Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1730: Wrath of the Dragon King

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Chapter 1730, The Wrath of the Dragon King

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi despised him so much that the purple dragon was so angry that he thundered.

Countless roads broke through and he attacked wildly.

However, the speed and physical defense of Mu Qian’s attack made him a powerful waste.

"All of them have given up the strength to eat milk, have not hurt me, you still go home to wash and sleep soon!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

"boring!" Mu Qiang grinned and continued to tease him.

Although the water is indifferent, while staying at the side of Black Yao, but also pay attention to the situation outside, I am afraid that the adults will be injured.

After all, in his heart, the importance of admiring adults is far above the dragon king.

But obviously he is awkward, and in such a short period of time, Mu Daren can grow to such a degree.

Even if it is only the strength of the sixth-order spirit, her speed and body defense, the low-order beast is hard to hurt him, let alone this unstable purple dragon.

After Mu Qianxi successfully lifted the curse, Hei Yao soon woke up.

Black Yao excitedly caught the water and said: "The dragon of the water dragon, I... I seem to have seen the adults, and the adults are looking back at me. I am not dreaming!"

The little dragon king who has become extremely stable during this time, can't calm down when he mentions Mu Qian.

Water has no heart: "Well! Mu is back, and he saved you, she is now outside, to deal with the enemy."

"Enemy!" The figure of Black Yao instantly rushed out, which did not see that a **** purple dragon boy was chasing Mu Qian.

Although most of the attacks were avoided by Mu Qian, or even if they were attacked, Mu Qianyi remained unscathed, but Hei Yao was completely angry.

"Mixed things, who gave you the courage, even dare to hurt adults."

The momentum that belongs to the Dragon King broke out instantly.

Black Yaohua for the body, like a lightning burst out.

"You... how are you..."

The appearance of Black Yao made the Zilong teenager particularly surprised. How could he be fine?

The black Yao attack was very hot, and the Zilong boy was directly shot and flew out.

"Hey!" A blood spurted out of the air from the Zilong boy, and he fell to the ground with awkwardness.

The nature of the Dragon King is not only felt by the Zilong teenager, but the dragons in Longwang Island are clearly felt.

Jin Shuguang’s face showed a happy color, so good, my son is fine!

Some people in the Zilong family are arrogant.

Isn’t the Dragon King not finished? How can it break out of such power?

This is a trap!

One of them exclaimed: "Not good, less master!"

"You..." The purple dragon master climbed up and looked at the black figure incredulously.

And Black Yao is completely a look that is too lazy to give him, but excitedly ran to the face of Mu Qian.

"Mu Daren, have you been injured?"

"Mu Daren, I am late, I actually let people do it at Longwang Island."


The purple dragon master is simply mad at vomiting blood, he is the worst one.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Nothing! This guy still can't hurt me."

Even if Mu Qian is safe and sound, Black Yao is very angry.

"I avenge the adults!"

The Dragon King’s blood pressure is unleashed and released. It is to bully the Purple Dragon Master.

The purple dragon master feels discomfort and has an impulse to surrender to this guy. This is the instinct derived from the blood.

He is biting his teeth, he is absolutely not willing to admit defeat!

However, this kind of suppression made him very uncomfortable. Even when Black Yao attacked, he could only defend and could not fight back.

"Hey!" The result is only a little bit of effort, the Purple Dragon Master has been bruised and bruised.

Not only is he miserable, but the elders of the Zilong family who played with the little ink inks were also miserable.

"Hey!" Until the end, the Zilong Shaozhu couldn't keep the original shape, and he was greeted by the black Yao.

"Ah!" The purple dragon master, called the miserable.

"Little Lord……"

Some other guys are finally thinking about coming to protect the Lord.

However, the unintentional nature of Longwang Island and the water will not make them better.


They were so violently killed that they did not expect it to be the result of this.

"We withdraw!"

Mu Qianxi took her contract beast and directly blocked their retreat. Coldly said: "Dragon King Island is what you want to come to make trouble? It’s really a little rule, since it’s coming, it’s also lost. , want to leave easily, dream!"

Water has no heart: "Mu Daren said it!"

Black Yao gave a command, "Give them all to me."

Zilong Shaodong said: "Do you dare?"

"What do you dare to do with this king!"

It seems that they do not want to give the Zilong family a face.

A humanity of the Zilong family: "In any case, you must escape!"


It’s easy, it’s not so easy to escape.

The strongest of Longwang Island, the strongest of the Shuilong family, plus Mu Qianzhen, is enough for them to drink a pot.


No matter how hard they are, the last person has not escaped.

Hei Yaodao: "Give me some of these guys to the black prison of Longwang Island!"

Zilong Shaoren anger said: "You dare! You dare to shut me down to such a dirty place."

The result was black and said: "If you are not satisfied, give him the most dirty cell!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Ah! I am fighting with you!"

"You dare to do this to me!"


No matter how the purple dragon masters roar and anger, you don't intend to change your mind.

The Zilong family solved these troubles, and Jin Shuguang looked at Mu Qian’s words: "Mu Daren, did you save the Yao?"

Mu Qian said: "If you raise your hand, it will be fine."

The return of Mu Qianxi is definitely a great blessing for the dragons.

Jin Shuguang has already prepared to host a feast to entertain the Millennium, even if Mu Qian refused him.

"Mu Daren is distinguished and distinguished in my family. This reception is a little bit of our heart. Please don't refuse."

Mu Qianxi and Heiyao also had no intention of talking to the water. She asked: "What is the situation in the Dragon World now? The Zilong family dares to be so arrogant, and there is a curse on the Black Yao."

Water has no heart: "This thing allows me to come slowly with the adults."

"Yeah!" Mu Qianxi nodded slightly, then listened patiently.

The water dragons are raining, the dragon world is recovering, and the dragons should be thriving.

In the beginning, it was.

Under the support of the other four races, Longwang Island suppressed the dragons who supported the Protoss, and the beats of the beats, everything progressed in the right direction.

After all, there are not many dragon races, and the people of the five royal families do not agree with the killing of the tribes.

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