Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1725: Eternal faith

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Chapter 1725 Eternal Faith

Mu Qianxi returned very calmly: "Your spiritual power is turned into nothingness."

"Your cultivation is no longer possible."

"You can only lie down and live for a lifetime. It should be like this..."

"Hey!" Bing Ming directly vomited blood and fainted.

Mu Qianxi waved: "Lei Ming, what are you waiting for? Are you still running away?"

Lei Mingdao: "Of course not!"

"Do not run away, then fight!"

"Boom!" Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming took the lead and killed the guys who chased them.

The ice was so badly made that the elders were chased by two beasts, and they had no war at all.

They were afraid of the end of the millennium and a metamorphosis, so it was their turn to run away.

"Booming!" Countless lightning, falling from the sky.

"Run! Don't think about running now."


They became more and more brave and quickly solved all of these people.

"Puff puff!"

In the flame of Xiaohong, several old guys were burned.

Invincible also quickly resolved the people, and then the two began to look at each other.

Invincible laughs: "Lazy pig, invincible adult I am still better than you as a beast."

"What is the use of promotion, I just overslept, my strength is definitely better than you."

"Ha ha ha! Stronger than me, I don't believe it!"

"You don't believe, or compare!"

Mu Qian said: "Okay! You are so good, there are a large number of enemies ahead, you must kill it!"

"That's it!"

Invincible and Xiaohong rushed over, and the main protagonist of the Protoss on the battlefield on the other side ran into the brave and good war of the Phoenix God. The invincible God Phoenix Army was already very tricky.

Now it’s killing two inexplicable guys, which is even more of a headache.

Invincible and Xiaohong are gone, and Mu Qian is also ready to go back.

Lei Mingdao: "I am going too!"

"You can come, others stay to clean up some of the prisoners."


They know their strength, and they can't help!

"Our phoenix family can win? This war?" Someone muttered to himself.

"Must be sure! Absolutely!" Their eyes sparkled.

"The fire is burning!"

"Invincible Jiuhuangquan."


The two sides are more energetic, so the invincible and Xiaohong directly became the battlefield killer.

"The two beasts are here to help, too embarrassing."

"One of them seems to have been seen, and it is another beast of Mu Qian."


There was a strong dark phoenix, and these two came again. It was almost.

The two figures swept over and the Leifeng patriarch saw Lei Ming.

"It's okay, nothing, just how come you ran again."

Lei Mingdao said: "If you don't run over, you will miss the scene of our victory in the war."

"I didn't react. In this battle, we can definitely win, and we need to retreat!"


The king of God, has been hurt!


The strong foreign aid, at this time has been the power of the Phoenix nine nights into nothingness.

"Ah! Help! Save me..."

The screaming screaming at this time, when their cursing family used such a powerful spell to deal with the phoenix nine nights, their tricks were completely useless for the phoenix nine nights.

Physicalization is nothingness, even the soul is dead.


Blue Dragon King bites his teeth: "Retreat! Give me a quick retreat!"

"Ice Phoenix, Zifeng, Qingfeng, you... you guys blocked me from these guys."

The king of God retreats and let these guys of the Phoenix family give them shields.

Mu Qiang ordered: "Give me a kill! Don't let them escape!"

The Shenhuang army swept out and humiliated the phoenix, and all of them must be destroyed.


These defeated soldiers will still block the army of Shenhuang. After the blue dragon **** thought that he could escape, nine nights appeared behind him like a ghost.

The slender hand directly caught the neck of the blue dragon god, and the body of the blue dragon **** began to become a white bone.

"Nine-night under the temple, forgive me! Forgive!"

That pair of ice blue scorpions, as always, ruthless and cold.

"You killed me, the Emperor will send people down, I will not believe. You can always keep this Phoenix family under the nine nights, you can't protect yourself! Hahaha!"

The helplessness was useless, and the blue dragon **** smiled.

"You let me go, I... I will help you stabilize the Emperor and let him not send someone. This deal, the nine nights of His Royal Highness thinks..."

"Scratch!" His neck was broken.

This transaction, nine nights, but no interest in talking to him!

The blue dragon **** was defeated, and some of the king's men began to be cleaned.

The seven strong men who sit down by the king of God, except for Mei Daren and Yu Daren, none of the others have a good end.

The king of the gods was defeated, and the purple phoenix family surrendered.

They feel that they are looking for the same family, and the Leifeng patriarchs will forgive them.

However, the Leifeng patriarchs are not polite. "If you betray the people of my family, even if you keep the blood of the phoenix, do you still have that qualification, is it ours?"

"Give me all the way, imprisonment! Your identity is not a tribe, but a prisoner!"

At the end of the war, the killing was killed, and the catch was caught.

The Tianhuang Army, which had completed its mission, also disappeared in front of them. The piece of the sacred military commander was wrapped up by the flames and dissipated.

The Leifeng patriarch was shocked: "Can the Shenhuang Army only help us once?"

Mu Qian said: "They are predecessors who have already passed away. The last strength in front of them is used to protect the Phoenix world, but it is impossible to protect forever! The Phoenix World needs you to protect yourself."

Queen Lanhuang said: "This, I naturally understand! But the blue dragon **** said yes, this time the blue dragon **** defeated, the gods will never let us pass the Phoenix family! We are now trapped here, Even if you want to leave your homeland and pursue freedom, you can't do it."

Mu Qian said: "This point, Shen Huang adults have long considered it, and naturally there are ways to cope."

Mu Qian took out the ball and injected her soul into it, throwing it into the air!

In an instant, there was a very powerful inflammation of the phoenix in that sphere.

"That is the flame of the gods and phoenix!"

"Shen Huang adults!"

When the flame spread the sky of the entire phoenix world.

Anyone who saw this flame, the phoenix who felt the flames of this flame, regardless of their strength, regardless of their identity, all fell in love on the ground.

Even the defeated traitor is sincerely kneeling down to Shen Huang.

The gods of the phoenixes are their phoenix family and do not destroy the eternal faith.

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