Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1864: Speed ​​against the sky

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Chapter 1864 Speed ​​Against the Sky

"What is your qualification for the breeze door to get the flowers of the vines? If you don't want to die, let us roll!"

"We will not give in!"

"Booming!" The two big four-star Zongmen came together here. The other elixir here is not worth fighting for, but the vine flower is a good thing.

The people of the Qingfengmen were blue and white at the moment, and they looked like they were poisoned.

Tian Ningzong’s ones are good at poisoning, because this promotion was promoted to a four-star sect, and other sects did not dare to provoke.

The people who were concealed by the Qingfengmen were not their opponents.

"Hands!" Mu Qiandao said.

When I met nature, I wouldn’t stand by, and she was also interested in the vine flower.

"Bell bell!" The mellow bell rang, and some of Tian Ningzong’s faces changed.

"Not good, Yan Lian Ji is coming."

"Defense, pay attention to defense against soul attacks."

"The wind is blowing, the stars are broken!" Mu Qianxi also killed.

Of course, there are quite a few other people.

If you want to solve some of Tian Ningzong's people quickly, these people in Qingfengmen have to recover quickly.

The poison under them is a bit technical, but it is hard for her.

A lot of detoxification remedies in the space can solve this poison, and Mu Qian said: "Everyone, I want to detoxify!"

The detoxifying medicinal drugs on the body are useless. They think that this is not very useful, but always try.

I took the remedy with the attitude of trying it out. As a result, the poison was instantly solved and they could participate in the battle.

The elders said: "We should get back to the venue and give some of the colors of Tian Ningzong a look."

"Yes! Great Elder!"

They had been beaten by the fire before, and they clearly said that they would compete for the genus of flowers with their strength. When they thought of them, they changed their minds and secretly poisoned them.

"Bang Long!" Chu Li and Yan, their fighting power, coupled with the Qingfengmen people have resumed their fighting power, at this time Tian Ningzong's group of people collapsed.

"Damn! How do they detoxify?" Tian Ningzong’s people were depressed to the extreme.

"Remove first!"

"Is that the elixir given up?"

"Can't beat, there is no way, retreat!"

Tian Ningzong’s people quickly retreated and did not want to entangle any more, because they could not find any benefit if they played again.

The people of the Qingfengmen didn't want to let them go so easily, and they were ready to pursue them. At this time, they said, "Don't chase, the flowers of the vines are about to mature. Once they fall into the ground, they will fall into the ground and they won't get anything."

"It’s not worth it to chase down some of the guys who missed the vines."

"That's also true!" The elders nodded.

"Go, let's go picking flowers."

Mu Qian said: "Do you know the characteristics of the flower of all kinds of flowers?"

"Features?" They looked ugly, apparently unclear.

"All the flowers we have seen in the tree, but did not elaborate, it is estimated that the refining pharmacist should be clear."

"If you want to pick this vine flower, it will be attacked by its vines, so it must be fast, entangled, but it should be treated as nourishment." Mu Qianxi explained.

"There is still this?" They were shocked.

Even so, no one gave up picking the flowers of the vines, and felt that the vines in front of them should not be very powerful, they should cope.

"Then use the spirits of this book! You pay attention to safety." Mu Qiang swept out, and other people were afraid of being too slow to grab things and rushed to catch up.


The vine suddenly moved, and countless vines that were as thin as hair entangled them, and they were extremely fast.

Even Mu Qianji needs to use teleportation to avoid the pursuit of the vines, and the disciples of the Qingfengmen under the Spiritual Order can be miserable.



The tiny vines entangled them and dragged them away, and the elders who saw the breeze door were shocked!

"Hurry up to save people!"


Thanks to the timely rescue, there was no life, but they finally saw that the genus of flowers was so powerful that they did not dare to come close.

Everything is difficult to deal with even the speed of the vines, and it is too small to be noticeable. This is not difficult for Mu Qianxi.

The purple shadow flashed, and Mu Qian took it out, and succeeded in collecting a pale yellow flower.

She is the first to succeed!

They saw that Mu Qian’s success succeeded and could not help but envy!

"I didn't read it wrong! This girl is only a seventh-order spirit, but... fast speed!"

"The wind element spirits, certainly also cultivated the speed secret! But this speed is really against the sky!"


The speed of Mu Qianxi is not in the bottom of many spiritual sacs, and the harvest is very good.

And more flowers fell directly on the ground and disappeared.

When they had no flowers left on the vines, they pulled back. Yan smiled and said: "My sister, see how much I have collected?"

As a result, Chu Li took more flowers to Mu Qianxi. "This is all for you."

Compared to their side, the side of the Qingfengmen is pitiful, but it is better than being beaten before.

The elders came to thank Yan and Mu Qianyi for them. He asked: "After the Yan Daren, are you still acting alone?"

"Of course!" Yan Dao.

"I don't know if there is such a detoxification drug, I am afraid that I will meet some people from Tian Ningzong."

"It’s just a matter of being counted once, if you’re being counted twice, it’s too stupid.” Yan swept them.

Everyone feels ashamed and difficult.

Mu Qian said: "Of course, this detoxification is a kind of remedy for the ghost medical building. If the elders need it, I have a little left here."

"Ghost medical building, is that ghost medical building?" The elders glanced.

The well-known four-star Zongmen has a special refining pharmacist. It doesn't really need to go outside to buy the medicinal herbs. However, I didn't think that the remedy refining the alchemy of my own is not very good. It seems that he has to consider talking to the lord. Look at the ghost medical building.

This is a famous name for the ghost medical building that is famous throughout the southern region!

Mu Qiang gave the medicinal herbs, and the elders gave them some elixir that they used in the ancient times.

After parting ways with them, Mu Qianyi set off again, and there was no place on the map for the elixir.

Some are late to be taken first, but they can also be leaked.

Some people just met with other Zongmen people, but the charm of the sinister is very strong, and there are more drug collectors.

If someone doesn't have a cold for the evil goblin and wants to get rid of the elixir, then it is natural to start, hit it, who is afraid of who!

After finding the last place on the map, there is still no longevity fruit they want, and the other elixir is harvesting a lot.

Yan Dao: "The younger sister, there is an ancient city in the ancient domain. The destination of some people in the Xingxingzong is it."

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