Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1789: Apologize to her

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Chapter 1789 apologizes to her

Obviously, the three words that Xiaobao said are completely different from what he hoped, but he still couldn’t help but be excited.

When they signed the soul contract, he was already her.

I laughed all my life: "Yes! I am already a jealous person. That guy is not! I have more advantages, I will never give up."

"And I am so happy! It is too shameful to lose to a broiler."

The prosperous ambition of a lifetime makes Mu Qianxi very speechless, she said: "In a lifetime, you can shut up!"

"Follow!" laughed in his life.

"Hey, I am coming!"

After Suzaku knocked on the door, he rushed in, and Mu Qianxi finished it at this time.

Zhuque said: "Hey, what should I do? This son is also very popular. This is not a day in the city. Many people come here. I am really upset."

Mu Qian’s soul spreads and he finds many masters hidden around him.

She said: "How do I feel that you are not too popular, but that you are too irritating, come to the enemy!"

"You can say that too!" was bitten by Mu Qian, and Suzaku was not embarrassed.

"I still want to spend more time with me. It seems that I can't do it! I won't bother you, and I will take these guys away soon. What are you going to do?"

Originally surrounded by a master, he knew that the first time he ran the road is the best policy, but he promised that you can't do anything!

Mu Qian said: "I am ready! I need to write everything you have investigated, wait for your safety to take a good look, help me find it anyway! Notify me at that time."

"I should be on the southeast side of this time, it is not difficult to find me with your ability."

Suzaku collected the things written by Mu Qianxi, and the red figure flashed away instantly.

"Hey, wait for me, I will come back to you soon."

"A message has not been inquired for me, you better not let me see you. Otherwise I will not help others."

"Goodbye, hey!"

The man who chased Suzaku came to the fore. He left at the fastest speed, and Mu Qian clearly perceives several powerful breaths and chased the past.

"Boom!" There was a battle of the spirit level in the city of Cui Ying.

The flame broke out and the spirit collided, which caught the attention of many people.

White Mirror Month is rushing to find Mu Qian, Suzaku is not, Mu Qianxi is still here, and nothing?

"Suzaku’s son seems to have an accident."

Mu Qian said: "I can't die. I am going to have breakfast. Does Bai Gongzi need it?"

Mu girl, this state of mind, he sighed, and Bai Jingyue sighed.

He has heard a lot of rumors and knows the ability of Suzaku's son. Such a person will never be killed so easily.

During the meal, the restaurant was talking about the Suzaku son.

"The big battle that happened was that the Suzaku son was chased by the elders of the Xing Xingzong! It was wonderful to play."

"Suzaku's son broke through the spiritual order, but it is the spiritual holy! The Princess Lin did not break through and he broke through. The Suzaku son should not be much bigger than Princess Lin."

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly, and Suzaku’s high-profile playing in the city and revealing the strength of Ling Sheng, it is estimated that it will soon be heard in Mu Lin’s ear. It is estimated that her face is still very exciting.

"I heard that the comet has also sent out the high-level spiritual holy, and the Suzaku son is fine!"

High-level Lingsheng, Baijingyue is also somewhat worried.

Yesterday was his first contact with Suzaku, although he had a meal for him, but this person was arrogant, and he was very comfortable and easy to make people feel good.

"There is a high-level spirit, but the Suzaku son has also broken through the spiritual sanctuary! And there is also an artifact monster knife! It is amazing."

"Suzuki Gongzi finally ran away, disappeared in the city of Cuiying City without a trace, the people of Xingxingzong did not find anyone to find the sky, and now it is estimated to be mad."


Suzaku can be regarded as a kind of activity in the eyes of Mu Lin, and there are many ways to save lives.

It is not easy to escape in a place like the island of the Soul, but it is not difficult to escape above the Xuantian continent.

Suzaku escaped safely, and when the crowd was talking, the black-faced star of the Xing Xing Zong was directed at some of the guests who were talking about them.

"Is the white mirror month upstairs?" They asked the store two.

"Yes!" shop Xiaoji back.

They rushed up and broke into the door directly, while Mu Qianxi and Bai Jingyue were using breakfast.

White Mirror Moon said moderately: "Is it too rude to be a bit polite?"

"I heard that you entered the city with Suzaku?" They were arrogant.

"How is it? Bai and the Suzaku son make a friend, you can't control it." White Mirror Moon is soft, but not weak.

After all, Bai Jingyue is a famous genius in the Southeast, and they can't arrest people because he and Suzaku have a little bit of intersection.

"What about this woman?" They screamed at Mu Qian, and Mu Qian directly ignored them at the time.

"This woman must know the whereabouts of Suzaku, the woman of Suzaku, take me away!"

When they were going to do it, the white mirror month broke out and the cold gas directly flew them out.

They angered: "White Mirror Moon, don't be too much!"

"Excessive is you!" He did not retreat.

"Then don't blame us for being welcome."

They have to do it hard, and Mu Qian also stood up and said: "White son, I will help you too!"

When the spiritual power of Mu Qian’s broke out, some people stopped.

"The sixth-order spirit emperor, so weak and want to help."

"The talent of the sixth-order Lingdi is not so good. Even if this woman looks good, Suzaku can't look at it!"


They denied this conjecture, and estimated that the woman who took the woman could not interrogate the whereabouts of Suzaku.

The sound of Bai Jingyue was cold and said: "Apologize!"

He is very clear that the strength of the girl is definitely not weaker than him. How can these people be despised?

"White Mirror Moon, what do you say? You let the singer of the Xingxing sect apologize to a woman of mediocrity?" They sharply said.

"Yes! Apologize to the girl."

"Go!" They didn't want to apologize, they were ready to turn around and go to the white mirror.


"White mirror month, you are too much!"

White Mirror Moon Road: "Apologize!"

Bai Jingyue is a big disciple of the southeastern star Luo Zongzong, and a young master of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. His identity is not what they can compare. They also don't want to get into trouble, but the white mirror month is too much.

There is no way to be angry. I don’t need to take a chance to get rid of them.

In fact, there are old guys staring at it! But the things between the juniors are too shameful if they are shot. The white mirror month is not a nameless **** with no background, so they can only watch the disciples of these comets.

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