Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1606: Qingying angry

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Chapter 1606 Qingying angry

Numerous figures like lightning appear in front of Mu Qianxi. Ji Zong said: "How are you genius? Your sects and brothers can't protect you, you will die today."

Mu Qiang is so powerful that he has not yet grown up.

The spirit of the Emperor Lingzong was a small fight, and he did not look at it at all.

Mu Qianshao said: "If you want my life, look at it. Are you enough?"

"You will know that this is a breeze for the Lord!"

Ji Zong master rushed to Mu Qianxi, and the result was a figure faster than them.


"It's you again!" Ji Zong master stared at the slender blue figure.

Mu Qiang ordered: "Invincible Xiaohong, fight!"

"The last time you had a long-lost defeat, Ji Zongzhu, you are sure that you can keep me this time?"

"I really thought, can they protect you?"

In an instant, the two sides fought together.


Qingying stopped a group of spirits, invincible and Xiaohong blocked the high-ranking Lingzong, and the rest of the people surrounded by the envy of Mu Qian.


Numerous needles fly out.


"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

"Red Lotus!"

In the face of opponents whose strength is much higher than her, Mu Qianxi also made every effort to fight.


"The first day of Nanling, it is just that!"

These elders of Chang Huanzong avoided the attack of Mu Qianxi and attacked it in an instant.

Mu Qianxi did not dodge, but rushed out!


The attack fell on Mu Qian’s body and it did not affect her.

The nine thunders of Chu Li, let Mu Qian’s refining body rise again.

Nowadays, the non-spiritual order can't break her body defense.

They widened their eyes and said, "How is it possible?"

At this time, Mu Qianxi appeared in front of a person like a ghost, with a slender arm.

"The secluded print!"

"Hey!" A pharmacy needle was added.


Mu Qian’s hand waved and countless poisonous bombs flew out. These were all gifts for them.

The seven-level holy beast is completely invincible under the holy order.

"Ah!" Invincible and Xiaohong's fierce attack, so that some of Changhuan's people screamed again and again.

Chang Huan Zong as a four-star inferior sect, the strongest one is also the third-order spiritual sanctuary, a group of people besieged the blue shadow but still can't help him.

"Little girl, give me to die!"

Several elders of Chang Huan Zong rushed to Mu Qian.

Even if the little scorpion defense is strong, as long as they join forces to attack, she will die.

"Ice Dragons!"

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

The power of water and fire are intertwined and directly attacked them.


The two forces collided together and the two sides were shaken out.

The strange speed and defensive power, even the high-ranking Lingzong, can't do anything about Mu Qian.

Today, you will kill thousands of miles.

Seeing the people who had been able to deal with him by Mu Qian, the eyes of Ji Zongzhu reddish.

"Damn! Little girl, this lord can't spare you."

"Boom!" His physical strength rolled over and he ran a special exercise.

Because of the forcible improvement of strength, it broke through the entanglement of Qingying.

"Lord! You..."

"Kill!" Ji Zong is red-red eyes.

He rushed to Mu Qianxi like a lightning, and the curtains called the space spirit to escape.

"I see where you are going?" Ji Zongzhu once again pursued the victory of Mu Qiang, and the elders of Chang Huanzong also quickly cooperated.

Because Ji Zongzhu asked for the restraint of Qingying, now Muqian is in an extremely dangerous situation.

"Master!" Invincible and Xiaohong shredded several enemies and wanted to rush to help.

However, the violent attack of Ji Zongzhu has already slammed into the heavenly spirit of Mu Qian.

"Thunder and flash!"

The thunder flashes and the blast rises. This is the strongest attack of their lords. This is a frontal collision. Even though Mu Qian’s body defense ability is strong, it is completely dead today.

"Boom!" The power of terror, wrapped up the Millennium.

"Finally solved this..."

The words of Ji Zongzhu had not finished yet, and suddenly a horrible force came from behind him.

"Unforgivable!" The chilly voice carries a terrible killing.


"Hey!" The Ming dynasty promoted the first-order Ji Zongzhu, and was directly attacked by the sneak attack of Qingying.

The internal organs are shredded, "Hey!" The blood is mad, and the hands are not light!


"Lord, you are fine!"

They were shocked, and then a familiar voice came.

"Green Shadow, Kill!"

Qingying looked at the purple figure, and the lips glimpsed and attacked again.

"Mu Qianqi is okay! How is it possible?"

"She... she is fine!"

Mu Qianyi used himself as a bait, and he was given the opportunity to make a fatal blow to Qingying.

The average person does this, and a few lives are not enough.

And because she has the eternal guardian, she doesn't have so much scruples.

However, she felt that Qingying was angry.

Qingying is angry, so the attack is very brutal.

Ms. Qian said: "Blue Shadow, add strength."

Numerous medicinal herbs were thrown out by Mu Qian, and after the Qingying had finished eating a lot of holy medicinal herbs, the Vietnam War became more and more brave.

"Holy Order Medicine! What is this?"

"The medicinal herbs that are eaten are eaten and eaten."

Losing the strongest fighting power of Ji Zongzhu, they have some headaches for Shangqing.

Mu Qianxi also determined how strong his defense is, so he said to Xiaohong and invincible: "Xiaohong, invincible, to help the young people to contain those people. As for Lingzong, I will accompany them to play."


More than they consume, they can't afford it!

On the side of Mu Qianxi, Qingying is a sly, Xiaohong is invincible, and her cult is against the yin and yang, plus the medicinal herbs that have not been added to this day. This battle will completely consume them.

Can not hit, can not hurt, the first time to chase a person, the pursuit of killing so wrong!

"Hey!" Countless needles fly out, and the angle is extremely rough!

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

"The secluded print!"

"Ice Dragon is on the horizon."

This battle lasted for a long time, and the spirit of Mu Qian’s war was not diminished. Some of the people in Changhuan’s body were exhausted, and the spiritual power was almost the same. There was not much left in the big medicine.

They did not think of it, a little girl with a spiritual order, so difficult.

Ji Zong was under the protection of several elders to adjust the injury. They saw that the elders of the ancestral ancestors had been playing for a long time, but they couldn’t help but marry.

"Hey!" He spit out a blood, his face pale, and his spiritual strength soared again.

He roared: "All give me away! Let me come, let me kill this little girl!"

No matter how much the price is paid, Mu Qian must not be removed!

A violent force sweeping all directions, swept over Mu Qian.


"Give me death!"

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