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Chapter 1878 Xiaobai Stops

"Hey!" Jianqi easily broke the defense of the North Palace, and the face of the North Palace was ugly.

The silver figure flashed, and he retreated backwards away from Mu Qian, and Mu Qianji still teleported after all.

Mu Qiang laughed at this time. "It’s Xiaobai’s sword!”

The North Palace said: "The coldness of the early morning is scattered, it is only accidental, absolutely accidental, impossible... he can't live."

The emergence of the sword, the North Palace must be a little confused, his face showed an incredible look.

"No matter how you believe that Xiaobai is gone, I always believe, always believe!"

Since the North Palace has a small white body related to the soul family, then...

In an instant, Mu Qian’s soul power broke out with no scruples.

She is going to use the soul that has been condensed to attack the soul of the North Palace. If the soul of the North Palace is created, then Xiaobai can regain his body.

Both the strong and the spiritual level of the presence were shocked when they felt such terrible soul power.

They can't fully estimate how powerful this soul is, but they feel a threat.

Suzaku and Mo Xuan are also very surprised. The refining pharmacist has a strong soul, but the estimate that is so perverted is only that Muqian can do it.

It’s just that there is such an idea in my heart, and Mu Qian’s attack is not a bit of a rule.

This soul power is not much stronger than before, but the aggressiveness is obviously stronger, and the North Palace has changed its face.

He felt that his soul was hit by a force, drowned, and even resisted.

"You... how can you use such a soul attack?"

There are not many people who can attack with the soul at this time. It is like a fire with its own strong charm and the artifact of the nine-turned soul bell.

However, in addition to relying on her soul power, Mu Qianxi does not rely on other forces.

The soul of the North Palace is extremely uncomfortable, which allows another soul in this body to take advantage of it.

The spiritual power of ice and thunder converges, and then a very strong sword gas bursts out.

"Oh, dangerous!"

Suzaku’s intuition tells him that the danger of this sword is no worse than the power of the North Palace.

However, Mu Qianxi did not feel that this sword had any threat to her, but instead...

The goal of this sword is his own!

Mu Qiang said coldly: "Little white, stop!"

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

The spiritual element of the water in the air turned into a crystal shield, blocking the swords.


The power of the sword makes the ice shield crack open instantly, and the silver figure is getting thicker and thicker.

I still wanted to continue, but I saw the angry eyes of Mu Qianxi, and the hand of the sword stopped.

The pair of blind people looked at Mu Qianxi is no longer full of calculations, only distressed and still miss.

The blood-red figure flashed and fell in front of Mu Qian.

"Don't do this, I don't have a face in front of my nephew. He hurts you, uses my hand, my body..."

The cold scorpion swept through the wounds of Mu Qiang's body, and the breath became even colder, and I could not wait for a few more swords.

"That's not you, I don't blame you. As long as you are still okay, can you be sure that this is hurt?" For the ghost doctor, this injury is not in my eyes."

Gu Baiyi stared at Mu Qian’s face, and the delicate face was a little pale at this time.

"I know, but I still can't forgive myself. My nephew is as always."

"His Royal Highness Prince..." Some of the men in the North Palace were also stunned. At this time, His Royal Highness gave a different feeling.

Gu Baiyi swept them, and countless swords rushed toward them.

He looked back and said to Mu Qian: "Hey, let's leave soon."

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. I won't let you take risks for me again, so..."

"In any case? I don't want to lose to the North Palace."

Mu Qian said: "Want to go together?"

"How can I stay at your side with peace of mind?" Gu Baiyi's body trembled slightly and whispered back.

"Booming!" Some of the people in the Northern Palace dynasty were miserable, and the Prince suddenly attacked them.

For those of the Lingzong, the attack of His Royal Highness Prince can still be blocked, and some of the Spiritual Stories can be miserable.

These people are all close friends of the North Palace. Naturally, this is very wrong. They said: "What did the little girl scratched with the soul to do to the Royal Highness?"

"His Royal Highness, what happened to you?"

"Catch that girl, she must know!"

One fierce look at Mu Qianxi, Gu Baiyi cold channel: "Give me a hand! Dare to try him?"

"His Royal Highness, we will save you."

"The old minister can't be killed."

"His Royal Highness, you will understand that when you recover, we will defy your orders for your good."

Was killed by the people, the soul escaped to occupy the body of Gu Baiyi is his emperor's body, so the shameful thing out of his mother, the North Palace has never been told.

Therefore, these masters can't guess what the North Palace is all about?

Even if they don't know, they are ironic to deal with Mu Qian, and they don't care about Bai Baiyi's blocking of Mu Qian.

"Hey, let's leave, I block them!"

Swords and swaying, sweeping the opponent in front of the eyes.

Gu Baiyi did not care about his life and death to protect Mu Qian, which made these masters of the North Palace dynasty.

"His Royal Highness, you are confused!"

"Go!" Gu Baiyi said to Mu Qian.

Mu Qianqi clenched his fists and watched Xiao Bai fight his best to deal with the enemies in front of her. She knew why he didn't want to go.

The North Palace is still there. If he stays with her, waiting for the North Palace to come back suddenly is fatal for him.

But how can she be assured that Xiaobai alone will deal with that sinister North Palace, and everyone in the North Palace Dynasty.

"Little white, you can think of it together! I have a lot of very good friends and friends..."

The words of Mu Qianxi have not been finished yet, and he was interrupted by him.

"Hey, I want to go back to the North Palace dynasty. Everything that belongs to me can't be handed over. I want to get it back, so I am sorry..." Gu Baiyi was very calm.

"This ghost, who believes! Even a Samsung power management is not good you will want a troubled five-star strength?" Mu Qian angered.

Gu Baiyi said helplessly: "I am telling the truth."

"Booming!" Gu Baiyi's sword gas with a fierce determination.

"His Royal Highness, let go!"

"His Royal Highness, be careful, otherwise we will hurt you."


This battle, the masters of the North Palace dynasty also played very wrong.

At this time, a black figure swept out, it was Chu Li.

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