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Chapter 1708, try it out

"Oh!", finally defeated a large Yanhuang army. In this case, the Yanhuang Army has no possibility of turning over.

"Oh! It's amazing, it's been boring for so long, it's finally something interesting, this is a reward for you."

The man on the throne has disappeared and left a book alone.

After a wave of nine nights, the book fell into the hands of Phoenix without night.

Very heavy!

Of course, this book is not made of paper, but made of a crystal, the words on it are carved.

Written above, the Phoenix God Book.

Lei Mingdao: "God! This is the military book written by the Phoenix God! It's great."


Phoenix seems to be addicted to them, barely opening a door, and he has a big gift waiting for them.

Once again, the confrontation is a volume of books.

Mu Qian couldn't help but vomit. "You can't give a little practical benefit, such as millions of years of elixir? It's all books."

"Hehehe!" Phoenix God just smiled and did not answer.

This aerial tomb seems to be unable to find the end.

At this time, Mu Qianxi actually encountered a group of people who did not want to see.

"Mu Qianxi, you are here."

"How can this little girl come here? The cat has run into a dead mouse!"


The coming people are the patriarchs of the Qingfeng family. When they entered here, the king of God allowed them to act separately.

The Qingfeng patriarch was also separated, and did not expect to encounter Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi said: "Who thought it was? It turned out to be the Qingfeng patriarch, you actually came here, it seems that your thigh is holding a good!"

Qingfeng clan long cold channel: "Mu Qianxi, here is the cemetery of Huangshen, Mei Daren is not here, I killed you, no one will know. You killed my two sons, I have endured you for a long time. It is."

Nowadays, such a rare opportunity for revenge, the Qing patriarch will never let go.

Lei Ming angered: "You can't point your face to this old thing! It's a lot of age, you are going to bully a little girl."

"The boy of the Leihuang family, since you are there, then I can't stay alive and kill together! I have long seen you are unhappy." The Qingfeng chieftain was stunned.

Nine nights blocked in front of Mu Qianxi, cold voice: "Do you dare to try?"

The momentum of the nine nights was a little scary, not to mention a terrible mask.

The Qingfeng patriarch is squatting with his own people, and his courage is naturally big.

He looked at Mu Qian and said: "I didn't think that Mei Daren was quite concerned about you. He even sent a man to protect you. It seems that he is extraordinarily valued you."

"However, if you don't really think that he is alone, you can deal with us."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I am so naive, I don't need a lot of people to protect, I just want him to be alone. He can pinch you with just a finger, you can try it!"

"You..." Mu Qian’s contemptuous attitude caused the Qingfeng clan to be angry.

"It's not easy to get outside. Now there is no one else. If you take the initiative to come to the door, then I don't have to be polite."

"Out of mouth, mad, look for death!"

The Qingfeng patriarch attacked and attacked, and Qian Qianxi retired and moved forward nine nights.

"Boom!" came a loud noise, Lei Ming said: "I will also help!"

He was dragged by Mu Qian, "If you don't want to be killed by nine nights, you can move forward."

"Hey!" This fight, the Qingfeng family vomiting blood.

In an instant, the people around fell to the ground.

These are all masters of their Qingfeng family, but they are so vulnerable.

When they fell, their bodies were swallowed up by a terrible force, and a face turned directly into a beggar.

"Ah!" Lei Ming was shocked.

"This... so ferocious!"

Before fighting with the Yanhuang Army, he knew that this black man was very strong, but there was no such shock at the moment of the white bone.

The Qingfeng patriarch’s legs are shaking. “You...what are you? How can you be the master of Mei Daren, even if it’s a plum, it’s definitely not so powerful.”

The pair of ice-blue scorpions, with the temperature that is not human, looks at the Qingfeng patriarch and looks like a dead person.

"Hey!" The Qingfeng patriarch began to vomit blood, and the whole person was like a dead fish lying on the ground.

Others are more comfortable than him, and the death is still very happy.

"Adults are forgiving! Raise me!" Qingfeng chief mourned.

"When you have a mental heart that is going to be scarred, it is destined to disappear completely." Nine nights came with a sound of killing, and the murderous gas made the young chief stun.

"Hey!" He vomited blood directly.

In an instant, the people in front of the eyes became even more terrible, and the pair of ice-blue scorpions seemed to become the color of the deep sea of ​​hell.

Lei Ming was soaked in the back, and it was terrible!

"Nine nights!" Mu Qianyi found out that he wanted to rush out in the first time. Lei Ming was shocked: "Millennium, don't approach him! Don't!"

It seems that there is a beast that destroys the earth and the earth, and it must not be close. Once it is close, it will be swallowed.

This is the instinct of Lei Ming as a phoenix beast, this kind of intuition is very accurate!

"Hey!" Mu Qiang hugged for nine nights from behind, and gave two shots for nine nights. The pair of donkeys did not change back.

"Hey!" He kicked the Qing patriarch and turned around to hug Mu Qian, holding it tight.

The seal of the Phoenix God was unstable, and the breath of the Manchu Daquan leaked out. This happened only nine nights.

Mu Qian said: "From now on, no power is allowed."

Nine nights did not answer, just hold Mu Qianqi tighter as an answer.

"We are in the past!"

Nine nights nodded: "Well!"

Just as they planned to leave, the Qingfeng patriarch shot.

"Mu Qianxi, you give me to die!"

Knowing that this man can't do it, what is he afraid of? Kill and run again!

The nine-night instinct wants to start, but it is pushed away by Mu Qian.

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi directly caught the attack of the Qingfeng patriarch and was safe and sound.

Mu Qianxi shook his head helplessly: "The Qingfeng patriarch, who was hurt like this, still wants to take revenge. I could have been screaming, but I didn't think you were looking for a dead end, then I can fulfill you!"

" are you going to be okay?" The face of the Qingfeng patriarch was shocked.

Yan Longjian out, Mu Qianzhen plundered the Qing patriarch.


Mu Qian’s attack was violent and bloodthirsty, showing that she does not have much patience now.

One stroke and one style are all attacks of fate.

"Hey!" The Qingfeng patriarch was forced to retreat and retreat. Even if he was seriously injured, he would not be forced to a point by a little girl!

However, Mu Qiang did it, **** it!

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