Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1855: Refining family

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Chapter 1855 Refining Medicine Family

Really think that a woman can resist the charm of inflammation, it is a big mistake.

The beauty of the enchanting fairy, that is, men and women take all the food.

On the other side, Chu Li did not settle down and solved the problem.

Their previous intelligence was accurate. Before Chu Li was the third-order spiritual sanctuary, but when Nan Wubao Island absorbed so many black spar, the strength of Chu Li has improved a lot.

Yan went over and said: "Waste! It is too wasteful. It is a pity to kill directly."

Chu Li did not take care of him, but went to the side of Mu Qian.

Yan smiled: "I am also curious about how the side of the child is?"

On the side of "Hey!", they are still struggling.

In the end, she decided to sacrifice a small number of people. Some people fled, and they did not believe that she could catch up with all of them.

But Mu Qianxi is not alone!

She said: "Small ink, come out, don't let go."


Their faces changed a lot. "The beast, the beast! It turned out to be a phoenix beast."


At this time a red figure appeared, she said: "My sister, don't kill all of them, so it is a human life!"

"Yan Lian Ji!"

"you guys……"

They also noticed Yan Lianji and Chu Li, they are still good, then the elders!

They think more, they are even more afraid!

Must run faster!


There was a small ink in front, and afterwards, I wanted to run away. They were still too naive.

Mu Qianxi was listening to the words of Yan. He did not kill all the people, leaving a living mouth.

Lin Yuezong and Qi Xingzong have been wiped out at this time!

She looked at Yan Dao: "What are they left behind? I don't know if you will be kind to the enemy."

Yan Dao: "I don't have a lot of people in charge of the department? Especially in the dark places where many people don't want to go, this doesn't let these women of Lin Yuezong go to the bench."

"You are not afraid of accidents with the enemy!"

Yan smiled: "Why are my sisters forgetting what I am doing? There are many ways to let them obey."

"The person has already solved it, and you have to hand it over to you." Mu Qian said.

This practice of inflammation can be more embarrassing than killing them directly, and worse than death.

The inn was unable to live, they changed a place.

On the same day, Lin Yuezong and Xing Xingzong learned that their people had failed, and some people were still missing, and they did not know where they were.

"How can this be?"

"Tan Yan Lian Ji is too evil, she is invited by the Suzaku son behind her, Mu Yan and her once again do not deal with it!"

"We used to send people to Yan Lian Ji to play, but unfortunately they all failed! It seems that Mu Yan is with her, we can only detract from people."

"Don't we have to endure it?"

"Or do you still tell your Highness! Let your Highness..."

"Stop! This little thing can't be done well. How can we see my face?"

Lin Yuezong’s discussion on this side is fierce, and the same is true for the Xing Xingzong.

"The Sovereign, Suzaku's son is too long! I dare to intervene in the matter of the 琅星宗, this person is definitely a scourge, we must kill him at all costs!"

"Yes! Not only will he be allowed to die, but the forces behind him will have to be uprooted."

For them, Mu Xi is only a small role, relying on the people who are the Suzaku son, once the Suzaku son is dead, then it is easy to solve him.

The contradiction between Xing Xingzong and Suzaku in this southern region has accumulated very deep, but the whereabouts of Suzaku is very mysterious. His power is also hidden in the city, very scattered, very difficult to deal with!

However, this time, the Xing Xing Zong is ironic and wants to fight with Suzaku.

This time the fiasco, the two major sects are certainly heavy losses, so no one has been sent to make trouble on the road.

So they arrived in Nanwangcheng, the most prosperous city in the south of the East Emperor Dynasty.

After the present city gate, Mu Qianxi can clearly feel the prosperity of the business here, and a variety of shops are full of shops.

Yan Dao: "My sister, if you are not tired, we can go shopping! What do you like to take, all counted on my account?"

Mu Qian said: "You are not afraid that I will buy you poor, you should not be poor to sell when you arrive."

"My sister is really too small to see me." Yan laughed.

Therefore, Mu Qianxi went to buy things with Yan, and went directly to various places where the elixir was sold. The inflammation finally saw the fighting power of Mu Qianxi.

"All in all!"

"This is some!"

There are too many people to ask for, and even the owner of the pharmacy is shocked.

There are many refining pharmacists in Nanwangcheng, but no one has ever seen such a master.

Also accompanied by this little girl came to Yan Lianji, the boss did not dare to look at a few more eyes, for fear of being hooked.

Yan Dao: "All of them are counted on my account. When you go to Drunken Dreams, you can do it."


Next, next, next, and...

I didn’t expect that there were so many pharmacies in Nanwangcheng, and Ms. Qian said: “Distressed!”

"My people are all sisters and sisters. This is naturally the money. It will be distressed, and my sister likes it."

Nanwangcheng is like a home for inflammation. He is familiar with it and went to eat in one of the most delicious restaurants.

"Is it heard? Ghost Medical Building is going to open a branch in Nanwangcheng."

“What is the background of this ghost medical building? It’s rising too fast.”

"Mo Xuan Gongzi is a genius refining pharmacist. If it is not good, he will become a holy pharmacist."

"Whatever it is? I heard that the medicinal herbs in the Ghost Medical Building are good and good, and you must never miss it."

At this time, the building uploaded a violent voice. "All of them give me a shut up! What kind of ghost medical building, I think it is just to swindle and lie! Who knows the whole southern region, Dan medicine is definitely the best of Dan."

At this time, upstairs, it seems to be the big lady of Dan family.

"Ha ha ha! Miss Dan said that we are just hearing."

"Dan's inheritance of thousands of years of alchemy is naturally the best, and the ghost medical building is estimated to be touted by people who have no knowledge."


Mu Qian’s brows are slightly stunned and look at Yan Dao: “Dan’s!”

Yan Huidao: "Danjia is the first major refining drug owner in the southern part of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. It is also a top-ranking family in the entire Eastern Emperor Dynasty. They also have a good relationship with the Xing Xingzong. Most of the medicinal drugs market has given a monopoly."

"The market in the southeastern region is very small. They don't see it. Plus Xiaoxuan Xuan is more careful and cautious, but it doesn't let them make any moths. But if the ghost medical building develops to the south, the business is better than their Dan family. If the drug is better than them, they will never give up."

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