Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1786: Want to grab a ride

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Chapter 1786 wants to grab the mount

"Wait, wait, you are waiting for the storm, wait for this stuff to do?" Suzaku clenched.

At this time, Mu Qiang was running the spirit of the wind and plucked into the air. "Suzaku, if you want to go out, you will follow up. If you don't want to go out, please feel free to do so."

Suzaku naturally wants to leave this ghost place, and catches up with Mu Qianyu without saying anything, and the result is a big jump.

"Ah! Hey, you... what are you doing to fly over that thunder? We will be ash."

Mu Qian said: "If you want to live, you will talk more than you, and you will be closer to me. Otherwise, I will not give you a corpse."

It’s too dangerous for Mu Qiang’s move to go to death.

Suzaku was a little hesitant, and soon he bit his teeth and said: "I am not afraid of what I am afraid of? Today I will give my life to accompany the beauty."

Zhu Zhu tried his best to chase Mu Qian, and soon collided with the thunder.

"Boom!" The thunder and lightning blew on the two, and Suzaku felt that he was going to die.

Ms. Qian said: "What are you doing? Keep up."

Hit by lightning, Suzaku found that Muqian was nothing, and he seemed to be fine.

The power of the lightning just seems to have been sucked away by something. It seems to be the soft armor on oneself.

Suzaku stunned. Isn't this the one that gave him?

It turned out that I had already prepared everything, and he was afraid of anything, so Suzaku desperately accelerated to catch up with Mu Qian.

"Booming!" But after that, it was not so good.

Although the spirits refining the spirits of Mu Qiang can absorb the power of thunder and lightning, but there is no anti-corruption to absorb all the thunder and lightning power of the thunder.

"Ah!" Suzaku still has to suffer, and it is still a bit of a pain.

The whole person has to be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces, and it is painful to live, but Suzaku found that there are no things at all.

They rushed to the area where the power of the thunder and lightning was the strongest, and the whole Suzaku had to collapse. Mu said: "Suzaku, can you still do it?"

Suzaku’s face was violently violent on his face. He smiled and said: “Hey, rest assured, I will do it!”

Suzaku chased it up, but in the end he couldn't support it.

Mu Qian’s brows were slightly stunned, and some of the lightning was brought to his body, which made Suzaku feel better.

Under the cover of lightning, they rushed into the sky.

"Rumble!" Tianlei still does not stop, Suzaku feels that all the body must fall apart, and Mu Qianxi is a state of cultivation at this time.

This day, the thunder is generally like the Golden Thunder of the Thunder Dragon family.

Ms. Qian said: "Small ink, come out!"

Carrying Suzaku, standing on the body of a small ink ink, Mu Qianxi said to the small ink ink: "Small ink, just find a direction to fly."

Little ink ink nodded: "Well! Master."

Suzaku fainted in the past, and Mu Qiang gave him a lot of elixir and could not die.

When Suzaku wakes up faintly, he feels that he is still alive and excited and jumps up. At this time, the soft armor on his body absorbs enough lightning power and it looks better.

Zhuque said: "Is this really the soft armor before?"

I have no good words in my life: "Don't be soft, not soft, can you wear the clothes first!"

Yes, the other clothes on the Suzaku were all smashed out. This soft armor is not left.

Although the baby is not interested, but he can't see a man in front of the little baby, so he can only reveal it!

Suzaku's face was red, and soon the flaming red robes were quickly put on, and the speed was quicker and faster.

Zhuque said: "In this case, I should actually be responsible for finding it! But I am already a Missy person. I can’t follow it. It’s a pity! It’s a pity.”

I really want to kick the Suzaku out in my life. "Even if you are not someone else, you can't be your boy! Don't talk nonsense, this adult doesn't mind making you a woman."

Suzaku inexplicably shuddered, and his instincts told him that although he said things, he could definitely do it.

This man, who is called a lifetime, is really unfathomable and can’t be seen!

Suzaku regained his spirit and asked, "Hey, you... why did you do that before?"

Ms. Qian said: "Thunder can open up some fog, so if you follow the lightning and rush into the air, maybe you can open the area that is not foggy?"

"Then we came out from that ghost place?" Suzaku asked.

"It's not clear, let the little ink fly a little further. When you see if you can meet other people, you will know when you ask."


Zhuque said: "Hey, I was made like that, why don't you have anything at all."

"You are not curious why my body is so strong, it was pulled out! This ordinary lightning has little effect on me." Mu Qianhui replied.

"Hey, you are strong!"

Suddenly a breath approached, the other side is not strong, just a high-level Lingzong, and soon they saw a black spot close.

It was a black old man, and he was amazed to see Mu Qian and Suzaku.

"The two juniors actually have flying mounts, first lend this mount to the old man!"

Soon, he rushed up and wanted to grab a flying mount.

The little ink ink hides the breath of the beast, otherwise a Lingzong has the courage to grab it!

Little ink is ready to solve this one who doesn't know how to live and die. Mu Qian said: "Small ink, want to escape!"

"Young people, the old man is in a hurry, this flying mount first borrows me." The old man said.

"Do not borrow!"

"I am really anxious, you should not toast and not eat fine wine." The old man was angry.

The reason why the old man is anxious is that there is a person behind him chasing him.

The strength of chasing him is similar to him, but he is much younger than him.

"The old thief, I want to hurt others, let me die!"

The coming man is fluttering in the white, the sword is on the line, and looks handsome. It looks like a decent young man with a bit of a fairy.

He quickly got up with the old man in black, and Suzaku said excitedly: "Hey, we are out, we really came out from here!"

Then he pointed to the white youth: "Hey, do you know who that guy is? He is one of the top ten celestial patriots in the southwestern region of the East Emperor, and is known as the white mirror month of the moral model."

Mu Qian said: "I always figured it out. It seems that my judgment has not made a mistake."

"Hey, it's very powerful. I can't think of such a way out! But this method is only dare to try. Others even think of it, and they don't dare to resist it with Tianlei. In that case, it is estimated that they will be grayed out without going out. Oh, I don't even know how to repay you. If I am free to regain my body, how about my body?" Suzaku looked at Mu Qiandao.

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