Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1452: To kill them 2726

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Luo Xin, their brothers and sisters' faces are hard to read, and Mu Qian said: "You have been practicing for a month, and you want to defeat defeat and defeat me. It is too whimsical. 1357924? 6810ggggggggggd"

"You said, did I abolish you today, or kill?"

Luo core angered: "You dare! You must not let go of you."

Mu Qian said: "You said! They died here, who knows what I did?"

Their faces became stupid, and Luo Xing was unwilling to bite his teeth: "Hey, let's go!"

They shot two figures, and Mu Qian said: "I want to run!"

The invincibility of Luo Xiao’s arms became bigger, let her sit on its back, and then catch up with Mu Qian.

Luo Xin and Luo Wei ran hard, and their eyes flashed a vicious light, introducing Mu Qianxi into a dark place.

Both of them disappeared!

They are the people of Yunwu Island. They know this cloud sea godland very well. Now she seems to have entered a very bad place.

"Mu sister!" It was dark all around, and Luo Yan shouted.

Mu Qiang blocked her in front of her, feeling that there was a terrible soul around her.

Here is simply a dark nest of these souls. Lloyd and Lotto brought them here, and it is estimated that these souls are going to deal with them.

However, the two of them are still too small to see the thousand.

The soul in this nest is strong, and the soul of Mu Qian’s soul is not ordinary.

"Little red, invincible, protect your little sister!"

Mu Qianxi also gave out Xiaohong, who was sleeping in the space, and they both protected Luojing, and Muqian could also let go.


Mu Qian’s soul power has been released, and all the souls here are confronted and swallowed!

They wanted to exhaust the soul of the Millennium, but it was strange, and the soul of Mu Qianlong seems to be used forever, and the more the war, the more spiritual.

"This little girl, what a freak!"

"What to do? We have fewer and fewer people, and we can't deal with her at all!"

"I don't believe it will cost me!"

This consumption war, the loss of nature is the soul of this nest.

In the case of **, absolutely they are unlucky.

It took about three days. In the nest, there was a dense body, and now it is beginning to fall.

They want to escape from the nest, but they don't want to go.

Can only wait to die!

By the time all the souls in this nest were swallowed up, Mu Qiang discovered that her soul had improved.

Mu Qian said: "Resolved, let's go!"

This dark nest, don't know where the exit is?

When they walked out of the exit, the two of them went to a very cold place, and instantly felt that this place was completely different from the second floor.

Luo Yan blinked and said: "Mu sister, I... I think there is a familiar feeling here."

Cold, dark, such a place, Luo Yan will be familiar with, so that Mu Qian is somewhat surprised.

"Be careful!"

Sure enough, after a broken voice came, a figure rushed toward Mu Qian.

It is no longer transparent, no longer gray, it is like a real person.

However, the godless eyes told Mu Qianxi that this is definitely not a human being, but a soul body.

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi sneaked away, this soul was stunned and said: "I didn't think that these two cute little girls could actually die on the third floor. It was really unexpected to me!"

"Become my appetizing meal."

The appearance is like a real person, and their strength is also very strong.

Fortunately, one is still able to deal with it.

The use of the soul force, along with the beating of the field and the soul, is also besieged, and the use of Mu Qianxi is becoming more and more skilled.

"Little girl, not simple! Such a strong soul!" This person is a bit strange.

"court death!"

From the beginning of the worry, Luo Yan became more and more calm.

She thinks that Ms. Mu is the best, and she will never lose!

"Boom!" Sure enough, Mu Qianshao Thunder's blow, to break up this soul body!

"Ah!" He made the last scream and was eventually swallowed up by Mu Qian.

Here is the third floor, and unwittingly entered the third floor!

Ms. Qian said: "Small, let's go!"

The movement of the previous battle will attract many other souls, and naturally we must hurry.

There is no elixir here, a dead, but the more you go, Luo Yi feels familiar here.

"Mu sister, I really think it is very familiar here, but I can't remember it."

Mu Qian said: "That little girl, think about it!"

Did Xiao Yan follow a dead, so Luo Luo will ignore her safety and let her come here?

Mu Qianxi and Luo Yu walked in this place by feeling, and the soul of the eye on the road was naturally solved.

"Hey!" A broken voice came from behind Mu Qian's body, and Mu Qian's backhand grabbed the sharp arrow and threw it back.

"Luoxin, after another half a month, you are a long-term business, and you will be attacked."

"Yanlong lore!"

The red-red fire dragon rushed out, "Boom!" A loud noise, the four people hidden in the dark, can no longer hide their body shape.

Mu Qianxi sneered: "Four, you will find helpers!"

Luo Xindao: "As long as you join forces to kill Mu Qian, I will definitely not treat you later!"

When they finished, they rushed to Mu Qian.

Ms. Qian said: "Invincible protection, Xiaohong, Shang!"

"The fire is burning!"

The red-red flame rushed out, and they screamed: "What? Six-level holy beast!"

"This woman has six levels of holy beasts!"

Xiaohong stopped the two helpers that Luoxin had found. It was more than enough for them to deal with them, and Mu Qianxi rushed to Luoxin and Luoxing. Ry1r

"The first time you lose, you know you shouldn't provoke me! The second time you escape, you should cherish your life. And this time, you are looking for death!"

The spiritual power of Mu Qianxi broke out, and the two brothers and sisters were shocked. "Her strength has improved!"

"It seems that it will take a long time to break through the 9th-order peaks!"

At the time of the ninth order, it was already very **. At the peak, they didn’t dare to think!

"Ring Luo Yin!"

"Ice Dragons!"


The two brothers and sisters were beaten again.

Mu Qian said: "Small, I want to kill them!"

The Luo brothers and sisters stayed in a trouble, Luo Wei said: "Mu sister, do what you want, don't worry about me."

Luo Wei is also growing up. For her, there are only two people who care about it. The two brothers and sisters deal with the death of her sister, and she knows it.

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