Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1765: His Royal Highness

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Chapter 1765, His Royal Highness has an order

Mu Qianyi’s slight glimpse, “The mystery of the heavens!”

Suzaku smiled and said: "This high man is really knowledgeable! Even the mystery of the heavens knows that it is very powerful! It is really admirable."

I raised my eyebrows and my pride.

"If you admire, then don't leave me."

Suzaku’s smiling face was slightly stiff and met a long-standing old fox, which was hard to stand up.

Mu Qianqi asked: "How can we solve it in a lifetime?"

"The person who found the secret technique let her unravel, or find the person of the heavenly family. But I don't want my baby to worry so much for this guy." The narrow scorpion of life has flashed a dangerous color.

The effect of Mu Qian’s pharmacy was very good, and Feng Yunxiu soon woke up.

The first thing he woke up was to start with the goal of Suzaku.

The Suzaku red clothes flew like a burning fire. I thought this guy would have to deal with Feng Yunxiu.

As a result, the guy shouted: "Help! I am your patient, I have received so many treatment fees, you should not let me be killed at once!"

"That's not necessarily! I saved you back, and it has already been cleared." Mu Qianqian faint.

"You don't want to be so embarrassed!"

He hurriedly avoided, and the wind element surrounded him.

Mu Qianxi will not really let her rescued people be killed by Feng Yunxiu, and mobilize the elements of the wind to low-end.

"Feng Yunxiu, stop!"

Feng Yun repaired the chilly road: "His life has a life, it must be removed from Suzaku! If someone blocks, when the accomplice kills!"

Zhuque said: "Feng Yunxiu, you are too unreasonable to take trouble! You must kill even the savior, she can save you more than save me."

Feng Yun’s amber-colored scorpion is still cold. He knows that the wind element controlled by this woman can restrain his wind elements, and the fire element erupts toward the Suzaku attack.

What followed was his strongest power, the assassination of the shadow.

The color of the figure shook, and Mu Qian’s shot blocked the shadow.

In the black, the same as Feng Yun repair should once again touch the killer when he touched Mu Qian.

One may be accidental, but this time it made Feng Yun repair it.

This is the first time since he remembered.

"Hey!" Suzaku took the hairpin's Feng Yunxiu to fly out. He said, "My savior, do you want to tie this guy together?"

The wound of Feng Yunxiu broke open again, and Mu Qian nodded and said: "Without tying up, Feng Yun repairs you!"

"I have you can't kill Suzaku. If you are doing a useless struggle here, it is better to go back to your house earlier, and let your family send more powerful people to kill Suzaku. Are you right?" A faint road.

"You... I have no hatred with you!" Suzaku squinted.

Feng Yunxiu looked at Mu Qianxi: "Who are you?"

The woman in front of her is very familiar with his attitude, just like treating a good friend.

However, the shadow is impossible to have friends,

"Want to know who I am?" Mu Qian's mouth twitched slightly.

"I just don't tell you, you can ask your shadow! He should know!" The dark scorpion stared at Feng Yunxiu's face.

Feng Yun repaired his brows slightly, and Mu Qian said: "The next time you meet, you should still be an enemy. Don't leave your life again and leave your life almost gone, let's go!"

There are many doubts in my heart, but he does not tolerate thinking too much.

As the shadow of Princess Lin, I think only my own master.

Feng Yunxiu knows that he is not a task now. Looking at the face of Mu Qianxi is a bit stunned. It seems that she should not look like this?

Can not see any disguise of the camouflage, Feng Yunxiu can only give up the doubts in the bottom of my heart.

The black figure disappeared in front of Mu Qianxi and quickly left.

Mu Qianxi looked at Zhu Quedao: "Would you like to leave?"

"You can't look down on Feng Yunxiu! What if the guy pretends to leave and then sneak into me? It's safer to stay with you, and I'm still not hurt, you have to be responsible for it!" Suzaku didn't want to leave so soon. .

"up to you!"

A lifetime close to Mu Qianxi said: "Baby, still worried about that guy! We are with you, whenever and wherever."

Mu Qianxi looked at his life: "Life, thank you!"

"Thank you, why don't you give me a kiss directly!" He put his perfect face in his life.

The kiss is not there, giving a slap directly.

She was not angry in her life. She said: "Baby's recent practical experience has accumulated very well. The environment is good, quiet and quiet, and forget the unpleasant things."

Mu Qianxi nodded slightly: "I am planning this way too."

Mu Qianqi quietly cultivated, and Suzaku did not dare to disturb.

The first time he saw such a powerful healing medicine, he had no scars in his three days.

The injury is good. Suzaku is also courageous enough. He asks: "Savior, what is your name? It is quite strange to ask you to save the life."

Mu Qian said: "My name is Mu Yan?"

"Mu Chenxi? The dawn of the morning light?" Suzaku said.

"No." In an instant, the wind carved two words on the wall.

Suzaku smiled and said: "If the word is like a person, if I have already had someone who has been with me, I am afraid I will fall down to your skirt..."

"Ah!" His words have not been finished yet, and the result is a wind blade attack.

"Take the baby, only the adults can do it, and you give me this kid."

The man in white, who was unrestrained, still had a layer of frost on his face, which was scary.

Mu Qianxi lived a lifetime: "You will not do it in your life, give me a little more."

"A few days off at the station, continue to go!"

"Starting, where are you going? Are you on the way? I can protect you with you! Hey!"

Suzaku's face is thick enough and he is still familiar.

A cold voice: "Do you cry again?"

"The name was originally a shout!"

Mu Qianxi ignored the two guys and went out. As soon as they walked out of the stronghold, they ushered in a strong pressure.

"Little girl, you should have got a lot of good things here! Hurry up and hand over the things, I can let a lot of adults let you go."

Someone is looking for trouble when they leave the station. Obviously they have long been eyeing them.

Zhuque said: "Hey, are you giving me a chance to save the United States now?"

"There is no need for that!" Mu Qian’s words just fell, and they appeared behind those people.

"The wind is locked by the soul!"

The murderousness in the air has overflowed, and Mu Qiang has already started.

Although Mu Qian’s shots are fast, but these guys have also experienced hundreds of battles, the strength is not bad, and quickly dodge.

"A little girl from the sixth-order spirit, I thought it was amazing!"

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