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Chapter 1727 Single Reason

Everyone is wary, isn't the Protoss unwilling to call!

Mu Qianyi listened to this thunder and felt a little familiar!

She said: "Lei Ming, do you think this thunder..."

Lei Ming’s eyes widened. “It’s not a master!”

"Much like the old man!"

The Leihuang nationality long said: "What master? Kid, you make it clear."

After that day came out, I hurried to the phoenix tomb.

Coming out of the sacred tomb of the phoenix, and then coming out, facing them is a battle for their phoenix family to decide their destiny.

Lei Ming had no time to mention the master with his dad.

After Lei Ming gave a confession to the matter, the Lei Huang family was shocked.

"The **** of the thunder of the gods, you have been seen by the Lei Di." Lei Huang was shocked.

Lei Mingdao: "Daddy, what do you mean! Your son, I am very powerful."

"If it is the Lord of the Emperor, you must not let it go! Go!"

If their son can be trained by the Emperor Lei Di, then one hundred years after their phoenix family, one more strong can support the field.

In order to avoid danger, the Leifeng patriarch still brought a lot of experts to go.

Mu Qiang stood up and said: "Nine nights, we will also go to the old man of Lei Di."

Nine nights hooked Mu Qian’s waist: "Well!"

They can leave the Phoenix world and really go out!

In his own territory, being controlled by the Protoss, can not enter and exit, is also a heartache of the Phoenix family!

The Emperor Lei Di was very depressed. I heard that the Phoenix family was sealed by the Emperor and could not enter.

He had thought that this broken seal could not stop him. He did not expect it to be blocked.

He can't believe it!


So Lei Di adults and the barrier bar, and then made such a big move in the Phoenix world.

Lei Ming, they rushed to the scene, Lei Feng family said: "You ... you are the Lord Lei Di!"

The great lady of Lei Di is beautiful and handsome, and his character is arrogant and violent!

He pointed to Mu Qian and Lei Mingdao: "I finally saw these two little guys, let me go!"

Lei Ming went out, but Mu Qian was held for nine nights.

Mu Qian said: "I said, I have not planned to recognize you as a master, so I will not go with you."

Other people are also stunned, what?

Someone refused to be the apprentice of the Emperor Lei Di.

Lei Di suddenly smiled. "Ha ha ha! Little girl, you are too naive! If you refuse, you will hide in that turtle shell. You came out, I was caught, you thought I Will you let go of you?"

Lei Di is really too optimistic about the talent of the millennium, such a good seedlings do not follow him, it is completely violent.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "There is him, you want to take me away, this heart is dead!"

Lei Di looked at the phoenix for nine nights and said: "Your little doll, regardless of the cultivation, even cares about the love of the children, really did not save."

Mu Qianxi reveals the harmless smile of humans and animals: "It looks like, you are still single, you can't find your wife!"

The beautiful face of Lei Di froze. "You little girl, you don't want to go, I just want you to be my apprentice! I see who can stop me."

Lei Di is overbearing in this way, directly grabbing people!

However, in the face of the nine-night monarch to grab people, want to succeed, impossible!

When Lei Di started, nine nights also started.


The power of nine nights collided with the power of thunder and lightning, and Lei Di’s pupils shrank.


"It turned out to be your little monster. I haven't heard from you for many years. I thought you had already hanged up. I didn't think you even robbed me with my apprentice."

Once in a fight, Lei Di is not working.

He said with Lei Ming: "The Emperor is gone!"

He said: "Small girl, there is one point I want to declare! I am not playing the Phoenix nine nights, but this guy is too powerful. I don't want to fight with him. So I don't force you anymore, if you have ideas in the future. Go directly to the Thunderfield of the Gods to find me."

After Lei Di walked away, he groaned. "Even the little monster has a lover. I really want to find a wife."

Lei Ming smiled and said: "Master! You must find a gentleman, to be gentle. Nine nights adults can be gentle on the millennium."

tender! That guy is gentle!

The Emperor Leidi shuddered and said: This one of his disciples will not be paranoid!

The Emperor Leidi was also arrogant, and the sons who took away did not say hello to the Leifeng patriarch.

The Lei Huang patriarch did not dare to anger, his son has a better future, and he is too happy to be there.

"Let's go back!"

Mu Qianqi asked: "Nine nights, you know that Lei Di!"

"Well! I have seen it a few times before."

"You said if you really are his apprentice, how? Give some advice!"

The result is nine nights: "When he is a teacher, it is not as good as this lord to find you the chain of eternal, he is the property of lightning."

However, I think that the eternal artifacts are not friendly to him one by one, one is more unsightly, and nine nights have something to try to recover.

If you say it, it is the water that is poured out and cannot be recovered!

Nine nights said: "If the chain of eternal does not want to recognize you as the main, let the Emperor teach you to practice, is not bad?"

Compared to those guys, it is clear that Lei Di will be pleasing to the eye.

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Yeah!"

After the celebration of the Phoenix World was over, the Lei Huang patriarch began to preside over the overall situation.

It is necessary to make the tribe strong, which is not to ask him for nine nights.

Nine nights told him some ways to scare the Lei Huang patriarch.

"This... is this really true?"

Purple secluded road: "If you want to become stronger, you can't worry about how you can do it! Don't think that it is a rare animal, you will cherish yourself, so it will never be possible to progress."

The Lei Huang chief nodded: "Yeah!"

Then Mu Qiang asked them to invite the Phoenix family to know and know more people.

"The bright holy dragon, the life **** wood we have heard, but do not know where?"

"I think the bright dragon is very likely to be in the dragon. But the dragon has lost contact with my family for a long time, and we can't help."

Mu Qianxi pulled the nine-night road: "Nine nights, the next stop to the dragon, how?"

Nine nights asked: "Well! Go to the dragon!"

They have been to the Dragons once, this time but only the old ones.

Mu Qiang, they want to leave, Lan Nian and the students of the School of Light Feathers have come to give away the good for Mu Qian and Xiao Mo.

Mu Qian said: "A lot of information has been left, you are going to cheer!"

"Yes! Teacher Mu!"

Xiao Momo said: "When the owner finds some things, I will come back to play! You cheer and practice, and later fight the bad guys together!"

"Uh huh!"

Purple You has been kicked back to the prison to go to work, he simply vomited blood, still not enough!

"Night, you are not a person!"

Nine nights embraced Mu Qian, and Qian Qian said: "Crystal Ying, let's go to the Dragon! Dragon King Island."

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