Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1890: Make a great contribution

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Chapter 1890 is to make a great contribution

Dan’s main gloomy road: “What happened?”

"Home Owners... We... There are thieves who sneaked into the pharmacy of our Dan family and evacuated all the remedies of our Dan family." The reporter reported that he was sweating.

"What do you say?" The face of Dan’s family also became pale, and it was a blue sky.

"All the treasures of our Dan family are gone, all..."

Dan’s family felt that his eyes were black and he was almost fainted.

This time, Dan’s very unrestrained auction revealed many baby medicines.

They also guessed that there would be people who were embarrassed, but they did not expect someone to start so fast.

Most of Dan’s main force has been dropped here to deal with the ghost medical building. The internal guards of the Dan family are not strict at all, so that the other party can easily succeed.

"Homeowners, those elixir lost their spirituality! What to do? The compensation is a big amount!" Someone was in a hurry.

Only a small part of the precious medicines of the auctions at this auction were Dan’s, and others were commissioned by others.

After the auction, Dan’s family had to give those elixir to the person who sent the film, but some of the elixir that was sent was destroyed by them.

His daughters have admitted that everyone knows that they are doing it, so the compensation can't be escaped. It is impossible to make the ghost medical building a scapegoat.

"Hey!" A spurt of blood, Dan family directly fell to the ground.

"Master, we are back!"

"Hey! We made a big vote."

One red and one white figure rushed into the ghost medical building and came to the side of Mu Qianxi.

These two are Xiaohong and invincible, and they broke in.

Dan Jia reported so many precious elixir, and Mu Qian listened to the interest.

She also knows that this time the Dan family wants to start, the defense on the other side must be very weak, so let the invincible and Xiaohong sneak in the past to empty their elixir.

Everything was very smooth, and it was cheaper to calculate her ghost medical building, splashing dirty water and collecting such a little interest.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Dry beautiful!"

The Dan family waking up quickly, he simply hated the ghost medical building.

"Ghost Medical Building, Ghost Medical Building..."

He blamed everything on the head of the ghost medical building. If it weren't for the ghost medical building, they would not fall to such a place.

"The sons of the Xing Xing Zong are there, I am going to see them!"

The Xing Xingzong promised to do his best to help, so that the face of Dan’s family had some happiness. This time, the ghost medical building escaped, but soon their last days are coming.

This time, Xing Xingzong not only sent the peak spirit, but even sent a spiritual honor, ready to destroy the ghost medical building at all costs.

Next, Qi Xingzong negotiated with Dan.

When negotiating, the Dan family’s face was very bad. The elders of the Xing Xingzong said: “We can’t help it. This time, after solving the Ghost Medical Building, your Dan family will become the affiliated force of our Xing Xing.”

The power of the round, the bottom of the wheel, the Dan family does not have to be a bad star, so that the Dan family became the auxiliary force of the Xing Xing, he is really reluctant.

"If you don't agree, just wait for the suppression of the ghost medical building to become more and more lonely. At that time, even if you ask us to be a star, we will not look at you."

"Become a subordinate force of our 琅星宗, that is the honor of your Dan family! Our 琅星宗 is the four-star sect of the Princess Linda, and there is a Princess Lin back."


The strong person of the spirit level they invited came out with a violent pressure. If they angered the people of the Xing Xing Zong, their Dan family estimated that they were really finished.

They have already led the wolves into the room, and they have no choice. If they can destroy the ghost medical building, they will become affiliated forces of the affiliated forces. Everything is forced by the ghost medical building.

The humanity of the Xing Xingzong: "This time I have to deal with not only the ghost medical building, but also the Suzaku son, otherwise you think that your Highness will let the elders go out."

The elders of the elders, but the spiritual respects around Mulin, hang a name for the elders in the 琅星宗, otherwise a spiritual esteem can not see a four-star sect.

"Of course, the ghost medical building is in danger, Suzaku son will not care, and then they will be wiped out." Dan Jiadao.

The movement of Xing Xingzong could not escape the information network of Suzaku. Suzaku smiled and said: "Hey, Dan family really wants to be that chicken."

Mu Qian said: "Be prepared! This time you want to do beautiful and bright."

"that's for sure!"

The Xing Xingzong and the Dan family were not equal at the moment, and they immediately rushed to the ghost medical building after they were in a hurry.

Feeling the powerful murderousness, the people on the street hurried away, it seems that someone is going to fight directly in Nanwangcheng.

Someone was shocked: "The one in front seems to be the owner of the Dan family. They have gone to the ghost house."

"Don't Dan family can't get used to the ghost medical building, to get rid of the ghost medical building!"

"Dan's family is too overbearing! It's so easy to be so affordable and all are high-quality drugs sold by Dan Medicine!"

What happened to the exchange meeting, and no one gave it to the outside, it was given to Danjia face, so outsiders do not know how big the contradiction between Dan family and ghost medical building?

"Even if there are so many strong men in Dan family! They have also invited a helper to the Ghost Medical Building?"

"Look at the costumes of some of the disciples, who seem to be the people of the comet."


The Dan family and the Xing Xingzong jointly dealt with the ghost medical building, which spread throughout the Nanwang City. Many people think that the Dan family’s air volume is too small. The ghost medical building opened in Nanwang City for a few days. No one else.

In order to quickly remove the ghost medical building, Dan’s family is completely shameless. If others say this, as long as the ghost medical building disappears completely, everything will return to the past.

Most of the spiritual masters in the Southern Regions need their Dan's medicinal herbs. At that time, they will not respect the unit price.

When they arrived, a red figure swept out like a fire burning in the air.

"It seems that your Dan family does not put the warnings of this son in the eyes. The ghost medical building is the place covered by the son, but you can not come to the wild."

"Suzaku, we have been looking for you for a long time, I did not expect that you will really come out to protect this ghost medical building, and today will disappear with the ghost medical building!" The elders of the Xing Xingzong are cold and cold, without saying anything. Just let people kill Suzaku.

This Suzaku son is definitely a confidant in the sacred prince of the South of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. If they were solved by the singer, then they would definitely make a great contribution and press Lin Yuezong.

Dealing with the ghost medical building is only incidental. Their main purpose is to solve the Suzaku son, so this time, the man who sent the comet was more than the Dan family knew.

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