Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1699: Sacred thunder emperor

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Chapter 1699 Divine Real

This Ray Warcraft's body is a self-contained minefield.

"Booming!" The power of lightning here is stronger than the outside.

"Hey!" I feel that the body has been reorganized again and again, and then assembled again and again. This feeling is something that no one can afford.

Mu Qianyu is here to find the strongest source of lightning power. Only by solving the problem, Lei Warcraft lost its power and she was able to escape.

"I won't really be eaten!" Lei Ming stayed outside and desperately fled.

He wants to rush into the body of this Thunder Warcraft, to see how it is? But can't do it!

This is not the way to find it. When the body adapts to the power of lightning inside, Mu Qianqi began to attack in the body of this guy.

"Shu Luo annihilated!"

"Ice Dragons!"

"Sirlo India!"

"Booming!" The horrible explosion came out of the body of Ray Warcraft.

Although this attack did not cause much damage to it, it made Lei Warcraft somewhat annoyed.


Ray Warcraft was angered by the human beings who were in the middle of the body, so that the thunder that was being chased and killed was an attack.

Lei Ming was shocked. "There is movement, it's great! She... she's fine."

Lei Ming was so excited that he saw that Ray Warcraft had to go away.

"Rumble!" In the body, angered its envy, and Ray Warcraft could not attack it.

Can't attack, but it can make the lightning in the body stronger and stronger.

All creatures entered the body of Ray Warcraft and were already smashed into gray. He did not expect to encounter a million-year-old who practiced a special sculpt.

Mu Qiang has been persisting in it for a long time, and Ray Warcraft is becoming more and more mad.

Thunder sounded in a burst, and Mu Qiann fainted in the body of Lei Ming beast several times, and the water crystal Ying helped her to come over.

"Hey, don't look for it, I will send you out!" The voice of Crystal Ying came.

"There is a coming in, and you must solve the problem."

Crystal Ying has some helplessness, she replied: "Hey, let us accompany you."

Lei Ming has been very worried about Mu Qian, but when he heard that there was some movement from the body of the Warcraft, he was relieved.

She must be fine!

In the body of the ridiculously ridiculous Thunder World of Warcraft, Mu Qian's adaptation is getting better and better.

Finally found the source of this lightning power, getting closer and closer, getting closer.


When Mu Qianxi was about to approach the source of the power, a lightning barrier directly blasted Mu Qian.


The thunder and lightning attacks here have come one after another, and there is no chance to breathe.

Mu Qianzhen mobilized the power of all space elements to dodge, Ray Warcraft is the most powerful and most vulnerable place, and can protect itself.

The color of the figure slid in the air and sneaked away, and Mu Qian tried to hide his breath and approached with a serpentine footwork.

She saw a dark heart beating, surrounded by a silver-like grid of spider silk.

"Hey!" blocked the attack of countless lightning, and Mu Qian seized the heart.

The spiritual power of the fire broke out. At this moment, the heart was burned, and only the black spar with the nails was left.

Lei Ming waited for a long time outside and found that there was no movement inside.

His heart is awkward, will not be an accident?


The horrible Thunder Warcraft made a screaming scream, and the momentum of the whole body was weakened a moment, and its body began to become transparent.

Lei Ming was very excited. "Successful? Is this successful?"


A group of fires burned the already-transparent Ray Warcraft, and a purple figure rushed out of its body.

"Hey!" In the flames, a purple figure swept out.

Mu Qianxi looked at Lei Mingdao: "After waiting for a long time?"

Lei Ming was shocked to see Mu Qianxi, said: "Not long after, you are too powerful? How do you do it? God!"

"I admire you..."

Only not excited enough, once again in the sky, the dense thunder and lightning, this completely nowhere to hide, completely hard resistance?

Lei Ming exclaimed: "I want to die to die! Is this the punishment to kill Lei Ming beast? This is too ferocious! Help!"

Killing a Thunder of Warcraft, the result is an unprecedented crisis.

This time, it is estimated that it is really necessary to crystallize.

As a result, although some of these guys were numerous, they did not reach them.

In this thunder, a big laugh came.

"Ha ha ha!"

"You two little guys, very fun, I like it!"

Lei Ming was surprised: "Is there anyone here?"

Mu Qianxi said: "This voice, how come so familiar?"

Sure enough, this person said again: "Small girl, we met again, are you very happy?"

"You saw that I was happy at that point." Mu Qianxi faint.

"You...you are not happy, don't you expect your refining three thousand Leifa to improve again? Otherwise, what are you doing here?"

"Do you have a way?"

"Of course."

"Then please ask the seniors to give more guidance."

"What seniors, I want to be angry, call the master."

"I don't even know who you are. I want to be a teacher. It is impossible." Mu Qianxi directly refused.

"Little girl, don't you just want to know the identity of the emperor? I told you that it is, I am the Emperor of Lei Di." The man replied.

Who is this?

Mu Qianzhen really doesn't know.

However, Lei Ming was shocked. "Leidi, you said that you are the Emperor Lei Di."

Emperor Leidi, that is the one who exists in the ancient books of their Leihuang family.

He is the owner of the strongest power of lightning and is one of the great gods of the gods.

"Of course, little guys! Is it shaking with excitement?"

Lei Ming is excited, and Mu Qian is still calm.

"You little girl."

"I already know your identity, but I still don't plan to apprentice! You don't tell me if you don't tell me, I don't tell me, I will explore for myself."

Lei Mingdao: "This is one of the great gods of Lei Di, one of the great gods of the gods. He is the strongest leader of lightning elements. You...you don't want to worship him as a teacher."

"I am not a Ray Elemental Master!" Mu Qianhui replied.

"Not at all!" Lei Ming was anxious.

"The deity is not the kind of pedantic person. It must be a spiritual element. It is appropriate."

Mu Qian said: "I don't plan to go to the teacher for the time being, you can play while you are old! Don't bother us here."

Lei Di is in a hurry, this is a dead girl.

Three thousand Leifa, this refining method has given her a lot of benefits, but the last time it was inexplicably dragged by this guy to be the Thunder's account, Mu Qianji still remembers.

"Good! You are so embarrassed, the deity can't help you! Tell you how to do it, and eat the crystal in the heart of the Thunder Warcraft you got, you can take it to the next level," Lei Di Road.

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