Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1745: Resurrection queen

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Chapter 1745 Resurrection Queen

It is impossible for a curse to not cast a spell, which is their means of dealing with the enemy.

As a result, they shot, and a man like a demon **** stood in front of Mu Qian, and they were tragedy.

As soon as they were countered, Mu Qian took out the Yanlong Soul Sword and easily cleaned them up.

The cursers on Zilong Island, all of them were packed up.

There is no such thing as a curse who secretly assists the Protoss.

Waiting for them to clean up the Protoss, the troubles of Zilong Island can be completely solved.

At the same time that the Zilong Island War broke out, the side of the Dragon Island was also fighting at the same time.

The unintentional strength of the water is stronger than that of the Fire Dragon patriarch, and it is quicker to pack up, but he did not expect to push this group of people into a hurry. They actually made such a thing.

Water has no heart: "Come on, hurry up and **** and leave! Fast!"


Mu Qiang stayed in the air and felt the change of the sky of the demon dragon family.

The power of the curse is pervasive.

Mu Qiandao said: "The demon dragon island has an accident, I must rush over! The protoss here, one does not stay! Do you know?"

The fire dragon clan looked at it, "What happened? What happened?"

"No time to say, nine nights, let's hurry."

Although the Protoss and the curse of the Dragon Kingdom are the shrimps and crabs sent by the top, they do not necessarily have no cards. What she expected was happening.

But I did not think that their cards are so strong!

They are rushing past at the fastest speed, and the **** smell is a bit pungent.

"These guys of the demon dragon family have no precautions! They are all given to the sinister by the cursing family. This one curse is the result of the blood of the whole demon dragon family. It is about to be completed and cannot be blocked. I can only let them retreat first."

A storm formed around the entire Demon Island. When Mu Qian rushed up, he saw the black Yao who was withdrawing from the attack. They were being besieged.

"Black Yao!"

The arrival of Mu Qianxi, people noticed.

"Give me a stop, than let them get in the way! As long as you take the Dragon King as a sacrifice, we will be able to bring the Queen back to life."

When the enemy rushed up, Mu Qiang made them invincible and rushed forward to deal with the enemy.

A teleport appears in the back of the enemy, and the slender arm moves.


"Sirlo India!"

And nine nights have also been shot, and in an instant, every inch of the enemy's body that wants to sneak into the enemies becomes a white bone. ”

The faces of those people showed a horrified look.

Mu Qian said: "Black Yao, you will retreat quickly! I will support the waterless heart and the wooden dragon chief."

Hei Yaodao: "Mu Daren, be careful, I feel that something is going to happen."

"I know! You leave as soon as possible, far away."

Water is unintentional and naturally wants to evacuate. Suddenly a person laughs wildly: "Run! Don't run! I am the perfect work of Siyang adults,

How can you lose you? ”

The demon dragon chief excitedly said: "Siyang adults, as long as they kill them, can the Queen be resurrected? We have no more people left in the demon dragon family."

"Of course! You are waiting to see your hero's heroic..."

When Siyang’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by a cold voice.

"You are too naive! Resurrection of your queen, the scum of your queen is not left, a little curse, you think he is the master of God? Resurrection is resurrected!"

The demon dragons said: "You lied to me, you lied to me, my dearest queen will definitely be resurrected. If I can't see her again, I am alive, and there is no need for the whole demon dragon family to exist."

The demon dragon chief has been crazy, and the previous methods are useful to others, but there is no such thing as a person who loves the queen to the madness.

The most difficult thing to calculate is the human feelings. This is a very uncertain factor.

Siyang Da Ren said: "Do not talk nonsense, kill me!"

Nine nights to start, Mu Qian said: "Water is not heart, here I am and nine nights blocking, you hurry to retreat! Once you are cursed to hurt, it will be very trouble!"

Water has no heart: "How can I leave my adult?"

"Reassure, we can deal with it! This stuff can't help us. And if you have an accident, it will be more troublesome to save you."



On the Dragon Island, which is full of the power of the sorrowful curse, Mu Qianxi is the master of the Protoss and the Demon Dragon.

"Damn! This little girl is really fast, grab me for her!"

The speed of Dodge's dodge makes them very tricky, and they are locked in silence, and they can't wait to tear up Mu Qian.

The other dragons ran away, and the Dragon King did not catch it.

That one of Siyang’s faces is gloomy, “It’s useless!”

He said: "Don't deal with those who are not important, and give me all the dragons."


The protoss and the cursed people have to make hands-on, and some of the demon dragons have never thought that the friendly forces will suddenly put a black hand on them, and there is no defense at all!

"Hey!" One by one was knocked down.

The demon dragons said: "You... what are you doing?"

"There are still some menstrual blood, you can only make up for you, rest assured! When your queen is resurrected, she will remember you."

"Ah! I don't want to die! You didn't say that I want my life!" The demon dragon said.

"No before, don't mean don't want it now!"

When they captured the demon dragon chief, they returned to Mu Qian’s side nine nights.

Mu Qian said: "The curse is going to be successful, the demon dragon island is going to be finished, let's go!"

The ordinary mantra can be easily repelled nine nights, but the level of this spell is not low, and Mu Qian is afraid that it will affect several pages, so he will leave quickly!


The shadows flashed, and when they left nine nights, Siyang said: "We will leave soon! And stop them!"


As they evacuated, an explosion of vibrations that had shaken the entire dragon world came.


This made the surrounding islands almost finished, and the people who had just finished the Zilong Island were also stunned. They felt such a terrible power at such a long distance.

The Zilong family said: "That... that is the direction of the demon dragon family, such a big movement, unless it is the Dragon Island explosion!"

"Mu Daren!" Black Yao was in a hurry.

Water is indifferent: "There are nine nights when adults are there, and adults will not have anything to do."

"Hey!" Then, a terrible dragon humming came out.

If it is a general dragon scream, their dragons will only feel close.

The master’s dragon humming, but let the dragons who heard it feel deep fear, it seems that a terrible guy appeared.

Siyang adults laughed: "Ha ha ha! I succeeded, I completed this powerful spell, thanks to the contribution of the demon dragon family!"

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