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Chapter 1638 can't stop

Although the Qinqin is not very good with the red rain, but in other ordinary Phoenix family, this talent is absolutely top.

The flames skyrocketed, and she ran over with the black stream.

The power of the fiery flame and the power of darkness interweave the attack.

The eyes of Mu Qianxi also flashed a strong sense of war. The stronger the enemy, the more interested she is.

In the face of their attack, Mu Qiang gave up the defense!

It should be said that there is no need to defend at all.

"Red Lotus!"

The fire dragon soul sword directly broke out of the destructive spirit, the fire lotus bloomed instantly, and rushed toward the two.

Black runner: "You are looking for death!"

He did not believe that the defense of the two could not break this human attack.


The horrible explosion spread, and Mu Qian was shrouded in attack by both of them, and they were also quickly avoiding the fire lotus.

A purple figure slid out like a smashing electric shovel, and the slender arm swayed directly toward the black stream.

"The secluded print!"

"You..." The black screaming eyes widened, and she was unscathed.

A red figure passed, and a huge red-red paw print appeared in the air, like a volcanic eruption.

"The phoenix claw kills!"

The flames of terror are coming, and Mu Qian quickly mobilizes the power of the water element.

"The water dragon is broken!"

"Ice Dragons!"

Two water elements are skillful and almost rushed out at the same time.

Mu Qianxi still uses the spiritual elements of water, and he is very comfortable to use.

The pure and powerful water element is shocking. A water dragon has an ice dragon, and the big claw of this flame phoenix is ​​directly shredded.

"Boom!", the red piano was directly flung out.

Although several other doors have been fighting before, the side of Muqian is undoubtedly the most intense.

The red rain is very strange, and Mu Qian is better than she imagined.

Of course, the Chiqin and the Black Stream will not give up easily, once again confronting Mu Qianxi.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!" The fire elemental spirit broke out, and this sword has no mercy.

The speed of the ghost, the horrible body defense, let the red piano and the black stream eat.

Even if they are two to one, they still can't take advantage of it.

Time is slowly passing, this open door is about to open!

Chi Yuyu rushed in without saying anything, not paying attention to the battle between Mu Qianxi and Chiqin.

She said: "Chi Qin, the emperor of the Mohuang family, will be handed over to you."

"Boom!" Ink dance also solved the opponent.

She looked at Mu Qianyi and said: "Mu Qianxi, you cheer!"

Then they also went in.

Chi Qin sullenly said: "Mu Qianxi, even if we can't beat you at a time, you can't think about it."

One word, drag, dragged to the door to close, and then eliminated together.

The black runner said: "I can't go to the sixth floor, and I don't think about it."

Then they wrapped up with Mu Qian.

Time can't be dragged down, and Mu Qian also thunders.

The spiritual element of water and the spiritual power of fire rushed out at the same time. At the same time, the needle of Mu Qianxi was not idle.


The purple figure flashed like a ghost, and countless pharmacy needles hit the eyes of both of them.

They are welcome, she will not be too polite.

Because, she will never let herself, knock out here.

The black stream once again felt the dangerous needle, and could not escape. As a result, Mu Qiang appeared behind him.

The red-red sword with the power of terror was crossed, and bloodthirsty was the result of killing him, and it infiltrated the ice of the bone marrow.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

The flame is like the ruthless Shura.

It’s too late to hide.

The black stream could only force the flame to cover itself, and it was bombarded from the air.

"Hey!" A blood spurted out, and all the feathers were burnt.

He fell to the ground and turned into a human figure, and many places were burnt black.

He was sent away directly, and the sword of Mu Qian’s sword moved, pointing to the Chiqin.

"Do you still want to fight?"

"Would you like to stop me from going to the sixth floor?"

Chi Qin looked at the pair of cold scorpions and involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

They are not the opponents of Mu Qian’s, and how do they fight now?

It is estimated that she will be heavier or even disfigured than black.

Chiqin said: "I admit, I am not your opponent! But you should not be too proud, even if you go to the sixth floor, when you fall to the rain sister, you will not let go of you."

Mu Qianxi turned and rushed into the door and saw that Mu Qiang left, and Chi Qin gave a sigh of relief.

But in an instant, there was a burst of air behind her.

"Hey!" A tiny needle shot directly across a wound in her body.

When she didn't have any defense, she started to hurt her, and it was easy to do.

Feeling that my body is wrong, the face of the red piano has changed greatly. "Mu counted me."

"What about you? How do you provoke me, I am not so generous to let you go." Mu Qian's indifferent voice came out from inside.

"Booming!" Twelve doors, completely closed.

"Hey!" The red blood spurted out a blood, and the flame began to burn uncontrollably, even her own injury!

The power of the fire element is out of control!

"Ah!" Chichen screamed screaming.

"Ah! Damn, **** human..." She was so embarrassed at the moment, completely roaring away from the image.

It did not stop until it was transmitted to the tower.

"Is that voice not the second beauty of the Red Phoenix family? What is this?"

"She is crazy!"


Mu Qianxi went to the seventh floor. This seventh layer gave her the only feeling that it was cold!

On the ground, it is covered with ice.

Around, all are icicles.

There was no thunder in the air, and Mu Qian quickly caught up with them.

Bai Changdao: "It seems that you are lucky, you are catching up."

The face of the ink dance was heavy, and the red piano failed.

If you can't beat Mu Qianxi, even if the face prevents her from doing it, it really gives them a shame.

The more you go inside, the colder it is.

It is a lot easier to have a thousand elements of the fire elemental spiritual body, but the white of the Lei Elemental Master is often shivering.

"Dancing, hurry up and use your fire element to give me a body, hurry up."

Ink danced: "The sixth layer is very dangerous, can't waste power, white often you can bear it?"

"Ink dances, you don't even listen to my orders, I am your master."

"I am thinking about the big picture!"

"What the big picture is, you don't put me in the eye!"

"It’s awkward!" Bai Chang was angry and covered with thunder!

"Boom!" Thunder broke an icicle and it was dangerous.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "idiot!"

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