Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1825: Unity and friendship

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Chapter 1825 Unity and Friendship

They replied: "Good!"


Many of them are still entangled with these statues. They have solved the other guys in a lifetime and nine nights.

I took a clap in my life: "I said that Phoenix is ​​nine nights, my baby is so good, it is a pity to match you. You said that this talented person is unparalleled and can fascinate all the women in the world, which is worse than you."

Nine nights faintly said: "I feel that I am better than anyone, enough!"

"But, your words don't like this!" The power of the nine nights slammed into the face and shook away in a lifetime.

"You kid is too narcissistic, has the baby said that you are better than anyone? It is impossible!"


These two people have just solved the statues, and the two have started to fight each other.

It’s strong enough here, and they can do whatever they want.

Mu Qianxi was fighting with these statues and found that the two men were fighting again, very helpless.

Invincible said: "The two people are really bored. You are not busy seeing the master? Are they fighting?"

Of course, the nine nights and the lifetime of the contest, but did not relax the concern about the situation of Mu Qian.


Mu Qianxi and her three partners worked together, almost exhausted all the power, and finally could not recover these statues.


Mu Qian’s feet suddenly moved, and soon the whole person fell.



The two did not fight, and hurriedly chased them up.

When Mu Qiang floated down from the air, he saw a large silver lamp underneath.

When it was close, she found that it was not a light, but a hard stone...

The closer it is, the flat elliptical illuminator is not a stone, much like...

Suddenly appeared in the life of Mu Qianxi: "This is the dragon scale, it should be the dragon scale of this bright dragon. This is a part of its body, it has a part of its power, so even if he leaves, he can toss people It’s so bad, it’s awkward!”

"Hey!" The three of them fell to the ground.

An incomparable voice came. "Finally someone can come here, put your hand on this holy thing, and you will have the power of sacred light, which will be the supreme glory."

"After getting it, the first thing you have to do for this adult is to destroy this dark family that is sealed here. Come on! Come on!"

Ms. Qian said: "Is this scale of the holy dragon useful?"

I just wanted to answer my life, and I have already started working in nine nights.

In an instant, the large scale of the bright dragon's scales was suppressed by a phoenix nine nights, nine nights: "The scales of the bright dragon are part of the bright dragon, if the bright dragon's cheekbone appears or emerges Come a little breath, this scale will feel something!"

"A little useful!"

Because it is useful, it was collected in nine nights.

Of course, the scales of this bright dragon have the power of a part of the bright dragon. It does not admit defeat, it is struggling, and it tries to eliminate the dark elements of the nine nights.

But this time it was kicked to the iron plate, not at all, but was eaten to death.

The film became so big that it was half a palm, and it was placed on the hand of Mu Qianxi for nine nights.

Mu Qian said: "You take it away to find the whereabouts of the bright dragon."

"It has healing power, hold it!"

Mu Qianxi has seen the healing power of this thing, which is faster than the drug.

I will send things out in nine nights, and I definitely don’t want to take it back.

"Boom!" A loud noise came, maintaining this seal, the power of this palace disappeared, and the palace was completely broken.

"Oh la la!" countless lakes rushed in, nine nights to take the first step in life, holding a thousand miles, a flash of rushing out.

"Booming!" At this time, the dark invisible place was shaking, and their faces changed greatly. "What happened in the end?"

"I feel that something is going to happen!"

The lake was madly rushing down, and they saw a man in a black robe with a mask coming out with Mu Qian.

They are rushing to guard, for fear that Mu Qian will be brainwashed and be against them.

Mu Qian said: "The seal has been solved, and the exit is at the bottom of the lake. You can go out at any time! I will leave first."

When things got to the table, the road was found, and they did not stay.

The three of them jumped into the bottom of the lake, found the exit, and entered a natural dark black cave.

At this time, the scales of the bright dragon of Mu Qian’s hand entered a faint movement. She said: “The light is very weak. It should not be the body of the holy dragon. It is estimated that it is a scale or something else. Go and see. !"

Nine nights nodded: "Good!"


Going forward, Mu Qiang not only felt the power of the light but also heard the battle.

In addition to the fact that they still came here, speeding up the past and seeing a familiar figure.

A silver figure rushed over and took a scepter with the power of light. He smiled and said: "Ha ha ha! The eternal artifact is the adult, and the white servant, you are dead."

Seeing that some of them were dressed in the Eastern Empire, they had more people than Mo Xuan, so they took the upper hand and reached the bright scepter.

Mu Qianzhen can be sure that it is not an eternal artifact.

However, she asked her life, "A lifetime, the eternal artifact of the bright attribute is a scepter of eternal illusion?"

The body of life is medicine Ding, A Ting is a Ling Pavilion, Crystal Ying is Yu Lian, Yan Long is a sword, the water dragon is a ring, the other body of the eternal artifact that has not been seen is not very good. clear.

I laughed all my life: "Of course not. After you have met the baby, you will know it. And the shape of this scepter is too ugly. If Xiaoxiaoer knows that someone thinks this thing as it is expected to be mad."

The people on the side of the East Emperor Dynasty got the artifacts, thinking that the power of the artifacts could destroy the Bai Zegong, so that they could make two major contributions.

But the brother who got the bright scepter suddenly took the scepter and knocked at himself. "You are not good at murder. Everyone must have love, unity, and eliminate all dark forces. They can't kill each other. Can't... ”

The two sides who are killing this are dumbfounded. "Boss! What do you mean? Bai Zegong is an enemy."

"As long as our enemies have dark power and make this bright world dirty, others are our partners, our comrades, we..."

This is not to break the thoughts, but to suppress those who are unfriendly and murderous.

"It is not good to have murderousness. It is not good to kill people casually. Let me stop all!"

Some of the people of the Eastern Empire saw that what he was doing was simply mad. What is going on?

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