Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1610: Fengqi Wutong

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Chapter 1610 Fengqi Wutong

Crystal Yinghui said: "The place where the newly born Xiaomo Huang feels familiar, except for the place where the Phoenix family is located, there should be no other place."

She has been looking for nine nights for so long, and this time she did not find the place where the Phoenix family was.

Mu Qian said: "Crystal Ying, can we pass?"

“The space cracks have not yet merged. It’s easy to go in the past. If it’s complicated, it’s too much trouble!”

Crystal Ying’s words just fell, and Xiao Mo Huang’s body suddenly became bigger.

It is worthy of the blood of the beast, even if it was just born, it is no smaller than the seven-level sacred beast she has ever seen.

"Small ink, you are too noisy!"

It’s all around the space, it’s absolutely dangerous to get bigger at once.

Crystal Yingdao: "Nothing, I can protect it!"

Xiao Momo said: "Master, come to me soon, I will fly you over."

"Be careful! Be chaotic." Mu Qianxi said to Xiao Momo.

The black wings are like a nice silk satin that is generally smooth and feels very good.

Invincible: "Hey! I feel that my invincible adult is out of favor."

Xiaohong said with a smile: "When are you guys, when are you being favored? You still have to fight with a small one."

The surrounding wind whizzed past, under the protection of Crystal Ying, Xiao Mo Huang rushed toward the space crack without hesitation.

It’s really a newborn calf. It’s not afraid of tigers. Even if it’s an adult beast, you don’t dare to run like this little guy.

Without hesitation, she rushed into the crack in the space. There was no crystal in them. After she broke out of the crack in the space, she saw an extremely gorgeous scene.

At this time, Mu Qianxi sat on the body of Xiaomo Huang, staying in the void, in front of a huge tree that could not speak.

This tree has smooth branches and extremely large leaves. It is like a giant fan. It has a layer of layers and no gaps.

Mu Qian said: "This is the phoenix tree!"

Although the big is outrageous, the characteristics of this tree are very similar to the phoenix tree.

This is a tree, a world, and every leaf is a continent.

This is the time for a sycamore tree to stand up!

"Like! I like it very much." Mo Huang excitedly danced in the air.

Seeing the excited appearance of Xiao Mo Huang, Mu Qian said: "The legend is that Phoenix is ​​not infertile, but this is not false."

This is where the Phoenix family is, absolutely!

Ms. Qian said: "Small ink, we are in the past!"

"it is good!"

It flew excitedly, for racial reasons, and it wanted to be close to the sycamore tree and wanted to play on it.

All this is instinct!

Looking very close, actually far away!

Crystal Ying directly opened the space channel, allowing Xiaomohuang to arrive smoothly.


Just want to be closer, Xiaomohuang has hit the wall.

"It hurts!" Little ink ink is extremely wronged!

The entire phoenix world was shrouded in a huge force, with various seals and pictures appearing on it.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Crystal Ying, what is this?"

"The power of the Protoss, the Protoss sealed the entire phoenix world, and did not let anyone break in. And even if it is a space element, the strength is not strong enough to estimate it is difficult to enter. This seal is very strong."

Mu Qian said: "It turned out to be sealed. It's no wonder that it took so long to find it in nine nights, and it didn't find it."

"Is there a way to go in?" Mu Qian asked.

"of course!"

The blue light flashed, a figure that was softer than water, and appeared in front of Mu Qian.

Her fingerprints changed and opened a channel directly to Mu Qianxi.

Even if it is turned on, the Protoss can never detect it. This is the ability of the eternal guardian.

Mu Qian said: "Small ink, let's go in! Take me to see, your hometown."


The small ink ink turned into a black streamer, and with the Millennium, he rushed into the phoenix world, this moment on the phoenix tree.

The little ink ink flew by his own blood, and the continent had a familiar feeling, and it flew over.

"Master, can you? I feel... there... I have to go there and see."

The little ink ink wants to go is a piece of the middle layer of the phoenix tree, and Mu Qian said: "I came here anyway, I don't know where to go? Just follow your feelings!"

If she didn't make a mistake, the place where the little ink and ink felt so strong was estimated to be the place where the Mohuang people lived.

"The owner is the best!" Xiaomo ink flew past cheerfully.

This world is too big. If it is not a little ink, it is very exciting. Mu Qian is not willing to enslave child labor, and this child labor is still just born.

Mu Qiang entered the world of Phoenix, and a black figure appeared at the door of Chang Huan Zong.

It was a slender man, and the suffocating scorpion was as terrible as a demon.

The face was covered by a black mask, and the pair of ice-blue scorpions, with the destruction of everything.

This killing has made the entire Changchun Zong people shudder.

"Hey!" Numerous figures plucked out, and they looked at the terrible man.

"Hello, come to my sect, who are you looking for?" Ji Zong said.

In an instant, a dark, terrible, icy power filled the entire Chang Huan Zong.

"This is the king to come out!" The cold voice, without a trace of waves, made everyone feel the cold falling into the ice.

"Destroy the door, great courage! We are four-star sects, you can kill them when you want to destroy them."

There is only one person in the other party. If you say such a thing, Changchun’s people think that this person is not vocal.

Then they shot!

And the speed of nine nights is faster than them!

They couldn't quite understand how the nine nights were shot. In the blink of an eye, Chang Huanzong had a lot of living people and countless white bones.

"Hey!" The lucky ones took a sigh of relief.

How strong is this person's strength!

Spiritual, or spiritual?

When did they offend such a terrible big man.

Ji Zong was so scared that his legs were soft and shouted: "Adult, forgive me! I... We have a long time, how can we offend you, we can apologize, we..."


The power of darkness makes everyone breathless.

Depriving flesh and blood, plundering life, destroying the soul, this is a breeze for the nine-night monarch of the blood prison!

This battle has alarmed the elders of Chang Huanzong.

"Who is, dare to make trouble in my longevity!"

But seeing the bones of the Manchus, and the terrible power, he widened his eyes: "You...you...you are the nine-night monarch of the blood prison, you..."

Such a Shura killing God, how to run to their long Huanzong, his only thought at this time, that is to run!

Run quickly!

"Hey!" At this time, how did he run away?

hell! Ji Zong’s eyes looked at his sect and turned into a hellish appearance. The entire sect, only he lived alone.

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