Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1697: Sea of ​​gold mine

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Chapter 1697 The Sea of ​​Jin Lei

This is not a night, the Eight Princes feel that the goods sent to the door are uninteresting.

He patted the clap: "If people are still in the purple phoenix, they will take me over. The prince has no openings, you don't know what to do?"

"Yes! Hachioji."

A group of shadows sneaked in quietly, and opened their eyes nine nights.

In an instant, some people disappeared without a trace. In the night, Mu Qiang was held in his arms and closed his eyes slightly.

Nine nights did not have traces, but the next day, Mu Qiang still found out.

"Is someone coming over last night?"


"Today returns to the Blue Phoenix mainland."

Hachioji waited for a long time without news, knowing that he heard the news that Mu Qianyi went back to Lanhuang.

"Failed! How can my people fail?"

"Don't the Mei people secretly arrange a master to protect her, Mei Daren actually valued that little girl."

"The prince will never let her slip away, go, go to the blue phoenix continent!"

"Yes! Hachioji!"

Mu Qianxi learned that the Eight Princes had come, and the guy who was a ghost.

She felt that the patience of the nine nights was almost reached the limit, and she might have killed the **** prince who was looking for death.

Ms. Qian said: "I am going to find Lei Ba!"

Lei Ba has been waiting for Mu Qian, he saw that Mu Qianji came to the excitement: "Ghost doctor, you are here!"

"Can I go to the sea of ​​Jinlei now?"

"absolutely okay!"

Helping people to lift the curse and practice their hands is almost the same. After finding the sacred tomb of the phoenix, it is not bad to upgrade the strength.

There is also the escape of the Eight Princes who are looking for death!

So Mu Qianxi followed Lei Ba to the Leihuang mainland, and Mu Qian’s disappeared like a void, making the Eight Princes very angry.

"A group of waste, can't find a person!"

"Do you raise what you eat!"


At this time, someone came to report: "Hachioji, the king of the king is about to find the sacred tomb of the phoenix, and you have to enter the opportunity to find the opportunity. So the king of God will let you hurry to retreat, don't mess around, and increase the strength."

Hachioji said: "There is ice in it, what do I need to cultivate? Who can get me."

"This is the command of the King of God. He said that if you don't do it, he will send you to the realm."

This can't be done!

His cultivation of talent among his brothers is the existence of the bottom. In the Phoenix world, he can be a crown prince.

But when you go back to the realm of the gods, you can only be the mud that is stepped on your feet.

"I will go back immediately! When the father gets the baby, I will give it to me. I will give it to me. The people of Mei Daren will also take it. Why should I let myself?"

The news that the phoenix tomb is about to open is spread throughout the upper level of the Protoss. The retreat of the retreat, the training of the training, must not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Lei Pa adults!"

"I have seen Lei Ba!"


Lei Ba’s adult was very domineering and went directly to the Leihuang Royal Palace. He waved his hand: “I want to see you!”

"Lei Pa adults, please here!"

They respectfully invited Lei Ba in the past. The king of Lei Huang’s family had a national face. He saw Lei Ba’s eyebrows smile and said: “Lei Ba Daren, I heard that you have recovered, but you have never seen it. You, now you finally come to see me."

Lei Ba puts a hand in his hand: "Okay! I just want to do one thing for you today! Open the sea of ​​Jinlei, I want to send someone to go in."

Lei Ba is not at all polite.

"Give a person in, it's this little guy."

Lei Wang noticed that Mu Qiang was a very strange boy, not their people, nor humans!

Lei Ba replies: "Yes!"

"Since it is the request of Lei Ba adults, I naturally will not refuse! Just the guy of Lei Ming also wants to go to the sea of ​​Jin Lei." Lei Wangdao.

"That little broken child is going to Jinlei's sea to practice, Lei Wang, are you too anxious?" Lei overbearing.

Lei Ming is the son of Lei Wang, and is also the most talented child of Lei Huang.

If he had not cursed the curse, he wanted to accept him as a disciple.

"The phoenix burial tomb is likely to be dug up by the Protoss. The younger generation must seize the opportunity. Although it is a luxury, if it can benefit from the phoenix tomb, my family may not have to sigh." Lei Wang sighed. .

Lei Ba replied: "Good! Then go together. Let the kid not be unreasonable to this adult."

Mu Qianxi said that he should not tell his identity to others. He is still afraid that someone will offend the ghost doctor.

Lei Ba called it an adult and let Lei Wang live. The young man’s identity is not ordinary.

"The sea of ​​Jin Lei, open tomorrow! Lei Ba adults come, but I have to drink a few cups with me!"

"Ha ha ha! That is certain, you old boy should not be too stingy."

"I dare to be stingy to Lei Ba, or you will not overturn my palace."

Lei Ba has a good relationship with Lei Wang, and Mu Qian has not bothered.

Ms. Qian said: "I will not have anything to go to the sea of ​​Jinlei. I can run some things! You are looking for a phoenix tomb in the night. Even the Leihuang family knows it. It seems that it is from the sacred tomb of the Phoenix. It’s not far off.”


The next day, Lei Ba came to inform Mu Qianxi, and there was a tall, burly black man with him.

The burly tall and not bloated, the five-dimensional three-dimensional, it is a very manly macho.

Lei Ming looked at the thousands of words: "You are the partner who went in with me, rest assured, the brother will cover you."

He raised his hand and prepared to press on the shoulder of Mu Qian, and was stopped by Lei Ba.

"Yesterday, you have forgotten to tell you, you have to be polite to the adults, don't know how to measure."

"Adult? This little brother looks so beautiful, definitely not accounting for so much."

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly twitching. Is there a direct connection?

They went to the forbidden land of the Leihuang family. Lei Wang was ready. He opened a passage: "Go in! Time is half a month. If you can't support it, don't force it, hurry up!"

Lei Mingdao: "Okay! Ok! You have said this for countless times, I know."

Mu Qianxi nodded slightly, "Well!"

They both figured and plunged into the sea of ​​Jin Lei.

Looking around, it is a large golden ocean, a large piece of gold, extremely dazzling.

In this golden sea, suddenly the golden lightning from the sky shrouded them.


Lei Ming turned into a huge body with the fastest speed, and the silver lightning covered him.

As a result, he saw that Mu Qianxi was unaware of the golden thunder and shouted: "Be careful!"

"The strong metamorphosis of the lightning in the sea of ​​Jinlei is completely different from the ones outside. It is too dangerous to catch you without any precautions."

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