Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1838: Shrews Street

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Chapter 1838, Shrews Street

A black figure fled in the chaos and didn't want to be caught.

Mo Xuan greeted his men to prepare to arrest people, but did not expect Chu Li to take the first step.

At this time, he realized that the speed of cultivation of the millennial brothers was extremely strange.

How long has he been promoted to the Spiritual Order? It is now a third-order spiritual sage, too scary.

Chu Li was in front of the black man, so she could not escape.

The black man’s eyes flashed a poisonous color. "Kid, look for death!"

Countless snakes flew out of her sleeves, but did not expect Chu Li to shoot, a tyrannical force broke out, and some of the snakes were all shattered.


The black man flew straight out, such a young man, turned out to be a spiritual holy.

Other people are also shocked!

"Hey, I have an impression on this snake. Jiuyin snake, this person is Jiyin poison Ji, she actually mixed into the moon."

"God! That Jiyin poison Ji."


When I think of this guy who is more difficult than the poisonous beauty, others are a little jealous and dare not approach.

"Boom!" Chu Li once again shot, Jiuyin poison Ji sprayed a large mouth of blood, muscles and veins to break, aura back!

"Hey!" At this time, the nine-yin snake she carefully cultivated actually rushed to her, and the fangs bite directly in any place on her body.

"Ah!" Jiuyin poison Ji is extremely painful and shouts.

She was unwilling to look at Chu Li. "You...you are a good means, I have no enmity with you, you... why are you doing this to me?"

This young man used a very hot means to abolish her and let her become a waste person, but also let the nine Yin venomous snakes turn back, so that she could not die.

In addition to the things of Mu Qian, Chu Li did not care about everything.

Therefore, he affirmed that this one is absolutely related to the group of people who bullied the sisters, so he took the shot and took the person to the end.

As for the nine yin snakes, it is definitely not his handwriting.

Thinking of his very strong and strong sister, Chu Li looked at the past.

Mu Qianxi smiled and looked at him, and the brothers were really quick enough.

"Which sect is this young man? It looks so ugly! I have never seen him."

"The third-order spirit, if he shot it, it would hurt people. It is estimated who is the predecessor!"

"I remember that he seemed to be the one who had a Samsung sect."

"Samsung Zongmen has such a young third-order spiritual holy, what a joke!"

"It’s really a disciple of the Lunar New Year, I am absolutely not mistaken! It seems that the Samsung Zongmen is very deep!"

The elders of Qiu Yuezong did not catch people but helped people, which made them a little embarrassed.

The Jiuyin snake is very tricky, which requires professionals to deal with it. Many refining pharmacists volunteered to stand up.

"The emperor of the month, the old man encountered such things, and he is inescapable."

"The old man is coming too!"


The nine-yin snake is a very evil snake. Rao is a group of prestigious refining pharmacists. At this time, they are also scalp scalp and cold sweat on their foreheads.

Once the move, it will not be guaranteed in the evening!

When they shot, the nine yin snakes had already left their masters tossing, and then a snake became stiff and dead!

It’s just like this, and it’s so inexplicable to die?

They couldn't find the reason at all. They could only carefully remove these nine yin snakes and burn them all together.

Jiuyin poison Ji is still not dead, the moon lord cold channel: "How did you get into my moon?"

Everyone is thinking about it, and if Jiuyin poison Ji secretly starts to attack them, they will be miserable.

Jiuyin poison Ji is pale at this time. "I won't say it, I have already fallen to this point. I want to kill you and handle it."

She looked at the group of crazy Lin Yuezong people at this time, and couldn’t figure out what was going on?

She was taken care of by the little girl who was called Mu Yan. She did not expect that Mu Xi was fine. This group of little girls had an accident.

At this time, Mo Xuan said: "Yue Yuezong is a four-star superior sect. It is so easy for others to mix in. Someone must help! This matter is still to be thoroughly checked, give us all one Tell me!"

The main road of Haoyue: "That is nature!"

In any case, you must open the mouth of Jiuyin.

At this moment, a scream came out, "Ah!"


After screaming, it was a crisp applause.

The face of the one brother of Qin was completely swollen, which shows how heavy the monthly teacher is.

"Hey!" This Qin brother can not be a gentleman, an angry and directly gave the monthly teacher a few slaps, let the monthly teacher wake up.

Brother Qin said: "It is your own shamelessness. Now it is purely pure labor, and you are a girl."

At this time, the teacher of the month looked at the sisters and they were like this. They were completely stunned at once, and they were completely self-confident.

As a result, she saw a familiar figure, and she said: "Jiuyin poison Ji, you... you even counted me, why are you doing this to me! I am not asking you to deal with Muxi? Why do you do it to us instead." ”

"I have always been so good to you, you... you will be envious, you are a white-eyed wolf, you..."

At this time, the sister of the month was completely stunned, and no matter where it was, the endless accusation of Jiuyin poison Ji.

Everyone was embarrassed, and they heard that they had fully understood.

It turned out that the people who had sneaked into Jiuyue Zong of Jiuyin were actually some of the people of Lin Yuezong. They even let Jiuyin poison Ji deal with Mu Xi, and they did not know what was wrong with this.

Jiuyin poison Ji Dao: "You shut me up, if not to help you, how can I fall like this. You are a broomstick..."

One is the genius of the four-star Zongmen, and the other is the famous yin poisonous division in the southeastern region. At this time, they are at the venue of the Southeast Regional Exchange Conference, which is like a shrewd street.

Such a thing, in the place is estimated to be the first time to meet.

The teacher of the month seems to be only awake for a while, and soon consciousness once again chaos, surrounded by red like a snake, entangled Qin brother.

Brother Qin sneered, "Sure enough, a woman who squats!"

Everything is true, what should I do with this?

The emperor of the month looked at Mu Qianxi: "Mu girl, this is also one of the victims of this matter. We also have some omissions in this month, so that some people who should not come in are mixed in. What do you want to do? ”

Mu Qian said: "Everything is handed over to the priests of the month!"

Anyway, she should have started the work, and the finishing task will be handed over to the host.

The main road of Haoyue: "Good!"

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