Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1874: Millennial anger

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Chapter 1874 Millennial Fury

"Luck is also a strength!" Zhu Quedao.

"Hey! Lao Jiu... Lao Jiu... Hey..." The five elements of Sheng Ding cry like a child.

Everyone’s face is full of shock, the legendary top! How... How is this? This is completely different from the gods in their minds.

Mu Qianxi said that she was very calm. Every normal except for her family, she was already used to it.

After all, the upper beam is not right!

Nine turns is also a little impatient, he whispered: "Don't cry!"

"Hey! Ah Jiu, I know that the Lord will not abandon me. I feel the breath of the Lord. I really want to go straight to it, but I can't! I can't do it."

Nine turns: "I can't be buried, I will help you!"

Nine-turning Ling Ding started, and the result of the five elements of Sheng Ding’s heartbreaking shouted: “Ah! Don’t! Don’t...”

"You... don't come over!"

"You come over again, come back to me... oh..."

At this time, the people present were covered with black lines, and the corners of their mouths were madly drawn. This word, this emphasizes, so it is like a good woman who is robbed!

Even Suzaku and Bai Ze are not calm, and the image of Shen Ding in their minds is completely disillusioned.

Everyone doubts whether this is one of the immortal artifacts of the eternal artifact.

"Give me a shut up!" Obviously, the nine-turning spirit is not the master of good temper.

"I... I am here to seal the evil beasts. If I leave, you will not only suffer, but I will suffer. I don't think you are strong, you can do it!" Five elements of Sheng Ding Road.

"I... I am still waiting for the Lord to come up! If the Lord is coming, I am not afraid of the poor."

Nine turns taunts: "Do you think he will take care of you?"

"Wow, wow!" The five elements of Sheng Ding burst into tears. It knew that there was only a beauty in the eyes of the Lord, and where to remember it!

The sad heart will be broken!

The North Palace is absolutely awkward and asks: "Where is the beast?"

"Also ask me where you are? You are in your stomach right now."

Everyone is creepy up here, knowing that the poor is a very fierce beast in ancient times!

"The fire element spirits hands-on, burned some of these vines, this palace is to see what this ancient beast is like?"

"Yes! Your Royal Highness."

Even if there is some embarrassment in my heart, these people are unconditionally obeying the orders of His Royal Highness.

They left the green fortress and the flames burned instantly.

After the vines were burned to ashes, they revealed what this fortress should have.

It was a huge black-gray skeleton that formed a black bone fortress.

The huge head was buckled on the ground, and although there was no breath, it was still intimidating.

The North Palace said: "There is nothing to be afraid of an ancient beast that has become a bone! Take away the five elements of the Holy Ding, let us go!"

The nine turns to take away the five elements, it is very resistant.

"I am at the heart of this seal. Once I leave it, I will wake up. You are stupid."

Nine turns: "I know that you want to wait for him, but you must go today! Even if the ancient beast that has become a bone is resurrected, I can deal with it!"

The nine turns directly forced the five elements to lose consciousness and are ready to take it away.

Mu Qian said: "Suzaku, let them retreat! The farther away, the better."

Although the major gods are not reliable, but in the middle of the matter will never open such a joke.

Zhuque said: "Good!"

They retreated far away, and the five elements of Sheng Ding fell into the hands of the North Palace.

"Booming!" Sure enough, that one of the shackles moved and gave off a very strong breath.

Whether it is the strength of the spirit or the spiritual sanctuary, it is very difficult to breathe under the scent of this breath.

"His Royal Highness, hurry up! Danger!"

"Hurry up and **** your Highness!"

"Damn, some of them actually ran early! Defeat the Prince of the Prince is so good to them."

They rushed out at the fastest speed, and the skeleton stood up and attacked them in the North Palace as it stood up.


The pressure of terror, even if they are far away, they can still feel it.

Zhuque said: "The North Palace is still too arrogant. Looking at the power of this guy, they are afraid that there is a big problem. We must leave here, or we will be beaten."

Mu Qian said: "You go first, I want to stay!"

Suzaku and Bai Ze sighed. "You have to stay. It is not a peak, but it is very dangerous. You..."

"I have to stay, I am afraid that the North Palace will definitely kill yourself! So you must stay." Mu Qianyi's low road.

Mu Qian smashed the past, Suzaku stunned, said: "Come up!"

"The son, that is the ancient beast!"

"This is an order!"

"His Royal Highness, be careful!"

"His Royal Highness!"

The five elements of Sheng Ding were absolutely injured in the North Palace, so the one that attacked the ancient beasts was the North Palace.

The strength of the North Palace is not weak, the strength of the middle-level spirit and the body of the body is quite a lot, almost let him be able to achieve invincible under the spirit.

Even so, he is absolutely impossible to do this ancient evil animal.

Fortunately, there are nine turning spirits, and the strength of the nine-turning Ling Ding is very strong, blocking the attack of the ancient and fierce beasts.

The five elements must be scared to death. "Definitely dead! Dead, Ajiu, you recognize someone else as a master. Even if you recognize such a reckless idiot as the main person, you... mad at me... ”

"Hey! I haven't seen the Lord yet."

Suzaku caught up with Mu Qianxuan: "Hey, the North Palace is not such a sloppy person. It is definitely not... What is wrong with him? What is the benefit to him?"

It seems that nine turns can not stop those guys, the North Palace's defensive guard seems to be completely useless.

"Oh, it is reasonable to say that it is not only the guards on his face who protect him, but also the guards in the dark. This is too abnormal, what is he going to do?"

Originally had a good relationship with the North Palace for a few days, he still knew this person, but at this time, he did not understand.

Mu Qianqi clenched his fist. "Maybe I understand what he is going to do?"


A strong wind hit, the nine turns are somewhat unprotected, and the North Palace has a **** mouth.

The blood is not shallow, and there are still more blood flowing, but the injured North Palace has a smile on his mouth, as if he was injured.

While Suzaku and Bai Ze saw Mu Qian’s fists clenched, they could clearly feel that she was angry.

He was not hurt by the North Palace, but the Millennium was even more angry than him.

The North Palace will then have to enlarge the enrollment. He said: "Mu Qianxi, this palace is still not dead! So take a look at it."

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