Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1679: Suddenly propose

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Chapter 1679 Suddenly proposes marriage

Mu Qian said: "You see it, I don't have to deny it! You are right."

"I owe the Shuilong adults a favor, so I will give you a chance."

Mu Qianyi stunned, did not think of the peak circuit, let Fengshen loose mouth.

"Good! Thank you, Phoenix."

In an instant, the flame of the Phoenix God took Mu Qianxi away.

Mu Qianxi said to Lan Nian: "I still have something to do, and I will come back soon."

At this time, Mu Qianxi appeared in another corner of the Fengshen Temple. Looking at it was a hot pool of fire.

"You have the soul of the destiny, test your soul even if I can't do it, then test your body first."

Mu Qian said: "If I pass, then tell me, what do I want to know?"

"That will wait for you to go in and say it!"

"Master!" Little ink ink looked at the fire pool, it seems to be more powerful than the flame in the fire.

Mu Qian said: "No problem!"

She went in, and the little ink ink rushed in.

"Master! I will accompany you!"

In an instant, the flame burned the clothes of Mu Qian’s body for nothingness.

The physical strength of the horror, coupled with the protection of the water element, is a flame that does not help you.

Feng Shendao: "Retract the water element of the water dragon, you are cheating!"

Mu Qian said: "Good! I put it up!"

The flame of the horrible king broke out and began to suppress the flame.

"You... you cheated!"

"I always have to learn to adapt, I don't want to be burnt directly to ash."

From the very beginning, I needed the dragon's flame protector. Later, her body began to get familiar with the flame, and the defense began to weaken.

Mu Qianxi now has spare time to take care of the small ink ink next to it. The adaptability of the small ink is very strong, and this fire pool can't help it.

Mu Qianxi did not know how long it had been here, and after that she was free to swim in this fire pool.

"Hey!" When Mu Qiang was swimming, a familiar person suddenly rushed out of the water and hugged Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Nine nights, you are here!"


The fire element here is directly retreating when it touches nine nights, and does not dare to approach.

Nine nights stuck in the ear of Mu Qianxi: "It’s been a long time since I came here."

"It will be over soon. You are waiting outside, I am not good, not obedient!"

"If this monarch did not come, how can it..." Nine nights bowed, looking at Mu Qian.

Baptized by this fire pool, every inch of skin is tempting pink.

"So tempting, this gentleman can't see it."

Mu Qianzhen let the small ink ink go back to the space, and directly block this space for nine nights.

Even the remnant of the Phoenix God cannot peep into this half.

Feng Shendao: "Is the young people now so hot? I am really old."

Seeing that he had to catch him for nine nights, Mu Qianyi jumped out directly.

"I want to eat tofu, catch up with me!"

The flame of the king broke out and blessed the flame of the fire pool, blocking nine nights.

However, the nine-night monarch rushed out of the hegemony, directly smashing these blocks and smoothly holding the beauty.

The flames of the fire pool burned extremely vigorously, and the flames in the body of the phoenix were more vigorous.


The phoenix is ​​in a hurry, this little girl is arrogant!

The bottom card is one after another, so that this fire pool can not help her, even if it is.

Too much more, she also recruited her lover to play here and bully him as a lonely old man.

Jiuye took Mu Qianxi out of the fire pool. The space was full of clothes he picked for, and he took out one piece and put it on her, and opened the blockade.

Mu Qianxi was a little tired at this time, but did not forget the business.

"Feng Shen adults, this level, I am not over."

Phoenix is ​​on the head! But now I can't get it.

"Yes! You have passed, you are strong! It is the soul of the destiny."

"So, can you tell me that one of the three copies of the Mantra is not here?" asked Muqian.

"This...this, how do you want me to answer you..."

"Say!" The nine-night cold road.

In an instant, the power of oppression broke out, with the power of dark curses, which made the Phoenix gods stunned.

"You...you have this thing on your body, it's too dangerous!"

Mu Qian said: "Feng Shen adults, you also see it, I have to get the Wan Manu Daquan."

"You are the soul of the destiny. Even if you get the curse, you won't be guilty of sin and sin, so I will tell you! Wan Man Daquan, not me! You get the fake that I got out, not Did you recognize it soon?" Feng Shendao.

Phoenix nine nights cold channel: "What are you talking about? If it is a fake, the curse of this prince will come to the Phoenix family in the first time, and the consequences, you must be very clear."

Even if the Phoenix God has fallen for hundreds of millions of years, it has been shackled by this kid.

This threat is enough!

"My family's commitment is very important, but I will not be joking about the survival of my family. It is convenient to be here, not here."

Mu Qian said: "Since Feng Shen adults say so, then I believe in you."

"I still have one thing, I want to ask the Fengshen adults to help! I will not die."

"Little girl, your appetite is not small! An opening, it will be my most precious thing, but you are not a phoenix family, there is a king of inflammation, you can not use it without dying."

"I can!" Xiaomo ink ran out.

"You are not a little bit..." Feng Shendao.

"It's the last thing I did for the Phoenix family! Come with me, if you can pass the test, then you can get my inheritance."

Xiao Momo said: "Thank you for the Phoenix God, I will cheer."

"Can I accompany it?" asked Mu Qian.

"Little girl, you will stay here and love your little lover! This little guy is the child of my phoenix family. Even if it is small, you should let it learn to be alone. Don't worry! Even if it fails, this The child is also injured at most, and the adults can do nothing to kill the dead and the young."

"That little ink will bother you."

Feng Shen took the little ink ink away, and Mu Qian and nine nights are waiting here.

Mu Qianxi said: "Nine nights, there are no sacred tombs and phoenix tombs, so only the last place is the sacred tomb of the phoenix. If there is no burial tomb in the phoenix, I am afraid that I will find a needle in the haystack."

Nine nights back: "Don't worry! Excluding these two, there is a great possibility that the sacred tomb of the phoenix has a curse."

"When the curse is lifted, the king will marry you. You will marry the lord, right?" In this red-red hall, the pair of ice-blue scorpions looked at the endless depth with an endless affection. .

Mu Qianqi's heartbeat did not speed up regularly, and this guy turned out to be a guise in the nine nights.

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