Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1802: Be a guilty conscience

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Chapter 1802 is a guilty conscience

The white temperature of Bai Jingyue is faint and faint: "Gao Feng, who killed your sister?"

Gao Feng unconsciously said: "It's me! Of course it is me, Mu Xi is a black pot! Gao Ting that little monk is flattering to me on the surface, actually wants to step me under my feet. Her talent is very good. It is very likely that I will advance to Lingzong faster than me. I am not willing, so I have a great opportunity to meet her and let her..."

"Ah! Gao Feng, you are so awkward! I want to fight with you!"

After listening to Gao Feng’s words, the weak Gao Ting rushed toward her and threw her to the ground.

All the teeth and nails are used, which is to fight with Gao Feng.

The faces of Lin Yuezong’s people are very beautiful, and everyone who is watching the show is also embarrassed. It turns out that these young disciples of Lin Yuezong are intriguing, and then play with them.

Ms. Qian said: "As for how Gao Feng is a specific one, you can bring her back to Zongmen to check it out! After all, it is not easy to learn from the sinister means."

Even if Mu Qianzhen is self-incriminating, Lin Yuezong’s some of them hate her even more.

Mu Qianxi said again: "Look at Lin Yuezong, everyone in the Xingyi Tower so cooperated with me, this time I was not compensated for the compensation."

Compensation, this one of the dead gimmicks makes them Lin Yuezong lose face and dare to pay compensation, **** it!

White Mirror Moon Road: "Mu girl, let's go!"

Before entering Star City, I went directly to the Star Tower, but I didn’t go to the Star City.

Because there are quite a few spiritual masters who come to the Star Tower to practice, this does not drive the economy of the Star Tower.

White Mirror Moon Road: "I am familiar with Xingyu City. If the girl is interested, then I can lead you to the girl."

"no problem!"

The two went to eat first, and Bai Jingyue knew very well about the major adventures in the southern part of Xuan Tianjie, and gave a lot of suggestions to Mu Qianyi.

White Mirror Moon Road: "Mu girl's cultivation path is very different from ordinary people, but there are many benefits to entering the sect. For example..."

Mu Qianxi thanked the good intentions of Bai Jingyue and said: "Your advice is very good. In fact, I have already joined the Zongmen. Only now there is something to experience outside."

"It seems that I have a lot of things." Bai Jingyue laughed.

After using the meal, Bai Jingyue went to the prosperous street with Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qian asked: "I prefer the elixir and some rare objects."

"Mu girl comes with me!"

The posture of Mu Qianshao sweeping the pharmacy is like moving the entire store away. After that, he went to a scattered trading area. This area is where some people who go out and get some treasures are short of money and sell them here.

Mu Qianxi began a new round of sweeping, and saw a few unremarkable elixir on a small shop.

Mu Qiang walked over and asked: "How do you sell some elixir?"

The man looked up: "I don't want mysterious jade, I want two rare ores, silver cold mines and stars."

Mu Qianxi is a bit strange, this one is still an acquaintance, it is the ghost sword green.

He saw that the person who came to buy things was a bit strange, and he said: "Even if you are, I will not be discounted!"

The eyes of Bai Jingyue swept through Qing Xuan. These two rare ores are very rare, and their value is completely higher than those sold by Qing Xuan.

But Mu Qianxi is very refreshing: "Good! Deal!"

Qing Xuan did not think that the people in front of me really had these two kinds of ore, and the eyes were thrown at him without hesitation. Qing Xuan said: "It really is rich!"

"Wait..." Someone killed halfway after the deal.

"I have some of these elixir!"

Qingxuandao: "The transaction has been completed, and some of these elixir are not mine."

After that, he walked away like a ghost.

The young man looked at Mu Qian and said: "How do you want to give me some of the elixir?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "Do you know the value of Yinhan Mine and Tianxingjing? If you can now take out ten times the spiritual jade equivalent to these two ores, is this more than business I am willing to do?"

The face of this young man is blue and white, let alone ten times, even if he doubles, he can't get it.

"This is impossible! He is crazy, so the point of the elixir is so high?"

Not only is the other party asking for a high price, but there are people who are willing to be a big man. It’s amazing.

"I remember you." He felt that he was being humiliated and slammed into the millennium.

Bai Jingyue asked: "Where does the girl want to go?"

"Singapore City should also have a ghost medical building?" Mu Qian asked.


"Then we go to the ghost doctor building!"

White Mirror nodded and said: "Good!"

Mo Xuan’s ability is unquestionable, and the local medicine such as Xingyicheng is particularly popular.

The drug is affordable and works very well. Everyone comes in and buys it, but Mu Qianjin comes in and just looks at it. She just came to patrol her own territory.

At this time, a woman rushed in and said: "Mirror Moon son mirror moon son, Miss Ben is finally found you."

The white mirror moon is alienated: "Miss star."

"Mirror moon son, I have problems in cultivation, can you accompany me back to the city government to explain to me!" Miss Star looked at the white mirror and spoiled.

"Sorry, I want to accompany my friend today." White Mirror Moon gently refused.

"With friends, this girl is coming to the Ghost Medical Building to buy medicine! She has come in for so long, I have not bought any medicine, it will not be no money! This is easy!" Miss Star smiled.

She went to the front of Mu Qianxi: "This girl, what do you think of the medicinal medicine directly bought, it is counted in my account! You just promise me a request, that is, give me the mirror moon today, how? kind."

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "White son is my friend and not an item, Miss Star should respect his wishes."

Miss Star angered: "I am the master of the city of Xingyicheng. You can't afford these remedies. I can buy a bunch. Don't give your face a shame."

Ms. Star looks cute and cute in front of the white mirror moon, but she is extremely arrogant and unreasonable in the face of others.

Bai Jingyue just wanted to open his mouth. This young manager of the Xingyi City Ghost Medical Building suddenly smiled and greeted him: "Mu girl..."

Mu Qianxi felt bad, then said: "White son, let's withdraw first!"

Among the stars in the city, whoever saw the ghost medical building was not good enough to get a good deal. The only one who saw him running was the only one.

The two just wanted to go, the strength of this goods is not weak and directly blocked the door. He smiled and said: "Mu girl, is it so scary underneath? See me and run?"

Ms. Star said coldly: "If you see people running, you will run. Do you do anything to make a guilty conscience."

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