Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1798: Not doing business

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Chapter 1798 is not doing business

"Hey!" Qing Xuan spit out a blood, and his sword can only tear a few holes in Mu Qian's body, but can not leave traces on her.

It’s not that Qing Xuan’s sword is too weak, but Mu Qian’s body is too strong.

Qingxuan: "I lost!"

Although lost, this battle is definitely worth it.

"You are already very powerful!"

"Scratch!" This sword in his own hands was broken into two sections.

Mu Qiang won a hundred-game winning streak. He was the first person to complete a 100-game winning streak in such a short time in recent years. Since the establishment of the Xingyi Tower, the first one has completed the sixth-order strength of Lingdi. A hundred-game winning streak.

This is undoubtedly a compelling genius, and all parties are inquiring about the news of Mu Xi.

The performance of Mu Xi in the Xingyi Tower has also spread to many people's ears.

"The son, this admiration is awesome, breaking a few records! If the Emperor Fengfeng is okay, but the sixth-order spirit is only six."

Mo Xuan said: "Well! This is a talent, send a message to the righteous father!"

"It's just a spiritual emperor. I am afraid that the Lord will not care about the sect. If she is so perverted in the Lingzong Tower, the Lord is expected to be somewhat interested."

"That's just a matter of morning and evening, let the news pass!"


Although it was not his place, Suzaku had mastered the great information of Xuantian, and naturally learned the news of Mu Qianxi.

Suzaku smiled and said: "The cockroach is really powerful, and it’s amazing. I can’t wait to find you."

"Don't be fun, don't be loyal."

Looking at so many things that have not been dealt with, Zhuquetou is very painful. He asked: "Is there any news about the North Palace?"

If a message is not found, it is estimated that it will be killed, Suzaku thinks.

"No! The Prince of the North Palace has been retreating. Our people have already tried their best to find out the news." The other party replied.

"Closed off! This North Palace really thought that he was sitting in the position of the Prince. No one dared to rob him of the throne! I am not doing business!" Zhuque was angry.

His men replied: "It seems that the Prince of the North Palace has been injured in the plane below, so he has been closed."

Suzaku waved: "Give me the attention and report it to me immediately!"


In addition to them, the major gates, especially Lin Yuezong, also pay special attention to Mu Qian.

After completing a hundred-game winning streak, Mu Qianxi can go to Lingzong Tower with the strength of Lingdi. White Mirror Moon Road: "Mu girl, let us go together!"

"it is good!"

When she was about to leave, suddenly a few women came in an imposing manner, and the leader was the defeat of the former Millennium.

"Mu Wei, you are too poisonous! We are completely ruined by you, and we can't practice in the future. You have to give us a statement."

These are the people of Lin Yuezong in the emperor's tower. They look at Mu Qianxi.

Ms. Qian said: "I didn't take it lightly. The top pair also made her no two years of cultivation. Nothing is completely impossible. After I defeated her, there are people who have been in close contact with her. How do you guys? I think it's my reason, not someone's secret hand!"

"What do you mean by this? Are you hiding our Gao Fengshi sister? The sister has always loved Gao Ting Shimei, how could she do such a thing, nonsense!" They yelled.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "If I do, I am not afraid of not admitting, others are afraid of you, Lin Yuezong, I am not afraid of it!"

Gao Feng rushed to care about the performance of the sisters, but in the eyes of a refining pharmacist, she wanted to be ignorant and she was too naive.

When Gao Ting lost her intuition, she secretly let her completely ruin, and then let her recite the black pot.

"Mu, you are too arrogant, I want to challenge you!"

Mu Qianhui replied: "You challenge me, or you can avoid it! You can make a small report to the teachers and sisters in Lingzong Tower. If they want to avenge their sisters, I will always be with you!"

They looked at Mu Qianyi one by one, and did not expect that Mu Qianqi was so arrogant, they simply did not put them in the eyes of Lin Yuezong.

Mu Qian said: "White son, let's go!"

And some of Lin Yuezong’s people swear by the earth: “Gao Feng’s sister, let’s go! She thought that she could smash in the Lingzong dynasty in the Ling’s dynasty ? tower? It’s too naive, so let the sister They gave her a lesson."

Bai Jingyue looked at Mu Qianxi: "Mu girl, you are so openly arrogant that Lin Yuezong is a little too impulsive."

"No way! I have a hatred with them. If you want to bully them in Lingzong Tower, you should naturally lead them to the hook." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

After a day of trial, I would like to take a day off at the rest area on the first floor of the Lingzong Tower. The white mirror month is on the seventh floor.

Some of Lin Yuezong’s people have already gone to the complaint and found the sister of Lin Yuezong on the first floor. Once Mu Yi appeared, she must teach her a good meal.

After returning to the first floor, Qing Xuan was defeated by the Millennium and then completed a hundred-game winning streak.

After completing a hundred-game winning streak, he did not go to Lingzong Tower, but there was something going on.

The next day, Mu Qianxi went to the seat to see the test.

A green woman won the test at the beginning. She stood on the stage and pointed at the long whip. She said, "You are Mu Yu. I heard that you are a sixth-order spirit, and you come up with me. Fight it!"

Mu Qianxi smiled faintly: "Okay!"

At the beginning of the test, the other party immediately shot, the snake-like long whip, but specifically to the face of Mu Qiang, sinister.

The seat on the table said: "Hu Lan is too embarrassed to start. It’s hard that we have a beautiful young beauty in the Lingzong dynasty. Don’t leave her to leave the Lingzong Tower."

"This admiration is offended by Lin Yuezong. Hulan is deliberately smashing his hand!"

Hulan’s whip is very fast, but the footwork of Mu Qian’s is more and more strange.

"The wind is locked by the soul!" The wind element is running, and the thousands of squats and the windless plume fans are useless.

"The wind is destroying the soul!"

"The wind is unparalleled!"

The whip couldn't completely beat Mu Qian, and Mu Qian's three tricks were really on her body. It was hard to resist once. In the face of the last move, Hu Lan flew down.

"Ah!" Not only that, the clothes on her body have turned into broken steps, and Hu Lan is ashamed to die.

"Damn! This one is so dare to make Hu Lan's sister so shameful, I went up to teach her!" A green woman rushed up.

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