Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1676: Tooth for a tooth

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Chapter 1676 is a tooth for a tooth

Mu Qianxi sneered. "I have done too much. I am afraid Miss Ziyao does not know what they have done?"

Zi Yaodao: "I don't know what they did? But what I see with my own eyes is absolutely true. Mu girl, if you kill them, the whole Qingfeng family will never let you go, please think twice. ""

Mu Qian’s hand moved and took her Yanlong’s soul sword back.

She said: "Let's put it."

Qing Ao Tian sighed with relief and said to Zi Yao: "I am very grateful to Zi Yao for helping me. After I go out, I will definitely repay you."

Ziyue Yan said to Mu Qianxi: "I was afraid that a few of you were killed by Qing Aotian, and Xiaoye is still planning to shoot!

Chi Yan Xiaodao: "Who wants you to shoot, self-made goods."

Zi Yaodao: "Time is waiting for people, don't waste time here."

Qing Ao Tiandao: "Let's go!"

"Yes! Green boss!"

Just after Qing Aotian, they went far away, and Mu Qian suddenly swept away.

Ziyao angered: "Mu Qianxi, what are you going to do? It’s too much to put us in the eye!"

She thought that Mu Qianyi was going to kill them.

However, Mu Qianxi did not start, but dropped a medicine bottle in the air.

"Flowing rain!"


The bottles were broken and spilled from the air like rain.

Qing Aotian, they rushed to dodge, but the body still encountered this potion.

This medicine is colorless and tasteless. They don’t know what the water is.

Qing Ao Tiandao: "Mu Qianxi, what are you doing?"

"Just give you a present."

Qing Ao Tiandao: "Go!"

They quickly left, find a place to wash themselves and change clothes, so as not to have any trouble.

Mu Qianxi did not kill, Ziyao did not care about the amount, Ziyue said: "Hurry up!"

Mu Qian also said: "Go!"

Once again, they continued to move apart. Chi Yanxiao said: "Mu girl, I thought that the potion can poison them! Didn't think it was? What the **** is that?"

Mu Qian said: "Tooth-tooth, let them taste it, besieged by the spirit of the demon."

Chi Yanxiao said: "This is actually the case! Haha! They are waiting to die!"

After all, they are not the ones who refine the girl’s refining.

Even if Qing Aotian is careful, it still has no effect.


The souls of countless demons rushed toward them, as if they were unacceptable, and chased them!

"Green boss, what is going on here, how are these guys chasing us?"

"Green boss, help!"


In the end, they sacrificed all the life-saving treasures, after all, they could not escape the claws of these evil spirits.

"Mu Qianxi, it must be her! It must be that she counts me!"

At the end of the road, Qing Aotian shouted, and then drowned in the group of evil spirits.

After walking for a long time, they saw a depression.

Small ink ink and blue mind are in the abyss, feeling a strong blood force, and the pressure of the ancestor of the Phoenix family.

This power has attracted them down.

Mu Qian, the human beings, is naturally weaker, but Mu Qiang feels a strong atmosphere below.

Invincible looked in the arms of Mu Qianxi, and then said: "Master, it should be here! The core of the phoenix tomb."

Mu Qian said: "Go!"

"Be careful!"


A few figures swept past the depths of this sunken basin.

At the same time, on the other side, the Zifeng family also went down.

Zi Yaodao: "We finally found it, go!"


They also thought that this depth turned out to be a lake.

The traction of the blood, let them sneak into the depths of the lake.

And in this lake, they saw various treasures, artifacts...

Chi Yanxiao was a little excited, ready to run over and was directly dragged by Mu Qian.

The entire lake is full of treasures!

How much temptation to bear in this way?

Lan Nian and Mu Qianxi are very calm, although Chi Yanxiao is excited, but there is no rash action.

When they reached the end, when there was no treasure, a light wrapped them up and instantly disappeared at the bottom of the lake.

The people of the Zifeng family came down. Faced with these treasures, Zi Yao’s face was expressionless, and Zi Yue’s mouth was filled with a smile.

One of them sneaked in trying to touch an artifact. When he touched the artifact, the artifact was turned into nothingness, and he was directly expelled.

"Be careful! Don't touch the things here."

They were sent to a red-red palace, and a stone monument was placed on the gate of the palace.

It says "If you want to enter the Temple of the Phoenix, you must have a sense of death."

Mu Qiang, they still went in, and Mu Qian said: "There is no danger in this, what test! You must be careful."

"You too!"

After entering the Temple of the Phoenix, the three were directly isolated.

The horrible flame swept through, and Mu Qianqi waved the Yanlong sword, and the two flames collided in an instant.

"The water dragon is broken!"

The water element rushed out, and she caught the water in the sea of ​​fire, but it helped her a lot.

Mu Qiang plundered out. This is a sea of ​​fire. There is no marginal fire. No matter how long it takes, there is no end.

It seems that the only fate to enter here is to be burnt to ashes by flames.

Mu Qianxi is resistant to **** and looking for an exit, but it is useless.

Invincible proposal: "Master, let this little guy come out! There is no phoenix family, it is estimated that no matter how long you stay in the sea of ​​fire, the Phoenix God will not let you pass."

"But it is dangerous here!"

Xiao Momo said: "Master, I am not afraid! I will also spurt fire, I am not afraid of this fire! And there are masters."

The small ink and ink kept begging, Mu Qianji agreed to it, and then the small ink ink bathed in the sea of ​​fire, experiencing unimaginable pain.

As soon as Mu Qian’s face sinks, it can be seen that the fire of the Phoenix God is very useful for the small ink ink. Its congenitally deficient body has improved a lot after being tempered by the flame!

Bathing the fire of the Phoenix God, it is the test of the Phoenix God to the younger generation, but also a gift!

Mu Qianxi knows that she can't stop, so she can only take the remedy for small ink.

"Small ink, eat more! It won't hurt too much after eating."

When the small ink ink was washed and tempered by the flame of the Phoenix, they were experiencing the same test.

"Ah! I am going to die!" The red heart is called the heartbreaker!

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