Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1800: Active provocation

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Chapter 1800 Active Provocation

At the beginning of the test, the sword of the white mirror month was squirted, and the whole tower was condensed with a burst of frost, and the coldness was pressing!

With the fast, high-level spiritual skills were given out by the white mirror.


The spirit of the ice element caused the surrounding temperature to suddenly drop, and countless winds accompanied the cold moon blade.

Everyone was amazed, "The mirror moon son has such a powerful killing at the beginning! The girl is dangerous."

Lin Yuezong’s people are not reconciled. “This is what the moon’s son is obstructing! We have to solve the problem with our own hands.”

"The wind is locked!"

The wind element is quick and low-key, "Hey!" The low-end of this move was torn by the ice, and the sword hit the door of the millennium.

Too close, I am afraid I can't avoid the speed.

Jingyue Gongzi is really strong and terrible!

However, at the last moment, Mu Qianxi was flashed away.

The speed was too fast, and everyone couldn’t see the action of Mu Qian’s, and soon Mu Qiang counterattacked from the back.

"The wind is destroying the soul!"

In the face of Mu Qian’s attack, the white mirror fluttered away.

The long sword crossed in the void, and the blossoming ice lotus bloomed in the air, and it was beautiful!

Although the ice lotus is beautiful, the speed of the rotation makes them a deadly weapon, which is especially dangerous.

"Hey!" Numerous roads broke into the air, and the wind and zero lupins of Muqian became instantly turned into countless rotating blades and rushed to the ice lotus.

"Hey!" Numerous collisions came out, and the ice lotus broke and turned into broken ice crystals falling from the sky.

Mu Yan actually broke the attack of Jingyuezi.

But the battlefield was changing rapidly, and the surrounding temperature was everywhere, and some broken ice cubes turned into tiny swords in an instant.

"Stars are broken!" White Mirror Moon slowly highlighted three words.

Mu Qianxi was trapped in the encirclement, and too many dangers attacked the layers of approximation.

"God! The mirror moon son also has such a sinister time."

"Too many ice arrows, where can I hide, even if I can show a quick body!"

The wind is zero, the fan is moving, and the mural is cold. "Hua Yu!"

Numerous white feathers obscured the body shape of Mu Qian, as the wind shuttled through the numerous ice arrows.

White Mirror Moon quickly circled behind her and continued to attack!

And the person in front of him disappeared in front of him and appeared in his sky.

"The wind is unparalleled!"

"Boom!" White Mirror blocked the attack and continued to attack.

"Booming!" The ice elemental spirit and the wind elemental spirits collided in the air, and the white mirror month rushed to the pressure on the body of Mu Qian.

Mu girl is really strong!

Admiring the Millennium Road, this white mirror is not the genius of Xuan Tian Pai's name, the defensive attacks are very perfect, and some of Lin Yuezong's people are completely incomparable with him!

Then, after several collisions, the two figures separated and retreated to the edge of the contest.

The two leaped again and rushed together.

"This is a hundred strokes, and there is no win or loss."

"The same level of Lingzong is rarely defeated by a hundred strokes under the mirror of the moon, but a sixth-order spirit emperor, the sixth-order spirit of the emperor has persisted for so long, enchanting!"

Once again, the force collides, and when the advantage of the white mirror month is about to hit the end of the millennium, Mu Qianyi once again avoids!

"This speed advantage is too obvious, just like cheating! I feel that I will kill each other in this battle. Unless the mirror moon has the speed of admiration."

"I used to play with the wind elemental spirits. I have never seen them have such a fast speed."

"Mu Chengyu's strength is though, but if you really want to use the speed to kill the mirror, you can't do it."

This can be done naturally, but Mu Qiang does not do this. It really kills the white mirror month with speed. This game has little meaning beyond the test.

The frontal collision broke through in the competition, and she seemed to feel that she had to break through.

Mu Qianxi passed the white mirror and she smiled. "Thank you!"

The spiritual power of the seventh layer poured into the body of Mu Qianxi. Everyone saw her attacking the ice-based elements of the white-mirror, while the strength was soaring.

Mu's spiritual strength has become stronger, she broke through!

Seventh-order spirit!

If you see other people break through the seventh-order spirits, they feel that it is only a small matter, but a seventh-order spirit emperor who can fight for a big battle is completely in the mood of those who break through the seventh-order Lingzong.

But the age of the seventh-order Lingzong is not enough for the age, and it is definitely a brilliant genius in the entire Xuantian world.

White Mirror Moon laughed: "Congratulations!"

Mu Qianxi smiled with the wind and zero plume: "You have to lose and congratulate me."

"This is two different things!"


The breakthrough of Mu Qianxi and Bai Jingyue once again played against each other. At this time, her disadvantage is not, the speed advantage is still there, and the pressure on the white mirror month is getting bigger and bigger.

After playing for more than twenty rounds, the wind and zero plume in the hands of Mu Qianxi became a sword.

"Be careful!" She said to the white mirror.

"Wind, cold moon!"

The spirit of the sword and the wind are blended with each other, and they are filled with the fatal blow of all the spiritual powers of Mu Qian.

The spirit of the wind element is like a torrent, and the white mirror is already ready for defense, but...

He still underestimated the attack of Mu Qianxi and overestimated his defense!

"Hey!" The white mirror's defense was broken, and the ruthless cold moon hit!

"Tear off!"

The robe was shredded by the cold moon, and the white mirror continued to dodge and retreat. Unconsciously, it was forced to retreat to the ring.

The surrounding became silent, and the mirrored son was defeated and lost to Mu.

A sixth order... no, the seventh order spirit.

The lost white mirror moon still has a smile on his face. He said: "Mu girl is really strong, thank you for pointing."

At this time, Mu Qiang stood on the martial arts stage and took the remedy to restore the spiritual power.

The eyes swept through a place on the seat: "Well! Do you still dare to go to Lin Yuezong?"

"Hey! Mu Yan actually took the initiative to challenge Lin Yuezong."

"Just spent a lot of spiritual power with the mirror moon son, how can she not rest and fight again?"

"From the first floor, Lin Yuezong was crazy to send people to deal with Mu Xi, and now Mu Yan took the initiative to come to the door."

Seeing that Mu Qianxi and Bai Jingyue had a battle with Lin Yuezong, they were very jealous of Mu Qianxi, thinking about other countermeasures against Mu Qian.

However, they are now being provoked in public. If they dare not fight, others think that they are afraid of Muxi this wild girl.

A white woman rushed to the platform: "Good! I will come to fight you!"

The spiritual power is so fast that she dares to provoke her, she wants her to die very badly.

"Boom!" But as soon as she played, her face changed dramatically.

"You... your spiritual power has recovered, how come so fast?"

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