Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1840: what do you want

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What does Chapter 1840 want?

The five of them attracted the attention of the opponent, and the opponent also knew that one person was less vigilant, but they could not capture the breath of Mu Qian, and the vigilance was useless!

"The wind is locked!"

"Boom!" A person was solved neatly.

"Injury in the dark, you won the disgrace!"

"You are bullying, aren't we allowed to win?" Mu Qian said.

"Tooth decay!"

"You will lose no doubt!"

As Mu Qianxi said, it is obviously not easy for them to avoid the sneaky sneak attack of Mu Qian, even if they raise the first step.

The hidden in the dark is the most terrible, they began to guard against the results of the Millennium, did not care about Lin Lie.


It was actually hurt by a group of people whose ridicule was weak. They were furious.

One by one broke out the strongest force, but still can't recover the previous situation.

"Wind, cold moon!"


"Bell bell!" Just when the last person fell, the confusing ringtone remembered again.

Lin Lie, they looked a little embarrassed, and a red figure floated over. "You haven't won yet, because I haven't shot yet?"

Mu Qian said: "You retreat, I will deal with her!"

Lin Lie, they only came back to God. It was really a shame. They were tempted by Yan Lianji, and their faces were bright.

Mu Qian said: "She has a strong spelling and a strong soul attack. No need to worry, I can deal with her alone."

Yan Lianji’s method is really strange. They know that staying can only be a hindrance, so they nod their heads and leave.

"be careful!"

Others can't help but worry about Mu Qian. "I heard that this fire beauty level is unknown, but the soul attack is absolutely first-class, very difficult to deal with, and this little girl is dangerous."

"I hope that the other side will be merciful, don't overdo it!"


The burning gaze fell on Mu Qian’s body. She smiled and said: “You are the first place this time, very good! How about making a bet with you?”

"Bet?" Mu Qianjing stared at the fair-faced woman.

"If I win, you go with me! How is it to be my person?" She smiled and smiled, with all kinds of styles.

"I am sorry, I am not interested in women!" Mu Qian faintly said.

"You misunderstood, I am just very rare, you are such a rare genius, I want you to use it for me."

Mu Qian said: "So I won, what good is it?"

She smiled: "What benefits do you want?"

The wind zero feather fan turned into a jade sword, pointing to Yan Lian Ji Road: "I haven't thought about it yet, but I won't lose it, so I will defeat you if you wait!"


Yan Lian Ji’s toes point to the ground, the nine bells on the feet move, the horrible soul attacks open, and many people are affected by this ringtone.

The older seniors are still awake, only watching their disciples who are disappointing are obsessed with watching the demon woman, feeling very shameful.

Such a terrible soul attack, Mu Yan's little girl can hardly resist.

"Wind, cold moon!"

Mu Qianxi seems to have no feeling of death, and the horrible wind element spirits are attacked by the red shadow in the air.

"Ring bell!"

In an instant, this fairy has become countless, and it is also true.

"Wind, broken star!"


The red figure was a dance, the bells on the wrists and feet were ringing, and the notes were even more obsessive.

The purple figure was like a lightning bolt, and the ink fluttered and was about to attack. The red shadow disappeared in front of her.

Costume, illusion, mental attack, this woman is not low.

Many people who barely keep awake: "The demon girl! It is definitely a demon girl!"

"Chemical feather!"

The other party disappears, and Mu Qian can also choose to disappear.

The two are fighting, and everyone else seems to be in a dream.

Such a versatile and diversified opponent is also very rare. Mu Qian’s 100% spirit is going to deal with her.

"Wind, silence!"

"The wind is unparalleled!"

There is a very crisp ringtone in the ear, and a singular piece of music can be a dream.

The element of the wind shreds her offensively and relentlessly, and the spirit of the vast sea is like the wall of the copper wall, so that Yan Lianji can't drill a little.

Some older people said: "This soul is terrible. These two little girls are enchanting!"

The two did not know how many rounds they had played against each other. The red-hot figure was like a fiery red butterfly falling on the ground with a pale color on his face.

"If the soul of the slave is exhausted, you can't beat you. You are really strong!" Even if she lost, she was still calm and smiling.

A jade sword fell on her neck. She said, "I lost. It seems that there is no way to take you away today. What do you want?"

"The slaves actually have nothing but this body. If you want, you can take them away at any time!"

Yan Lianji seems to be dizzy, the soul is unrestrained, and it is strange to be dizzy.

She is not afraid of the sword on her neck will have her life, very weak to rely on the past!

This surprised everyone. Is this Yan Lianji also a woman with a beauty?

Just as she had to rely on the thousands of squats, a white figure suddenly appeared, carrying the Yan Lian Ji who fainted in the past.

The crowd widened their eyes. "That! Is that the white son?"

"Is it a white man? Is this a shot to help Yan Lianji?"

"Is it not the guest of Bai Yangong who is the guest of Yan Lianji?"


Mo Xuan’s injured blue-bellied violent jump, but still holding this guy like a dead man.

He said: "I will leave!"

The eyes of everyone are even more embarrassed, it is not Yan Yan Ji! Even Bai Zegong fell down under her pomegranate skirt.

Mu Qianxi was a little surprised by Mo Xuan’s actions!

Mu Qian said: "Today's test is over, and I have to rest."

The emperor of the month of the month was relieved. This time, the Southeastern Genius Exchange Conference was definitely the most special one in the past 100 years.

There was a genius girl who couldn’t do it, and there was a farce that made the four-star Zongmen Lin Yuezong die, and then there was a door-to-door.

But this field was defeated by the genius of their southeastern region, which would not be a stain but a glory.

Everything is gone, everyone is relieved.

"Everyone goes to rest first, and a banquet is held this evening to celebrate the successful completion of this genius conference."

"Hey!" Throwing a goblin-like big beauty into the bed, it is not like the gentle Bai Zegong.

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