Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1866: a lifetime shot

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Chapter 1866, a lifetime shot

The provocative path: "It is to affect your appetite. It seems that I want to be more bloody."


A group of people actually had a woman's way, which made these people of the Xing Xingzong very angry.

"First go to Yan Lian Ji, don't worry about this garbage!"

Compared with the other four-star sects, the 琅星宗 is more concerned about Yan Lian Ji, a woman.

The main force was led by the fire, and the other four-star sects gave a sigh of relief.

Grateful to see Yan Lianji, do not go at this time, but when?

"Hey!" After the people of Xing Xingzong approached, Chu Li started, and the shadows swept to the enemy lineup.

What makes them unbelievable is that two people are sitting calmly.

One is a girl with a fine facial features, and the other is a enchanting white man who is not like the unparalleled.

"Do they despise us? Just look for death!"

"How long do you think these two people can hold us?"


The people of the Xing Xingzong were angry and launched a terrorist attack on them.

Mu Qian said: "Small ink, let us go!"

"You are slowly eating, but if you say help, don't let it go."

When a phoenix wrapped in black flames flew into the sky, Mu Qian also swept out.

"Phoenix beast, the blood is extremely powerful! It was actually given a contract by a little girl." That peak of the spirit of the sacred battle, watching the phoenix eyes reveal a greedy color.

If he didn't want to kill these old guys, he would immediately grab the phoenix beast.

He ordered: "Don't kill this little girl, this phoenix beast, the old man is going."

"Yes! Too elders."

However, where small inks are so easy to catch, and Mu Qian is not a good deal.

To deal with Mu Qianxi is some high-ranking Lingzong low-level spiritual sacred, they quickly moved to attack Mu Qian.

"Hey!" The palm of the hand, the rushing of the fists of the wind, Mu Qiang gently stepped on the breeze and rushed out.


Their attack fell through, even if the little girl who did not kill this seventh-order spirit did not exert her full strength, but there is no reason to let him escape.

The faces of the guys in front of Mu Qian’s eyes were shocked.

They naturally won't give up easily, and the horrible attack will once again sweep away.

The speed of Mu Qianqi was once again getting faster, and the wind element wrapped her up.

The fan blades of the wind zero lupin fan decomposed and turned into a lightning-fast weapon that hit them.


The strength of this one is not low, and the wind and zero lupins are not so easy to attack successfully.

"Quasi artifact!"

The level of the wind and zero lupins exposed them, making them more greedy.

"There is a lot of good things in this woman, trapping her! It’s a pity to kill."

"Of course!"

At the same time that Mu Qianxi was besieged, Yan and Chu Li were also playing against these people.

"Hey!" The peak of the Spirit has seriously injured a nine-level spiritual sac and found that the battle on this side has not yet produced results. He is very dissatisfied with the efficiency of these juniors.

"You are too disappointed with the old man. This little thing can't be done well."

A few of the four-star ancestral elders who had just stepped into the observations were not as important as the beasts. He was prepared to go out without patience.

He disappeared instantly in front of other people and soon appeared behind Mu Qianxi.

This is a peak spiritual sanctuary, and Mu Qian’s teleportation is fast, but it is difficult to avoid his attack.

When he was about to grab Mu Qianxi easily, a gust of wind hit silently, and he was completely banned.


The elder elder of the comet's elders gave a heartbreaking roar, and the wind was tearing his flesh and blood, cutting his bones and tearing his soul.

The white figure suddenly appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, and he pulled Mu Qianji behind him.

"Old things, my little baby is not so good bullying!" That pair of passionate scorpions flashed through the cold light that makes people feel trembled.

"Ah!" He broke out the strongest force and could not break free from the wind.

"Before the elders! What happened to you?"


The people of Xing Xingzong saw that the elders of Taishang were easily solved by people, and they were scared at this time!

They were shocked to see the white figure, the strength of this man is terrible! It is easy to control the elders, is he the strongest level of the spirit level.

It's no wonder that they can completely ignore them before they eat, because there is such a strong person, there is no need to put them in the eye.

"Adult, adults are forgiving!"

Before the arrogance, I thought that I could smother the lives of others, and the elders of the elders were humbled for mercy.

I laughed all my life: "No, you will die."

With the movement of a lifetime, the elements of the wind become the ruthless death of harvesting human life.


In the end, the elders who were too elders fell to the ground.


After the elders died, the only thought of some of the stars was to die.

"Hey!" They plucked out at the fastest speed, but found that the surrounding wind formed a barrier that blocked them.

They are all trembled, and this is a horrible phoenix sorcerer who can control the wind elements to such a degree.

Mu Qian said: "Leave a living mouth to ask."

They did not enter the ancient city of Qi, did not know whether the baby of the ancient city was given light.

"Well! Listen to the little baby."

The wind relentlessly harvested their lives, and the last one scared his legs and fainted.

Seeing the strongest masters with their strength is also the peak of the spirit, the first time I saw such a terrible person is really shocking.

Life has been very arrogant to solve all the enemies, Chu Li is very calm, but the inflammation is not calm.

This one always likes to slap the old and unfair of the sister-in-law, the strength is so strong, and the murder is very calm, it seems that these people are like toys in his eyes.

After a lifetime of stunned the past laughed: "Fox, know that this adult is amazing! Since you know that you give me a little farther away from my baby, or I will be more unhappy than you will make you die worse than them."

Yan is not a timid person. She shows a bright smile: "My sister must not let me die, I am not afraid of you."

"Can you try?" The wind around it became dangerous.

Ms. Qian said: "What is the situation of this ancient city?"

A few dangerous eyes fell on the man, he could no longer be put to death, and opened his eyes and shivered: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me, you want to know, as long as I know I must say, sure!"

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