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Chapter 1684 is tired

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The Queen of Blue Phoenix, you actually made a mistake. My main business is a refining pharmacist! I have nothing to do with the cursing family. I know that the spell is learned by chance."

how is this possible?

The Queen of the Blue Phoenix is ​​very strange. The curse is only a meeting of the cursers. Because of their particularity of blood and spiritual power, outsiders can't learn anything.

Lan Nian left the road: "Mother, father, I believe that the girl said is true."

The world is big, no wonder, not everything is absolute.

Mu Qian said: "I know the things of the curse, please keep it secret!"

"This is nature! The girl is our benefactor, and we will never do anything that is dangerous to the benefactor."

If the people of the cursing family know that there is a young but powerful curse, it is estimated that the cursing family will blow up the pot.

"Yu Daren can recover after a few days of rest." Mu Qianxi smiled.

"If you are grateful, you won't say much. If there is anything that Mu's girl needs, Yu is absolutely obliged." Yu Da humanity.

"At the time, I will not be polite!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Queen of the Blue Phoenix said: "From the child, hurry to send the girl to rest! Mu girl is working hard!"

When only a thousand people are alone, Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, I helped people to lift a curse! But what I am most looking forward to is to remove the curse from you."

Nine nights hugged Mu Qiandao: "This is also very much looking forward to!"

The ice-blue scorpion became hot when he looked at Mu Qian.

What Muqin expects is nine nights of good health. Obviously this guy is expecting something that is extremely unhealthy.

Mu Qiang gave her a blank look and said: "Nine nights, you said that I have to lift some curses and practice my hands! After all, I have not cursed many curses."

Even if she has the curse of the curse, the experience of the old patriarch of the curse, the powerful soul, and the unique soul of the gods.

However, some of them, Mu Qianxi will not be complacent, because this is about the life of his favorite person, and must not be taken lightly.

Lifting the curse is like treating a sick person in her opinion. Practice makes perfect!

"There are very few people who have cursed in the Quartet in the Quartet, but there should be some in the Phoenix world! After all, the curse of the Phoenix World is very embarrassing in order to get the Mantra, so..."

"If you want to do something, do it! No one dares to hurt you, but don't let yourself be too tired."

Mu Qian said: "The only person who can make this ghost doctor tired is only the number one patient! Others can not have this ability."

Nine nights, the corner of the mouth slightly picked up, said: "Then I have to work hard tonight!"

"No... oh..."

On the second day, the body of Yu Daren recovered a lot. In order to prevent the cursed family from once again, the Queen of Blue Phoenix blocked this news.

And Mu Qianyi went to find Lan Nian and told her about her intentions.

"Mu girl, are you sure you want to do this? You will definitely become a curse in the eyes of the cursing family, stabbed in the flesh."

Mu Qian said: "Don't look at the curse of Yu Daren's release. It's very easy. In fact, I am just a raw hand. I need to accumulate some experience! Because I will release a strong curse without much certainty soon."

"But this practice plan is too risky!"

"Reassured, I have a measure!"

"If the person of the curse is crazy, I am afraid that even the adults of Mei can't stop." Lan Nian is still worried.

"If they come to the door to die, I am willing to send them to hell!" Mu Qianxuan flashed a cold light.

Lan Nian knew that Mu Qiang had made up his mind and did not stop.

"I am going to talk to my mother."

After the Queen of Blue Phoenix and Yu Daren learned of this news, they excitedly said: "Mu girl, I will thank you for the shot of the Phoenix family."

"After that great war, the cursed family became an accomplice of the Protoss! In recent years, many of our predecessors have been secretly handcuffed by them. Some have fallen, and some are struggling. They also control several major royalties. They have used a lot of means for them."

If you can really let those people not be tortured by the curse, their phoenix may not have to be crushed.

Mu Qian said: "If the blue phoenix helps me, maybe you will be hurt."

"The curse of Yu's body has been lifted, and I have nothing to fear! Although our Phoenix family has been suppressed, all kinds of helplessness, but we have the blood of ancient phoenix beasts, and we are absolutely not willing to let our younger generations not see a little future. "The Queen of Blue Phoenix clenched her fist.

"Thank you for the help of the Queen! You can use your means to secretly say that there is a ghost doctor who can help them lift the curse. But this is equal to the restoration of Yu Daren."

The Queen of Blue Phoenix is ​​also somewhat worried. Yu Dasheng said: "No problem! I am not afraid of them!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The Queen does not have to worry, I will study a curse, as long as the soul of the other party is not as good as me, it will not be able to cast a curse."

This is also recorded in the things left by the old patriarch of the cursing family.

The Queen of Blue Phoenix said: "Can that also let the night be a defense, I... I am really scared!"

The terrible curse has made her live the fearful days for so many years. She does not want her relatives to have another accident.

Mu Qian said: "No problem! I will also prepare for the Queen."

This thing is not difficult. As long as the soul is strong enough and the defense is done, the Queen of the Lanhuang family also announced that his husband has recovered.

The Queen of Blue Phoenix held a high-profile dinner, and then showed a love, which caused an uproar in the Phoenix world.

"The curse of Yu Daren is actually lifted! Check it out for me! See which traitor dared not ask for help to relieve the curse of Yu Daren, mad at me!" The curse of the family was furious.

After all, Yu Daren is an important **** for them to control the Blue Phoenix family.

Even the king of God was a little shocked. "Oh! This happened! It seems that there is something wrong inside the cursing family. Since Yu’s body has recovered, let him come over."

Yu Daren is also one of the seven strong men under the throne of God. He had a dispute because of disagreement.

In addition, the curse of his cursed family became a waste man. The king of God directly abandoned him. Now he saw that he recovered, and he saw the value of use in him.

"Yes! Let's go and ask Yu Daren to come over!"

There are still people who are swearing with the blue phoenix to inquire about the sacred person who helped the sullen adult to cure the disease. The blue phoenix replied: "The tall man, named ghost doctor."

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