Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1722: Must be annihilated

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Chapter 1722 will be destroyed

The Leihuang family, the strongest of the major elements of the royal family.

Once the Leihuang family is finished, their phoenix family will also arrive at the end.

"Ice, I am fighting with you!"

The Lei Huang patriarch originally wanted to secretly send away Lei Ming and send away the younger generation of the family.

Even if defeated, it can preserve the blood of the Leihuang family.

However, when Lei Ming escorted them to escape, they met the ice.

Because it is an equal contract, the death of the Eight Princes did not cause too much damage to the ice, but his strength has taken it to the next level.

Ice cold channel: "You are not my opponent, you will die, not just fine!"

The chill is spreading, and it is extremely rampant!


Lei Ming was seriously injured by the ice, and the soldiers of the Leihuang family could not stand up.

"Boom!" Purple is besieged by several great protoss strong and cursed people, and there are countless scars on his body.

"The ancient beast, its blood can cast a lot of spells, must be caught."

"The big man said that the last lesson of killing the Kirin family has made us realize this."

Purple chills: "I see you are daydreaming, want to pack me!"


Chrysanthemum entangled Mei Daren, he smiled and said: "Mei Daren, betrayed the King of God, you must regret it now! His Highness of the Nine Nights is just a mournful dog, and there is nothing to trust."

Mei’s eyes are cold, "You give me a stop!"


In this battle, the Protoss, like the original, are about to win.

Suddenly, the entire sky was dark.

It is not the dark clouds that cover the sun, but the power of darkness that hangs over the entire sky.

Everyone was shocked. "This is the power of darkness! How does the Phoenix World have such a strong dark power?"

"This power of darkness is very much like the power of a nine-night adult, not right, not..."

"Hey!" A black shadow flashed.

"Dare to commit me to the Phoenix family, you will be annihilated!"

In an instant, the darkness does not die, and Fengyan, falling from the sky, rushed to the enemies of the Phoenix family and traitors.

They finally saw it clearly. There was an ink-colored phoenix in the air, at least reaching the level of the beast.

It looks like a phoenix, but the terrible power does not make people think she is a phoenix.

The Lei Huang chief stunned. "This guy... will not be the mysterious dark phoenix!"

"Dark phoenix, the phoenix family's big killing star, is also a terrible strongman."

With a strong helper, they are also happy.

However, Mo Huang looked at the guy in the air and was directly shocked.

The connection of the blood makes it feel inductive, that is his little granddaughter!

His little granddaughter turned into a dark phoenix. What the **** is going on?

"Booming!" Little ink ink joined the battle.

The same level of the beast is not its opponent, it rushed to the side of the ink king, fighting with him.

Just as the Tooth Raiders attacked the Purple Curse, a black figure suddenly appeared on the purple secluded body.

"Hey!" One curse, was reversed back!

The tooth man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the nine-night trembling road without a mask: "Nine-night, your temple... How is it possible?"

The change caused by the Mantra and the Strongest Dark Curse is something that no one can afford, but now the Highness of the Nine Nights is now standing here with no respect.

Purple and excited said: "Night, you guys finally came."

Nine nights cold channel: "kill!"

"it is good!"

Seeing nine nights, they are scared!

Tooth humanity: "Hands! Nothing to fear! He is in this state, to extract most of the power to suppress that curse, the strength is not high, there is no jealous! Hands!"

Purple smiled and said: "Night is the full force, it is more than enough to deal with some of your dog things."


"Rumble!" Nine nights and purple secluded with a few strong players in the air, and Mu Qian also reached the lineup of Lei Huang.

The blue-eyed **** king was shocked and looked at Mu Qian’s words: "You... are you still alive?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I am not only alive, but also take your dog's life."

"Ha ha ha! This is a joke. Do you think that you alone can save them? Dreaming?"

Behind the Blue Dragon King is a large army.

On their side, they are already some of the wounded and sick, and which side is the strongest, very obvious.

Ink King sighed: "Thousands of hoes, you shouldn't come back, it's too late to go. We shouldn't be involved in the affairs of our phoenix family."

Mu Qian said: "Don't worry, how arrogant they are now, and they will definitely run away with their tails!"

Mu Qianxi wants to be blue and sacred to the king: "You really thought that I was so naive, and one person would come to the battlefield! I can't deal with you, but what about them?"

Mu Qianxi threw out a red-red token and said: "Open!"

This thing, the people of the Phoenix family feel very familiar, what is this?

The situation is urgent now, they can't think of it for a while.

However, when the army of 100,000 gods and phoenixes appeared in front of them, this army exuded the powerful atmosphere of sweeping the world, and they did not need to say anything, they also knew.

"This is the **** of the DPRK!"

"The gods and phoenixes who have won every battle."


Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Before I left the sacred tomb of the Phoenix, the phoenix **** gave it to me, and asked me to help the phoenix and expel the Protoss."

The ice phoenix purple phoenix chiefs saw such a terrible army, and their eyes also showed the color of fear.

This fear stems from not being able to.

"God King!" shouted the ice phoenix chief.

The king of the blue dragon **** said: "Afraid of fear? Shenhuang does not know how many years have passed, and his soldiers have already died! This is just an illusion, nothing to fear!"

"Look at the king to break this illusion, give it to me! Kill them in one fell swoop, lest they come to pretend to be ghosts."

Then, the Shenhuang army moved!

They are dead and don’t know how many years, but the power is still there, and the war is still there.

The overwhelmingly powerful warfare swept the entire world of phoenix, and this warfare made the spirit of the party, Mu Qian, rise.

The legendary army with the gods and phoenixes helps, what else do they need to fear?



"The Protoss took us out of the Phoenix family and got out!"

The enemy faces this war, and the weak people feel the trembling and feel at a loss!

They are caught in a sea of ​​war, flooded, swallowed, and useless no matter how hard they struggle.

When this army appeared, the arrogant protoss army began to retreat and continue to retreat, and the blue scorpion **** had to vomit blood.

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