Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1876: You point to the face

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Chapter 1876, your main face

"Booming!" The battle of the ranks of the strong, it is absolutely devastating.

The beasts in the wilderness of the wilderness were scared to run far.

"Space artifact, this time will definitely not let you run!" North Palace has never been rushed to Mu Qian.

Chu Li’s fighting power is awkward, but the North Palace is definitely a five-star power prince, and there are many treasures and many means.

He got rid of the shackles of Chu Li and rushed to Mu Qian.

The space around Mu Qianxi was blocked, and his North Palace would naturally not fall twice in the same place.



The red-red flame spread and Mo Xuan also started.

At this time, Mo Xuan’s face was pale and still insisted on fighting.

North Palace said: "I am very optimistic about the strength of the two, you are sure to fight against me for her! And I will not kill the children! After all, become my prince, but that everyone wants and can not get ""

Suzaku said coldly: "Prince of the North Palace, you must point your face! Even if you like me, I will not look at you."

Mo Xuan said: "I heard that the Prince of the North Palace is resourceful. Now, when I see it, I have not seen it, but it is insidious and sinister. It is definitely a first-class goodman."

"Since you are not obedient, then all go to hell!"


Chu Li felt that even if they joined forces together, it would be awkward for Shangbei Palace.

His strength has grown stronger.

"Hey!" Mo Xuan spit out a blood, Mu Qian said: "On the cloud, let him go to the space to heal."

Mo Xuan shook his head and said: "No!"

Whether it is Chu Li or Xiao Mo Mo, they are seriously injured, and the beast of the North Palace is not a good one.

The cold cold disease element directly suppressed the fire element of Suzaku, and the attacks of Mu Qian and Chu Li were ineffective.

"Puff puff!"

Others are not so good, and the North Palace has an absolute advantage.

After Suzaku’s attack failed again and again, he bit his teeth and said: “Get out!”

The familiar ringing sounds, it is the attack of the nine-turning soul bell, the soul attack.

Mu Qian said: "Suzaku, stop! Danger."

It is definitely an adventure to attack the North Palace. After all, as a refining pharmacist himself, he has a strong soul, not to mention that he has a connection with the soul.

However, it is too late for Suzaku to take back his strength.


"Hey!" He took a sigh of relief, and the soul rips the pain.

He couldn't move, and he was even more surprised by the reminder before Mu Qian.

"Oh... when did you know?"

The nine-turned soul that Suzaku used just now is a flaming thing. The soul attack is exactly the same. There is no explanation except that two people are alone.

But Mu Qianxi was not surprised at this time.

"Brother, be careful!"

"Boom!" Chu Li's figure flew out directly, and slammed into a towering tree.

Their manpower is about to be wiped out by the whole army. Suzaku smiled and said: "It seems that we are still too small to see the North Palace, and the strength of the North Palace Dynasty is very strong."

Everyone was saved, and it was saved to a small life, but Mu Qian could not go.

"You two, don't go too fast!" Mu Qian said.

"Hey, I can still fight! After all, the remedy you prepared for us is very good." Suzaku smiled.

Bai Zedao: "I can't live if you die."

At this time, Mu Qianzhen was riddled with water. The North Palace said: "Hey, I have given you a long time to think. Have you thought about it? Did you agree?"

Mu Qian said: "Many people are bullying people, the North Palace is absolutely, one-on-one is playing with me one?"

The North Palace laughed and said: "Nature, I can conquer the woman I want to conquer with my own strength."

"I can also suppress the strength to the low-level spiritual sancture. In fact, as long as you accept me, I will definitely feel that I am much better than the cold." The North Palace is gentle and considerate.

Mu Qianxi sneered: "Who is the Prince of the North Palace, who gave you a face that is thicker than the city wall."

Suzaku taunted: "Prince of the North Palace, if you say that you can suppress your strength to the high-ranking Lingzong, I can admire you a little grace, hehehe! Low-level spiritual holy is still very bully."

The North Palace is naturally not the kind of master who will be motivated to calculate the law. He always likes everything in his grasp.

The strength of the low-level Lingsheng defeats Mu Qianxi, but the high-ranking Lingzong is different. There are many cards for this person.

Mu Qianxi clenched this Yanlong Kendo: "Yanlong, this time, I have to fight for one."


In an instant, a red-red flame broke out.

Not just the fire element, a water dragon broke out from the air, and then there was a horrible wind element.

In this battle, Mu Qianyi did his best.

At this point everyone was stunned. "Three lines, three elements of the spirit of the teacher, Xuan Tianjie actually there are three elements of spiritual master?"

Beigong laughed and said: "The only thing in the world that I deserve to be worthy of you, why are you so stubborn! But soon, you will surrender to me."

The power of the ice broke out, and the power of lightning wrapped the North Palace, and it was as fast as lightning.

The North Palace is a double-element snack.


It’s terrible to confront each other once and for all. If it’s not that Mu Qian’s physical strength is strong, it’s already broken.

For the strength of Mu Qianxi, the North Palace is also very strange. "I haven't seen you for many days, and my children are getting better and better! This palace has to admit that you are much better than Mullin's talent. You are more suitable to become the Prince of the Palace than Mu Lin."

Suzaku and Bai Ze are in favor of her first half of the sentence, but the latter half of the sentence, absolutely do not agree.

"The water dragon is coming!"

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

This is the first time that Mu Qianquan has the spirit of the wind element, and the first three elements are full of spiritual power.

The spiritual power consumption is quite big, but it is very happy.

I can feel the war and strength of Mu Qian’s eruption to the peak of my life, and there is...

"Damn!" He whispered and screamed faster and faster.

"Two animals, it is in the way!"

The nine-turned face is very bad. In his life, this not only stunned the poor, but even he gave it.

"I won't let you go to the cold, you must stop you." Nine turns into a low road.

Of course, life is not good, he began to deliberately angered his life.

"You have been with your master for so long, why didn't you let your master fall in love with you, you can't, let her take risks for another man."

"I didn't expect that when a lifetime adult has a charm, it will be ineffective!" His tone was more and more ridiculous.

His face was cold and cold, "You are looking for death! This adult must let you fly away, and the soul flies away."


When Mu Qian’s warfare and attacks broke to the extreme, the attack on the North Palace was extremely terrible.

Suzaku’s keen sense of what is not good, his face changed: "Not good!"


"Sister!" A black figure swept over, wrapped in a very dark and powerful force.

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