and said: "You give me waiting!"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Lo Young, you want to die!"

"I will definitely make you regret it!"

Luo Xing put down this words and pulled the core to leave.

They are very clear that this woman can't help but lose money, but there are opportunities to become stronger. When they come out, they will be afraid that they will not be able to make ends meet.

Poor Mu Qianxi took a tow bottle, and did not even tell her how to practice here!

Others also dissipated, and Mu Qian took the Luo Xiaodao: "Small, let's go!"

In this white mist, there is no way to distinguish between the north and the south, and Mu Qianshui exudes spiritual strength. With his instincts, he walks through the white mist and walks through Luo.

"Ah!" At this time, Luo Yan suddenly screamed and came up.

There is a transparent human figure in front, and if it happens, Luo Yan is nervous: "Sister, that... is that a ghost!"

Mu Qianxi took Luo Weidao: "It's just a soul body, don't be afraid! I don't dare to hurt you."

After listening to Mu Qian’s words, Luo Wei felt that he was not so scared.

The soul of Mu Qianshao is too strong. These souls, which have no self-consciousness, feel the fear and dare not approach them.

Mu Qianxi did not know how long it took, and finally came out of the white fog.

Looking around, it is a place like a fairyland.

Luo Yan smiled and said: "Mu sister, this place is so beautiful! It is more beautiful than the island I used to live in."

However, this is like a place in a fairyland, but there is a cold voice.

"Hey! I didn't think of two tender hoes! The souls of the two of you, it smells so delicious, it's really exciting!"

It is a light gray soul. He is different from those transparent souls and has self-awareness.

"I really want to eat you..."

As he approached, Luo Yan shrank.

Mu Qiandao said coldly: "Just by you! All died for hundreds of years, or do not daydream!"

The horrible soul is released, and this gray soul is screaming in an instant.

A force that caught his throat, he couldn't even make a scream.

"Don't swallow me, don't swallow me, I know it's wrong!"

He also regrets it! These two little girls are more tender than one, but they did not expect the soul to be so powerful.

Mu Qianqi asked: "How can this cloud sea godhood have so many soul bodies!"

"God! Hahaha! Oh! I think of it, you call it a godland!" He suddenly laughed.

"Poor human beings, this is not a godland. It is actually a desperate death. There are countless souls that cannot exist in obstinacy."

Luo Wei said: "How is this different from what you said!"

Mu Qianqi asked: "Why is this?"

"I don't know, since I started to be conscious, that's it."

He is here, just a little better than those unconscious souls.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Here, is there any baby?"

"Baby, what baby?"

"Special flowers and plants, there should be a lot here! Let me be satisfied, I will let you go, otherwise!"

"There is a lot here, but we are the soul of something that is useless. If adults are interested, just come with me!"

Sure enough, a lot here!

The tens of thousands of years of elixir are countless, some people lead the way, and Mu Qiang began to pick up.

Although Luo Yan can't fight, but he is helping the millennium to pick the elixir, but his childhood is not forgotten, but he remembers the names of many elixir.

Of course, it won't always be so smooth!

"You kid, found two little girl, don't even call us to enjoy!"

“Do you want to swallow it alone?”


A few more gray souls come over, their color is deeper than the previous one, and the strength is strong!

The nasty guys came back again, and Luo Wei was hiding beside Mu Qianxi.

"Adult!" Xiao Gray also hid in the same way as Luo Xiaoyu.

"Ha ha ha! Adult! It’s useless to shout a woman waste!"

"This waste!"

"Hands! Swallow the souls of these two little gimmicks!"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "In the way!"

So many elixir are busy picking, these guys are in the way, and Muqian is naturally not happy!

She is not happy, these guys are terrible!

The horrible soul spreads out, and for a time they almost got scared by the soul!

God! How can it be very strong, obviously looks very tender!

As soon as the soul power is running, Mu Qian will let them fly away.

At this time, Xiaoshidao: "Adult, wait!"

A thousand miles, "What's wrong? Do you want to plead with your companions?"

Xiaoshidao: "Adult, how dare I plead for them, but it’s too wasteful for you to kill them. They are a bit of strength!"


"You humans, isn't it coming in order to devour our soul, enhance the soul, and then enhance the strength?"

It’s no wonder that Luo Xin and Luo Xing are so sure that they will be stronger than her. It’s like this!

These things, the Luodao Lord never said, it is estimated that she is afraid that her strength is getting stronger and stronger, it is not easy to control it!

That old fox!

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