Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1776: Fall and fall again

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Chapter 1776

"Glyphs, the attack of the spirit level, is useless to me! Even if the weapon in your hand is a good thing." Wang Er elders cold channel.

He also saw that the wind and zero lupins in the hands of Mu Qianxi were at least one of the best artifacts, and they could change into various forms. It was really a good thing.

Soon, these things are theirs.

Many onlookers couldn't help but feel sorry for Mu Qianzhen. The little girl is very talented, and the good things are one after another. The spiritual skills are also extremely powerful.

It is an incomprehensible genius to put people outside, but it is a pity that he has not entered the island and has offended the elders. It is estimated that the end will be very miserable.

All the attacks of the elders of the second king were either avoided by the emperor, or directly blocked.

The attack did not have much effect, so the elder Wang Er was so vomiting blood, but he still did not give up.

He madly chased Mu Qian, chasing after chasing and discovering that the speed was not right.

What happened in the end, his strength has dropped and then dropped?

"Look, what happened to Elder Wang Er?"

"The first-order spiritual holy, the nine-order Lingzong, is this strength falling?"

"The eighth order..."

"Seven steps..."


Dropping at a visible speed makes everyone very confusing.

When Wang Er’s elders fell to the sixth-order Lingzong, Mu Qian’s a sudden shift suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You are too strong, I can't hurt you, your speed is not enough, you can't hurt me, but your strength has become like this, the next speed will not be boring!" Mu Qian's mouth slightly spurred In a radian, the wind element is always at a glance.

"The wind is locked!"

"The wind is destroying the soul!"

"The wind is unparalleled!"

The elements of the wind are screaming, the fan is moving, and the three moves broke out instantly, and the other party was caught off guard.


Elder Wang Er was bombarded by these three attacks. He naturally had defenses, but he still ended up like this.

Because at this time he is not a second-order spiritual sanctuary, but a sixth-order Lingzong. The sixth-order Lingzong is hard to block this close-range wind element attack.

Everyone has widened their eyes. What do they see?

No mistakes! The little girl took the elder Wang Er to fly out.

Elder Wang Er was not reconciled and fought again, and Mu Qianyi approached her again at an alarming rate. The attack of the wind element fell unremarkably from the top of his head.

"Ah!" A scream came and was attacked twice. He continued to vomit blood in a serious injury.

At this time, his hair was scattered, he had a lot of wounds on his body, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Mu Qian said: "Slightly weak, I know that your strength will be stronger! Otherwise, it will not be so vulnerable."

He screamed angrily and said: "It's you, it's you, what tricks did you use to make my strength drop, hateful..."

"Even if I am a sixth-order Lingzong, it is a higher grade than you. The old man will never lose, no."

The elder Wang Er rushed out crazy, and he was ironed to kill Mu Qianxi at all costs.

“Is there a magical power in the world that can reduce the strength of the enemy? This is amazing, it’s too bad!”

"We have never heard of it! But such a thing happened to us."


Mu Qianxi quietly sent a pharmacy needle to the elder Wang Er, not only the onlookers did not notice, even the elder Wang Er did not notice.

The elders of the second class of Lingzong, no matter how crazy the attack, can only be shackled by Mu Qian.

"The wind is unparalleled!"

The wind blade cut his skin, and the blood sprinkled in the air. The elder Wang Wang did not dare to fall from the sky, lying in the ruins like a dead fish.

At this time, he only had half a life left, and he could not fight any more.

Mu Qianzhen really solved, and Suzaku continued to fight.

As the Suzaku became more and more brave, the spiritual power gathered in his body became more and more, and Mu Qian said: "Suzaku is going to break through."


In an instant, there was a thunder in the sky, falling from the sky and reaching around the Suzaku.

The power of the levy is very strong. It is possible to pay attention to being smashed into ash. Wang Da’s elders dare not approach Suzaku.

"God! That red man is going to be promoted to be a spiritual sage?"

"Although I can't see my face with a mask, this kid is estimated to be more than 20 years old. Only twenty of them will become spiritual, incredible."


After the Thunder was over, Suzaku made a successful promotion.

The strength of the first-order spiritual sancture combined with the power of the demon knife, to deal with a second-order spiritual sanctuary, Suzaku feels that the problem is not big!

The dazzling red flame was like a volcanic eruption, and then Suzaku launched an attack.


After the fire broke out in the air, the elders of the king were smashed to the ground by the half-residue of the fire element.

"Hey, I am promoted!" Suzaku said happily.

"Congratulations to advance to the Spirit." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"I felt like I had to break through when I got the knives. I didn't think I could break through so fast! I don't know if Mu Lin broke through. If he knew that I had broken through, it would be mad! Hahaha! When I go out, I must spread this news to everyone." Suzaku said.

"It seems that you feel that Mu Lin is not big enough to chase you! It is too long to pull hatred."

"I didn't say it? I don't want people to find me. No one can find the drop! Even if it is Mourin, it doesn't work, so don't worry!"

At this time everyone was a little embarrassed, and the two second-class elders who did not return to the island actually lost to the two young people.

At this time, countless breaths approached.

Headed by an old man who looks like a fairy, the people are surprised: "It is the island owner! The island owner has come today."

"The island owner has not gone out for a long time. These two young people have made such a big thing, and they have alarmed the island owner."


At that time, the elder of the king rushed up and said: "The island owner, help! You have to be the master of us! This little girl and this little boy didn't put you in the eye, I..."

The island owner cold channel: "Shut up!"

His eyes fell on Mu Qian and his two people. "You two should be newcomers who have not recently returned to the island. What happened? What about the 1510! The island owner has always been fair and just." of."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The island owner, just waiting for you."

"I need to pay the identity token after going to the island. My friend is a nine-order Lingzong who needs 100,000 Xuanyu. I am only a sixth-order spirit, and I need a million Xuanyu. This is what the previous management said."

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