Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1665: Nine nights guidance

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Chapter 1665 Chapter 9 Night Guidance

In other words, Qing Xiaotian lost, Qingfeng family, there is no chance.

Qing Xiaotian is very unwilling, but there is no way.

How does he feel that the purple instructor is a bit biased, but he is the chief instructor of this time, what is it?

Mu Qianxi is also somewhat surprised. This series of things that a cold noodle instructor does is very good.

"Hey!" The battles around the scene ended, and the other eight houses were replaced by the owner, but the first and second rooms were not changed.

Lan Nian left the road: "Mu girl, it seems that we can be neighbors again."

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "Yes!"

Suddenly, Mu Qian’s house was isolated by a force, and she was drawn into an aggressive embrace.

"Nine nights, you have finished the matter."

Nine nights near the mouth of Mu Qianxi spit out two words, "Neighbors!"

"It’s the neighbor, only to know the three-day neighbor, you..."


It’s so close to being able to live, and it’s indispensable for a nine-night monarch to be jealous.

After finally separating, Mu Qianxi saw the little ink ink in the back of them shyly!

In the face of the children's face, it is a bit unreasonable, Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, you come exactly, Xiao Momo now has to adapt to the actual situation, you can guide this little guy!"

Mu Qianxi gave the little ink to the nine nights. She was still a little scared for the nine-night little ink, but it knew that this was the most important person of the master. This fear can still be overcome.

Nine nights turned to this little ink ink road: "Good!"

Invincible and Xiaohong are two guys at the old fritter level. What do you need to worry about?

But the little ink is a newborn child, and I don't trust the two guys who are not reliable, so it is better to give it to nine nights.

Nine nights of refreshing promise, he let Mu Qianxi throw the little ink into the space, better than the two worlds.

The next day, still the same practical training.

Mu Qianxi and Xiao Momo came out relatively late, and Qing Aotian, this time gave the position to occupy.

He said: "This time, you can't let you succeed!"

"My event baby, I don't want to waste time with you."

"Hey!" Several medicine needles flew out, and Qing Aotian was angry.

"You... you dare to use hidden weapons!"

"The instructor did not say that he could not use the hidden weapon!"

One two three, Qing Aotian and his contractors fell, and some people later challenged Mu Qian, and Mu Qianji knocked down people and once again stood in the first room.

Lan Nian came to knock on the window of the millennium. He said: "This is the fourth day we are a neighbor."

"Yeah!" Mu Qianyi nodded slightly, then said: "If the blue son can keep it, I am afraid more than four days."

Lan Nian left the road: "Mu girl is a refining pharmacist."

"I didn't expect to be seen by you." Mu Qianxi did not deny it.

A gust of wind was closed to the window, and Mu Qiang looked back and saw a glamorous face, and the pair of ice-blue scorpions looked at the Millennium.

Mu Qianxi handed the little ink to the nine nights and said: "Nine nights, Xiao Mo Mo has made great progress today, and you will continue to work hard."

Next, the speed of defeating Mu Qian and Xiao Momo is getting faster and faster.

Small ink ink advanced, five-level holy beast!

This is a little bigger, they have witnessed the growth of a genius.

This time, Mu Qianxi did not need to challenge, and occupied the No. 1 room. Then someone came to challenge, and Xiao Momo took the initiative to launch the attack.

This is not like the fighting power of a young cub.

The talent of the little ink is extremely amazing, but this little guy has never been complacent and still feels not strong enough.

After the training of this round, the purple teacher said: "The time for us is not much, and the next special training will be carried out! Finally, the top ten people will be selected and participate in the final task."

"Next we have to transfer the training venue, and the next training venue is one of the lowest chaotic continents."

The world made up of this huge phoenix tree, the stronger it is, the stronger it is, but there are many continents, but there is a lot of chaos.

There are some fierce beasts that are irrational, extremely fierce, they do not have strong strength to attack, but for these young people, it is undoubtedly the enemy.

When they heard the troubled mainland, their faces changed dramatically.

"You can opt out now!" Purple teaches the official.

drop out? At this point, how can I quit?

Then the bitterness suffered before, but it was white.

"We choose to leave!"

"Yes! Continue this special training!"


Purple teacher said: "Very good!"

"Reassured, of course, won't let you die there."

As a top-class animal and beast, the Phoenix family is not strong in breeding ability. Every ethnic group is extremely precious, especially the top talents.

Some people like this, they naturally will not let them die in vain, even if the purple instructor feels that these guys' talents are just that!

"This is Ziyun Yu, in danger, with spiritual power, the strong people of the Zifeng family will save you."

"The last ten people left behind are counted!"

After the purple instructor finished the content of this special training, then someone sent them to the chaotic mainland.

Walking down the sycamore tree, the light became dark and the air became damp.

If the purple phoenix is ​​a paradise, it is almost like hell, full of chaos, very chaotic.

After they landed smoothly, the next step was free time.


They have not waited for them to adapt to this harsh environment, and powerful opponents have come over.

They will face a very difficult **** battle. The previous special training is more pediatric than this **** battle.

After putting all the people in this chaotic continent, someone asked: "The purple instructor, what will happen here? If something goes wrong, the royal family will never give up."

The purple teacher said: "This continent is chosen according to their strength. There will be no major events! But you can't take it lightly, let the people who are staring at it pay attention."


"Booming!" In the face of terrorists and beasts, they all turned into ontological operations.

Small ink ink also played a spirit and joined the battle.

Yan Long 弑 soul sword crossed in the air, although the beasts here are awkward, but a lot of elixir!

Because there are too few people here, the beasts here are not aware of the goods, so many elixir are placed there and no one is collecting them.


Countless beasts, give them away.

After staying away from the crowd, Mu Qian said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, you two must be moldy, and hurry to do things!"

Invincible: "You can finally move your muscles!"

"Yes! I have to sleep in this Phoenix world." Xiao Hongdao.

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