Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1694: It is my fault

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Chapter 1694 is that I am not good.

In order not to let Mu Qianxi continue to fight against him, the phoenix nine nights more and more screaming for thousands of miles.

Perhaps it is the influence of the spell, so that Mu Qianxuan was tossed and almost wants to bite this.

After nine nights, I said to leave for a while, and then, according to the moment of the loose, I went to the place where the phoenix tomb was located.

Must find it quickly, quick fix!

Mu Qiang finally recovered his spirit. Crystal Ying said: "You don't have to worry too much. You can only find it here in nine nights. Otherwise, you may not be able to find the cemetery of the phoenix if you can't control it again."

"He is very strong and can let our eternal artifacts admire his strong people. From the creation of the world, there are no more than three people, you must believe him."

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Yeah!"

Mo Liu mad was locked in the dungeon, and no water and no water to drink would collapse.

No one will punish him, no one will judge him!

Finally waiting for the outside to move, the door was opened, he said: "Mu Qianxi, are you coming to kill me?"

Mu Qian said: "Don't dream, you won't die so happy."

Mu Qiang keeps people around and no one can get close.

She went in and said: "Mo Liu crazy, you let others use a spell to deal with a child, do not know if you have tried the charm of the spell. Do you want to taste?"

Is the spell you want to try? They have no cursers in the mainland.

At this time, Mu Qianzhen acted.

There is no way to worry about nine nights now. What she can do now is to do better things she can do.

For example, the control of the spell.

The spell was practiced many times, but the mantra was not tried several times.

If you want to get through the Wan Mang Daquan, then you have to.

Today, Mo Liu crazy is sent to the door to let her practice.

Soon, Moliu felt the power of the familiar curse, and he said with amazement: "You...you are a curse."

Mu Qianxi did not answer him, but he had a first manuscript in the volume of the Mantra, and a simple mantra in the volume preserved by the Dragon.

Mu Qian said: "Mu Liu mad, in fact, I don't want to cast spells, and I don't want to use curses to harm people!"

Compared to this mantra, the most convenient thing she used was definitely a pharmacy. She was very familiar with her life and her life.

"But! For some reason, I have to understand the spells well, so take your hands."

"Ah, no!"

"Let me go! You are not a human."


Curse, curse, endless reincarnation.

Mo Liu mad was tortured to survive, not to die, but also saw the rise of a perverted curse.

One day, one difficulty, the progress is fast.

If this kind of ability is in the cursed family, it will not be a hundred years, and no one in the entire curse will be his opponent.

What kind of metamorphosis did he offend?

Mo Liu crazy once again fainted.

The dragon's volume was finished, and the volume of the Qilins was tested and it was about to be studied.

Finally, the Phoenix family is left.

After the end, the ink will be crazy, crazy and stupid.

Mu Qiang left the dungeon and said: "Tell the ink king, let the ink king dispose of it!"


After the study of Mu Qianxi, the nine nights came back.

He saw the tiredness of Mu Qiang's body, even if it was the soul of the destiny that was favored by heaven and earth, the consumption of soul power could not stand it.

I was angry nine nights, but after I was angry, I was distressed, then...

Nine nights hugged Mu Qian said: "Hey, I am not good!"

Mu Qian said: "Blue is missing from the news, and there is a lot of delay on the other side."

"Not allowed! Take a break!"

"It’s the same way to go to the other side!"


"If I must?" Mu Qianqiang said.

Nine nights whispered: "If you must go, Benjun will tie you and let you rest! Instantly cook yourself and feed you personally..."

Mu Qiang feels like a blue sky, she angered: "Golden nine nights, you are more and more sorrowful! Counting you hate, I admit defeat! Not to wait for the rest of the family!"

"Follow!" The nine-night corner of the mouth slightly picked up.

The nine-night monarch's meticulous caregivers, in addition to being unable to take care of eating, the other is all-inclusive.

In addition, there are a lot of elixir in Mu Qianxi, and there are enough elixir preparations to cure.

Mu Qian said: "This can be passed!"


"Is there any news in the phoenix tomb?" asked Mu Qianxi.

"There has been news, and the Protoss and the cursed family have also discovered it. Now they are looking for it. It is estimated that it will not take much time."

"Then I have to hurry and practice!"

Mu Qianxi returned to the blue phoenix continent, and Lan Nian left the road: "Mu girl, you have more people to ask for treatment! And I did not think that the curse family secretly gave poisonous hands to so many of my phoenix people. No wonder our Phoenix family will be worse than a day."

Mu Qian said: "Continue to pick up the task, you can come three people a day."

Throughout the thorough analysis of the two volumes of Wan Man Daquan, Mu Qiang's strength has also improved a lot.

Going to the light wing college, the class has not fallen, the memory of the beast family is very good, as long as the heart, then a large volume of a large volume of elixir books is actually very fast.

Then Mu Qiang guided the alchemy, and the result was an accident...


One by one, all of them are frying, and Ms. Qian said: "Come again!"

The result is still the same, and some of the students are very disappointed.

"Teacher! It seems that our Phoenix family really does not have that talent to become an alchemy teacher."

Mu Qianxuan thought, what is going on here?

Mu Qian said: "Blue key, you come over!"

"Open your soul, let go of your power, don't resist me..."


Mu Qianyi looked at it and the brow was locked.

It turned out to be the case!

Their soul and spiritual powers are accompanied by a force that repels the power of medicine, which makes them unable to succeed.

The voice of Crystal Ying came, "This is the balance of heaven!"

"The beasts of the beasts originally left, so other capabilities are limited."

Mu Qian said: "This restriction can't be broken?"

"Can you break it, don't you think of it?"

"The body is transforming, changing their bodies, their races, big projects, I can't do it alone, unless I wake up all my life! But I can do it, and no one wants to abandon their roots!"

"So, this is a question without a solution!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "But I will not give up easily."

Mu Qianxi looked at them and said: "Yes, the Phoenix family has no alchemy talent."

Their darkness is dark, is it destined to do this?

Mu Qian said: "But there is no alchemy talent, it does not mean that there is no way to become a refining pharmacist! What a refining pharmacist can do is not just an alchemy!"

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