Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1773: Sit from the ground

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Chapter 1773 Starting from the ground

Not coming back to the island is getting closer, this island is not small.

Zhao Dashu said: "There are many beasts in the sea, so it is relatively safe for the master to stay in the island. The foreigner gets an identity token after going to the island. It takes a lot of Xuanyu if you want to get the identity token. They will be more happy if they have medicinal herbs."

"The whole island does not return to the island. The whole elders who do not return to the island are obeying his orders. The elders are divided into three levels. The third-class elders who manage these trivial things are very good. The first-class elders are the strongest elders except the island owner. On the island, you must not offend the elders." Zhao Dashu then told them some rules.

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Well! I know."

When Zhao Dashu sent them to the door, they had to go to see his wife with his daughter.

It seems that there is something like a flood in the registry. Before you go, "If something happens, don't be impulsive, here is no more than outside! Hey!"

After they left, the daughter of Uncle Zhao said: "Hey, the elder of identity management is particularly lascivious, and men and women are not jealous. If he looks at the beauty of his sister, Mu sister can be miserable."

"I can only hope that the elders of the king are not here today! We are just ordinary people, and we can't help you? The girl who can contract such a powerful flying mount should have good strength, I hope there will be no problem." Looking for the uncle sighed.

Mu Qianxi and Suzaku went to the person who received the identity token. A young man looked up and said to them: "I have just come over today. It has been a long time since no newcomers have returned to the island. Without an identity token, you are not returning to the island. It is difficult to move. First test the strength, the identity token is based on strength."

"it is good!"

The strength of Suzaku is the ninth-order Lingzong, and his strength makes the person somewhat surprised.

The power of Mu Qianxi is the sixth-order spirit emperor. He looks at Mu Qianxi, and this strength is normal.

"Nine products Lingzong, 100,000 Xuanyu."

"The sixth-order spirit emperor, one million Xuan jade."

A small identity token, the price is really not low.

The lower the strength, the higher the cost. It is estimated that it is good bullying with low strength.

Ms. Qian said: "I heard that if it is an remedy, you can offer a discount."

"Nine products Lingzong, a heavenly seven medicinal herbs."

"The sixth-order spirit emperor, a heavenly nine medicinal herbs."

"Well, I will deliver the medicinal herbs!" Although Xuan Yu also has it, it is obviously more cost-effective.

Mu Qianxi took out a Tianji Jiu Pin medicinal medicine, and the other party saw that the medicinal herbs were bright.

Most of the people who don't return to the island are people who can't get out of here. After years of multiplication, there are some newcomers to join the current scale.

There are actually a lot of masters, but there are very few refiners.

Nowadays, the refining pharmacists who are not on the island, except the island owner and his several disciples, do not have a refining pharmacist at all, which makes it difficult to get a remedy here.

Mu Qianxi is so refreshed to come up with this remedy that can be met and can't be asked, so that the other party's heart is greedy.

"Oh! I made a mistake before. The sixth-order spirit emperor did not even reach the high-ranking spirit emperor. He must take out ten heavenly nine medicinal herbs." That humanity.

Tianji Jiu Pin Dan medicine is very close to whether it is closed to the island or outside, and he added ten at a time, completely robbery.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "You are the most sitting price?"

"I am acting according to the rules. The girl only has the strength of the spirit emperor, or it is better to spend money to keep the peace. This nine medicinal herbs, you have one, naturally there are ten, right?" He smiled.

If she can also take out ten, it is estimated that there will be time...

Such a good opportunity, he naturally wants to squeeze all the remedies from this little girl.

Mu Qianxi also saw through his thoughts. She said coldly: "There is only one. Are you doing it or not?"

"This is impossible, little girl, but here is not the outside, no matter what identity you have outside, you can't order me now! You better be obedient."

Zhuque said: "There is too much bullying, hey, don't talk nonsense with him."

Suzaku's knives were placed directly on the other's head, and then countless spirits smashed down, "Hey!" almost stunned this one.

"This is one hundred and one hundred thousand Xuanyu, you give it to me, the identity token is handed over! As for the medicine, I want to have no door!"

Tianjie Dan medicine did not care much about him before, but the medicinal remedies are definitely fine, how can these cheap guys.

The manager said with anger: "You really are against it. Do you know where it is? Here is the place where the elder Wang is old. You dare to make trouble, come!"

Identity token charges are very unreasonable, and naturally some people are making trouble here, but all are suppressed.

He sneered in his heart, how much does a sixth-order spirit and a nine-order Lingzong really think? Even if it is a spiritual step, it will be very bad to come to trouble.

Sure enough, the master in the building quickly ran out.

Zhuque said: "Hey! Let's fight! I'm afraid they won't."

Mu Qiang nodded: "I think so too."

From the point of view of fees, I know that these people are the ones who eat soft and hard, and even if they repeatedly retreat, they will not let them stop.

Let's start with a low-key and find out the plan to cancel. There is no need to endure it!

The wind and zero lupin fan was taken out by Mu Qian, and the wind element swarmed in an instant, and the thousand 汐 汐 cold channel: "The wind is broken!"

Suzaku's knives crossed an arc in the air, and the flames broke out.

"A group of miscellaneous scum, good temper, this spleen is not good. Give your face shameless, don't blame us."


Mu Qianxi and Suzaku and the law enforcement forces of these identity management offices were hit, and the flame rushed out of the building.

Zhao Dashu also heard this movement in the civilian area, and he was shocked.

"It won't be an accident!"

He hurried out and ran out. He reminded the girl to be forbearing, but the character of those people was very clear. Most young people couldn’t stand it.

These deacons are some high-ranking Lingzong. Don't say that they can't move the Suzaku of the Nine-order Lingzong. Even Mu Qianxi can't move.

The deacon was stunned. "It’s a bit tolerant. It’s no wonder that the courage is so big. You don’t hurry to pack them up.”

"Oh!" The results were cleaned up but they were.

The wind zero lupin turned into a thin jade sword, and the purple figure was like a ghost, appearing behind the steward.

The cold sword was on his neck. "We just didn't want to make a living when we came. Let's take out the identity token and say everything."

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