Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1669: Returning safely

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Chapter 1669 Returning safely

"Booming!" A burst of loud noises came out.

The fierce beast is really a catastrophe, and this continent will be finished.

Must leave!

The purple instructor mentioned Lan Nian to leave: "Go!"

"But the girl..."

"That little girl has never been willing to do a hasty plan, let us wait, we will go back and wait." Purple teaches the official.

Although the purple instructor is full of confidence, but the heart can not help but groan.

That was the fierce beast that once was in the phoenix world! Extremely terrible.

The mainland collapsed and the attack of Mu Qian’s positive resistance was rushed out by the power of Crystal Ying.

Xiao Hongdao: "Master, this guy is handed over to me!"

"Ha ha ha! I didn't expect to meet this guy. It seems that I am here to advance to the beast!

Invincible said: "You lazy pig! So rushed up, do you want to become a roast suckling pig?"

Invincible rushed to help, Xiaohong's power broke out to the extreme, and the three-claw fire dragon smelled a dangerous atmosphere.


It looks at the two guys who besieged them, very strange, not as strong as they are.


Invincible and Xiaohong hit it up, and invincible shouted: "Master, you pay attention to yourself!"

"Red!" Two flames broke out.

The whole continent is completely transformed into nothingness.

The purple instructors who have moved away from this continent have a shocked color on their faces!

"God! What happened in the end?"

Qing Aotian, who had been immersed in the news of his brother’s death, saw that Mu Qiang did not return, and his face showed ecstasy.

That piece of land is finished, and Muqian will definitely not come back, and he will die!

Lan Nian is far more different from the recovery of the injury at this time, he is very surprised!

What kind of medicine did Mu girl use for him, and he recovered so quickly?

"Master, hey!" A group of black hair **** rushed over and watched it become a guy with the same color as the little ink, and Mu Qian did not recognize it for a time.

"Invincible!" Mu Qianqi shouted.

"Hey! Master, the lazy pig crosses the river and breaks the bridge. It is obvious that we are working together! The result is not to let me dig the core."

The three-claw fire dragon has already breathed, and the fighting has not fought over Xiaohong. Xiaohong’s battle this time, the horsepower is fully open, absolutely no laziness.

"You! Adults are forgiving!"

"Adult, I am wrong! Hey!"

The guy who was able to destroy the world just now, crying at this time.

"Adult, I have no eyes!"

Mu Qian said: "Xiaohong, you are so squandered, there will be no problem?"

Xiaohong replied: "Master, you can rest assured! With the power of this guy to make up, I will not only be able to break through the ranks of the beasts, but each time I will be preempted by the lazy pig that I will only eat, too faceless."

Invincible anger: "This time if I am not helping, you can go so smoothly! The nucleus gives me, the other is for you!"

"The spiritual core gives you, how can I break through! Don't give it!"

The two men vie together, but the main force of this battle is Xiaohong, which has a greater effect on Xiaohong, so Mu Qiang was awarded Xiaohong.

"Adult! Don't devour me, beg you!"

Xiao Hongdao: "If I used to, I still can't look at you! At least you have to look at it with five claws and eight claws, but this uncle needs some strength now, and he can only grieve himself."

The three-jawed dragon ran away, and the red flame wrapped it up and began to absorb its power.

For a moment, its power was swallowed up by Xiaohong.

However, because of the lack of strength of Xiaohong, the whole body is braving the flames, and the more and more.

"Damn! This is too weak now." Xiaohong helplessly said.

"Master, I will first find a continent, digest and digest!"

"it is good!"

There are a lot of chaotic continents below, and one is destroyed, and there are countless others.

Mu Qiang has not returned for a long time, they also returned to the Zifeng mainland.

Lan Nian left the road: "I am going to find Mu Qian."

"Because of this accident, everyone has to train! No matter what reason you leave the team, if you give up training, it means abstention. Are you willing to abstain here?"

Lan Nian was clenched from the fist, and the purple instructor sighed: "From the beginning of the special training, I was paying attention to the human little girl. She is very strong and especially strong. I believe she can come back safely."

The flame on Xiaohong’s body finally disappeared, and it’s sleepy, but it’s extremely embarrassing.

"Ha ha ha! I will be promoted to be a beast when I sleep again. I can't catch up with stupid cats."

After the laughter, Xiaohong is also very helpless. It has already become so excited to be promoted to the beast.

Invincible: "Hey! If you robbed the core, I can advance."

Mu Qian said: "Well, little ink, let's go back! If you missed the special training time, you will suffer."

Xiao Momo said: "Okay, master."

Small inks became the body and they went out, they were ready to return to the mainland.

Mu Qianxi has not returned, and the training of the purple instructors is getting more and more ghosts. They are complaining.

After another round of special training, Mu Qianxi just entered the training camp.

The purple instructor and Lan Nian saw that Mu Qianxi was back, completely stunned, thinking that he saw the illusion.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I will return safely."

Qing Ao Tian has a big eyes: "You, you are still alive."

Purple instructor said: "It’s good to be back, but you have delayed so much time and training has doubled."

Mu Qianhui replied: "As long as the instructor does not dismiss me, it is absolutely no problem to double."

"You have this awareness." Zi teacher smiled.

As for how Mu Qianxi came back alive, he did not ask much. Everyone has a secret.

Ms. Qian said: "I still have one thing to report to you about the chaos of the three-clawed dragons in the chaotic mainland."

"The one mantra must use the blood of the phoenix family. The curse used not only the blood of a small ink and ink, but also the accomplice. Qing Aotian, when your brothers were present, did you want to give us a Explain?" Mu Qian's gaze flashed through the cold colors.

Qing Ao Tian anger said: "Mu Qianxi, you will ask me if you come back without evidence. I am also a victim, you can still come back alive, my brother is already dead under the hands of three claws."

"Is it you do, you know it."

Lan Nian left the road: "Zi instructor, I can testify. They played against us and used a spell."

This time, there was such a chaos in the chaotic mainland. Many people were injured and died. It turned out that some people cooperated with the sorrowful curse.

The purple teacher said: "Come to come, take the green and go to the trial."

Qing Aotian said: "The trial is on trial, you have no evidence, listen to their one-sided words, how can you take me?"

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