Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1631: Chifeng family

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Chapter 1631, Chifeng Family

Looking around, there are broken walls and smashed by lightning.

Only the magnificent refinery tower in front of it, extremely tenaciously resisted the thunder and lightning power of this refining domain.

Several figures have swept into the scope of the refining tower, and many people have been waiting for the opening of the refining tower.

There are hundreds of branches in the Phoenix family, and nearly 1,000 people come to the Leilian Tower.

Of course, not all the geniuses of the Phoenix family came.

The strength of some people does not need to come to the Lei Ting Tower to upgrade, naturally it will not waste time here.

Dozens of figures have swept over, and this team is definitely one of the most popular.

"It turned out that the people of the Mohuang family came! This time, your Mohuang people are too miserable! There are only four places, even if you add your contract, there are only eight places."

This pedestrian is gorgeous, mostly red-red.

Ink danced: "Red Dream, how do we have a family of Mohuang, have nothing to do with you?"

"Ink dance, you still hate as always." Red dreams cold channel.

She looked at Bai Changdao: "Bai Chang brother, you choose to dance with ink, it is definitely a mistake! How good you were when I chose!"

Compared with the cold face and cold heart of the ink dance, the red dream is enthusiasm and publicity.

When I first chose the contractor, I was optimistic about two people!

One is the ink dance of the Mohuang family, and the other is the red dream of the Chihuang family.

In the end, Bai often chose ink dance, not a question of talent and strength, but a dance of ink and a future father who became the king of the phoenix.

Therefore, the grievances of the ink dance and the red dream are thus settled, and the dreams have always been hateful.

Red Dream proudly said: "I think it is better for you to leave the phoenix family in a dingy way! Our Red Phoenix family is here to do big things, but you don't want you to be blind here."

"Red Dream!" A cold warning came.

Red Dream spit out his tongue and said: "I am tired of falling sister, I know."

The woman who spoke, and the person who spoke, and a pair of red-red scorpions, Mu Qian can feel the pressure of the Phoenix King on her body.

The location and temperament of her position can be seen as the leader of the team of the Red Phoenix family.

Mu Qianxi looked at the ink and said: "Ink dance, don't tell me about them?"

Ink danced: "They are the people of the Chifeng family. The one was a red dream, and the one who spoke was the red rain. The first genius of the Chihuang family was also the only daughter of the Red King."

Mu Qian said: "I remember you Phoenix family, the Red Phoenix family is not the strongest!"

The Phoenix family, the seven kings, and the colorful phoenix royal family, together with the Mohuang family, are known as the nine strongest races of the blood, but because of the fall of the Mohuang family, they have been kicked out for so many years.

Of course, in addition to the strong blood race, there are several elements of the Phoenix family is also very powerful, but it is relatively low-key!

For example, the water phoenix family, the ice phoenix family, the fire phoenix, the Leifeng family and so on!

Ink danced and said: "This time, several major royal families have come to the Red Phoenix family. It is estimated that they will not see the channel for upgrading the strength of the Leilian Tower."

In the words of the Red Dream that just talked without going through the brain, Mu Qianxi felt that the task they were going to accomplish was estimated to go to the Leilian Tower to find the Mantra!

According to the information she inquired, the first time I learned that the Leilian Tower is likely to have a curse, all the phoenix races that expressed loyalty to the King of God, all took the top talents, and the results were nothing.

Over the years, they have been dispatched in succession, and the results have remained nothing, so fewer and fewer people are dispatched now, and it is estimated that they will focus on the other two places.

Red Dream didn't want to give up this opportunity to slap the ink and dance, and then looked at them: "Hey! You are a phoenix, there is a coward who dare not come out to see people! Entering the Leilian Tower, you will not hide. In the contract space!"

She then looked at the Millennium, and the delicate face made her eyes flash.

"This human being is quite beautiful, just don't know how strong it is? Wouldn't it be a vase?"

Even if the ink dances more beautifully than her, the Mohuang family even has a woman who looks so beautiful.

Mu Qianxi said: "You have too many words. Where do you look like a phoenix? Is it a red **** that is arrogant?"


Red dreams are angry at once. "what did you say?"

And the ink dances, they can't help but laugh, what do you really dare to say?

"Oh! Do you still want me to say it again?" Mu Qianqi raised his eyebrows.

"Human, I want you to look good!" Red Dream swept out and said: "Let your phoenix come out and fight with me!"

Mu Qian said: "To deal with you, you still don't need her!"

"Good! Good!" Red Dream's body was covered with flames, ready to be shot.

A cold voice came, "Red Dream! Enough, don't start here."

The red dream has always been flying, but he dare not listen to the red rain.

"Lifting rain, good, I listen to you!"

I can't do it now, wait until I enter the refining tower.

I hope that some of the people of the Mohuang family will also be eligible to enter the Leilian Tower.

However, if they even qualify for the refinery, they are not qualified to let her go.

Ink dance at this time swept the genius of all parties, although the top few powerful phoenix races did not come this time, but this is not a good deal.


The thunder and lightning above the refining tower is getting louder and louder and more deafening.

This is the sign that the refining tower is about to open!

Sure enough, at the same time as numerous lightning bolts, the doors of the Leilian Tower were also blasted.

"Twelve doors! There are only twelve."

"Isn't the refining tower unable to support it? Recently, there was less than one door opened."

Mu Qianxi swept through the twelve doors and said: "Everyone is so nervous, isn't there a single person who can go in a door?"

Ink danced: "A door, only one race can go in."

"That's okay!" Mu Qianxi faint.

If there is only one person, so many people screen out twelve people, it is a bit of a hassle.

Bai Changdao: "Fortunately, the situation is very bad now."

Ink danced: "Let's go grab the third door on the left, it must be fast. This time, can't lose!"

If even the refining tower can't get in, she estimates that she has no face to return to the mainland.

Their actions are definitely not the fastest.

They fell in the middle of the door and said: "This door is our red phoenix. Who dares to grab, then don't blame me for being rude."

Soon, the pressure of the king's blood came directly.

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