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Chapter 1842, Leprechaun Wraps

Mu Qian took a shot on Mo Xuan’s shoulder: "You are not easy. I will be a little better for you later."

After Mu Qianxi left, Yan Lian Ji Meizhen flashed a dangerous color. "My sister said that I am better to you, I am embarrassed."

"what on earth do you want?"

"I want to follow my sister!"

"It seems that I can only take you away."

"Xiaoxuan Xuan, you are not my opponent!"


Mu Qianxi did not think that he would go this way, and the next door actually hit it up.

Although Yan Lianji is a woman who is not reliable, she also sees that Mo Xuan is very close to her.

This person is a person who is extremely trustworthy by Mo Xuan and should not be killed.

A black figure suddenly appeared, he said: "Sister!"

"Brother, you are coming." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"What a woman?"

"Well! Although the neuropathy is a little bit, it should not be an enemy, nothing!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"Sister is going to the South Field, I want to go with the sisters this time." Chu Lidao.

Before they had talked in the room, Chu Li knew it, and also knew that Mu Qianyi planned to do so.

"I don't need you here. I just have to follow the baby. I will let the baby be bullied." I stood up in my life and very much excluded Chu Li.

"Because you, I am not at ease." Chu Li calmly said, obviously guarding for a lifetime.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "There is a crystal Ying, I can't help my life, brothers don't have to worry."

"There is one more point. If I think of something, I can tell my sister the first time."

"Who do you think you are! God is not a man? Can you count the bright dragon? I don't believe in your planning, you don't believe in the little baby."

Mu Qianxi knows that the brothers will never tell him a falsehood. She said: "Senior brother, now Lin Yuezong is already eyeing me. If the brothers follow me, they will become their target of attack."

"I will protect my sister!" Chu Lidao.

"I said that I don't need you, baby is enough for me!"

"Boom!" The room next door collapsed, and the two made a lot of noise.

The emperor of the month of the month came with a lot of people. He saw the white-haired son of the wolf and the demon-like man. "Bai Zegong, you are fine!"

Mo Xuan said: "Nothing, I will give compensation."

"You don't have to use it!"

Yan Lianji has stopped a lot, not to wander around the millennium, do not know where to take the bee to lead the butterfly.

In the evening, a celebration dinner was held in Qiuyue.

The old folks left the show with a close look, and the free space for this dinner was reserved for these young people.

In this dinner, two people were the most striking.

One is the first time to get the first admiration, the other is the one who is like a fairy who is tempted by Yan Lianji.

Mu Qianxi is very talkative with these genius geniuses. Although the arrogant sons who have been carefully cultivated by the patriarchal gates have some shortcomings, they are also innocuous.

And they are also very admired for Mu Qianxi, eating and drinking is indispensable, and exchanges and cultivation are naturally indispensable.

This time the genius exchange meeting, not only did not let the major singers hate the admiration of this enchanting genius, but many people have a good impression.

"My sister, those people are really annoying! I am coming to you to take refuge!" A red figure floated over and almost rushed into the arms of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi hurriedly avoided, and not many people surrounded it.

"My sister..."


Yan Lianji is a man who occupies a thousand miles, and others dare not speak.

After all, the strength of Yan Lian Ji is clear, this woman is not good to provoke.

Everyone was very happy after a dinner party.

The few geniuses of the Southland came to Yan Lianji. She said, "Let's go back first! Retreat and practice, don't break through the 9th-order Lingzong and don't come out to see me. This time I am shameful."

"Yes!" Five geniuses left.

Yan Lian Ji did not show them charms, but they were willing to listen to her orders, and there was no complaint in their hearts.

The next day, the major gates were to be returned with full load.

However, when they left the moon, they passed through a path that must pass, and suddenly they heard a strange voice in the woods.

A lot of people went to see it, and this seems to have seen things that are unacceptable.


"Isn't that a disciple of the Stars and Lin Yuezong?"

"This is too eager for the monkey! I haven’t gone back directly outside the moon."

"From yesterday to a few days, they are really..."


I was very surprised to see this scene, and they did not bother to leave.

Mu Qianxi and Mo Xuan left, and Chu Li said that he had to go out and let the disciples of the Lunar New Year go back.

As for Qing Xuan, I also plan to go alone and make money.

So they went to Yu Yuezong and saw what other sects saw.

Ms. Qian is somewhat surprised. She said: "The demon has moved his hands and feet."

Just said someone, someone is coming.

A red figure suddenly rushed over. "My sister, wait for me! My sister..."

Her speed was very fast, and she soon came to the face of Mu Qian.

She dismissed the jungle road to the other side: "The younger sister will go quickly, lest the **** will stain your eyes."

This guy is really a ghost!

After leaving Yu Yuezong, Mu Qianxi had to part with Mo Xuan, Mo Xuan said: "Hey, if she is pestering you, don't be polite to me! How do you want to clean up?"


After Mo Xuan left, Yan Lianji looked at Chu Li at this time.

"Is this son not the disciple of the falling moon? How to follow my sister, my sister did not return to the sect!"

For this woman, Chu Li completely ignored, too lazy to take care of.

Once again, his charm was ignored. Yan Lianji was also very depressed.

Mu Qian said: "The great strength of Chu Li is good. Can I not hire someone to protect me this time?"

Yan Lian Ji Dao: "My sister, I saw you like this, and the slave is yours, I will protect you! What do you want him to do?"

"I am not familiar with you, thank you!"

"Then you are familiar with him?"

"He is handsome!"

"I am beautiful!"

Yan Lian Ji Hu was so entangled that Chu Li took his family and sister directly.

However, Yan Lian Ji is definitely a professional dog skin plaster, which sticks to Mu Qian’s body and can’t get rid of it.

Chu Li is very fond of this noisy person who sticks to his sister. He whispers: "Follow us, kill you!"

"My sister, the bodyguard you hired is so mad! I just want to go to the South Field. Isn't it a way to go along the way? He is too wide." Yan Lianji complained.

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