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Chapter 1758 Old Fox

The Lord of Eternal Artifacts can gain the power of the elements of the artifact itself.

In the beginning, she got the water elemental power of the eternal ring of the gods.

After that, after finding out the dragon sword of the dragon, after conquering the soul, he possessed the fire elemental power of the eternal sword.

Comprehending the power of the space that Eternal Guardian Jiuzhong Hongmenglian carries is completely natural.

After the ability of her life has recovered a bit, she has gained the spiritual power of the wind.

The surrounding winds were controlled by a lifetime, and all of them poured into the veins of Muqian.

This can make Mu Qianxi the spiritual strength of the spirit of the wind at the fastest speed, and will not make her too painful. After all, he is a person who is extremely pitiful and jealous.

When the surrounding wind elements calm down, the whole life: "If the skin is fat, delicate as porcelain, the skin of the little baby is really..."

"The wind is locked by the soul!"

The wind around it became cold and turned into a sickle of the wind, and it was cut away from the hand of a lifetime.

After a lifetime of rushing to let go, the wind then attacked, but when it was near the life to sense the power of a lifetime, these winds did not dare to attack a lifetime.

After all, they are so unconscious and will not attack the king of the wind.

The laughter of a lifetime, "I don't think it's the woman I saw, so I mastered the first element of the wind and spirit! So I attacked me with my things, but you are miscalculated."

"Is it?" Mu Qianyi's low road.

Yan Long’s soul sword is instantly squirted, “Shu Luoyan is extinguished!”

The white robes, a very cool and soaring air.

"Little baby don't be angry!"

"You don't look at which **** is provoked." Mu Qiang is another past.

In the face of Mu Qian’s attack, he only diddge his life and did not fight back.

Mu Qianxi knows her current strength and estimates that she can't even touch her life.

"In my life, I have been able to use the wind elemental power, and it is still very smooth, you still have to hurry back!"

Some sad words in my life: "If you use it, you will lose it. I didn't think that the little baby is such a ruthless person."

"If you are someone else, I will not be so ruthless! You are even!" Mu Qianyi every curious.

"But little baby, I am so hard to come out, I want to see this great heaven and river, look at the beauty of the style! I have been sleeping for so many years, I have to get rid of the problem."

"I see you very well!"

"very bad!"

Mu Qianxi said with a deep breath: "You have to look at yourself to see, I am going to practice, and I will part ways!"

"No, I am too far away from the owner who can't leave. How about my experience with you? By the way, you can teach the little baby that you use the wind element. I have the most experience."

Anyway, life and death are not willing to go, Mu Qian said: "You have to keep it, but you have to follow the rules! Don't bother me, don't bother me. Otherwise I let the group smash you and then tie you up. You go out and sell your beauty."

"Well! As long as you can look at the little baby outside every day, you can do it." I promised my life.

"You'd better talk and count!"

Then Mu Qianzhen tried the spirit of the test of the elements, and the new power had a novelty.

The soul is scattered, no one around, and the beginning of the ages.

After the change, she was not as ugly as the original, but how to look at her life is not satisfied.

He said: "It looks like a little baby before it looks pleasing to the eye!"

"Can you change a name? You don't feel numb in your life?"

"I feel very good. If you want to change it, how about Xiaotian?"

"Or you prefer to be careful about the liver!"

Mu Qianxi was going to be numb, and she said coldly: "You can shut me up for a lifetime."


Originally a person's penance, after a lifetime, it became a chicken and a dog jumped up.

As soon as it grows too much, it is a natural system that attracts the opposite sex. Many women stick to it wherever they go, and then they are fascinated by a fascination.

Throughout my life, I said to myself: "The charm of this adult has passed away for so many years, but it has not been reduced, but why isn’t any trick in front of the little baby?"

"Hey! Hey, hey! The hair is going to be white."

The sister tactics of a lifetime are not only useless, but the ability of ignoring ignorance is getting better and better.

All the way left the Nanling area and arrived at the edge of the southeastern part of the East Emperor Dynasty.

Mo Xuan’s work efficiency is good, Ghost Medical Building really came here, and it has a great influence.

Next, it is the place to inquire about cultivation.

Because of the life-long movie, on the road several times because he caused a jealous fight, Mu Qian decided to find a woman with less challenging and practical places to practice.

I learned that Mu Qianxi was looking for a place like this. He smiled in his life: "Little baby, are you jealous! In fact, as long as you say a word, I definitely don't talk to any woman, and I don't look at any woman any more." ”

Mu Qian said: "In your life, you are the most powerful refining pharmacist in the world, but you don't know if you have problems with your eyes. You don't need me to treat you."

"My eyes are very good! It looks good, bright and big!"

"I have almost mastered the elements of the wind, and you will continue to sleep and recover soon!"

"Not enough! If the baby can touch my clothes, then even if you pass, I can rest assured that I am sleeping!"

"Is it your corner?"

Mu Qianqian's running wind element leaped and plunged for a lifetime.

As a result, the life was light and evasive, and the smile was very flat.

"Not enough!"

This time, a forest that has been experienced by the Millennium is the flower-speaking forest in the southeastern part of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. It has a lifetime: "Flower language forest, this name sounds beautiful, suitable for me to cultivate my feelings with the little baby."

Mu Qian said: "In a lifetime, the name is beautiful. But here is 90% of the poisonous grass."

"Little baby, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

"I am afraid of this little thing, then I am not losing your face for a lifetime."

"thats right!"

The poison of the flower forest is not her, but a burst of floral fragrance attracts their attention.

Life all the way: "Little baby, this small place has a holy medicine. You will love it."

"Looking at the past!"

The aroma of the Holy Spirit medicine not only attracted them, but also attracted some of the strongest people who came to the flower forest.

Naturally, there are also disciples and elders of all major sects.

"It's a wind and a flower."

"This wind still takes us to the day, and everyone else has left me to leave the flower forest, or don't blame us."

Tian Luozong’s big door is a big disappointment.

"Tian Luozong, a four-star sect can be so rewarded! Such a holy medicine, everyone who meets is qualified to fight!"

"Yeah! We are coming earlier than you! Why should we leave?"

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