Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1898: a hundred years of hardship

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Chapter 1898 is a rare encounter in a hundred years

On the seventh floor, the speed of Mu Qianxi slowed down.

Because her opponents are seven seventh-order Lingzong, they have more experience in combat and are very different from the general seventh-order Lingzong.

Mu Qianzhen did his best to fight, and the elements of the wind ran to the extreme.

She whispered: "Feng Yu, Hanyue!"

The ultimate power broke out, "Booming!" The opponents in front of him were knocked down one by one.

White Mirror Moon Road: "Mu girl has spent so much time, it seems that this South Lingta test is extraordinary, I also want to see."

Qing Xuan nodded slightly, the soul pulls, and goes in.

Only Chu Li was not in a hurry, and there was no action behind Mu Qianxi.

"Hey!" The seventh opponent fell in front of Mu Qianxi.

The seventh heavy is very dangerous, but has not yet pushed her to the limit, Mu Qianqi clasps the wind and zero feather fan, she is looking forward to the eighth heavy opponent.

"The eighth is heavy, and someone rushes up."

"This is the sixth time that the Nanlingta stone monument has rushed to the eighth place."


The eighth weight is obviously thrilling.

She has to face eight eight-level Lingzong opponents, which is a bitter battle of crushing potential.

The purple figure fluttered out like a lightning, and the wind element spirits took the murderous air. She hit and dealt with a person. As for the attack of his seven people, Mu Qianjun chose to avoid.

As a wind elemental master, the space element spirits, even if the seven eighth-order Lingzong besieged, Mu Qianxi can safely avoid.


Mu Qiang hits the attack and tries to hit the opponent in front of him as much as possible, consuming its power.

The long battle, so that Mu Qiang every nerve is tight, the Emperor pays off, and Mu Qian finally solved the first one.

The wind zero feather fan broke down and killed the second one. She smiled and said: "Continue!"

When Mu Qianxi was killed on the eighth floor, everyone found that two more people rushed to the seventh floor at the fastest speed. It must be said that in the southern geniuses of the Eastern Empire, the seventh floor was A hurdle that is difficult to cross.

If you can cross the past, you can become the genius of the first ladder. If you can't cross it, then you can only become the genius of the second ladder.

It’s not easy for Mu Qian’s spiritual power to be exhausted, so she consumes it on the eighth floor with her opponent, the sixth, the seventh and the eighth!


After the last opponent fell, Mu Qianxi finally took a breath.

"The ninth weight!" Mu Qianxi smiled.

The Tianjiao Gate in the southern part of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty had been tested, but for the first time, someone was on the ninth.

"The ninth has reacted. Has anyone gone up?"

"Who is it?"


Even the old guys who guarded the Nanling stone monument were a little surprised. Someone even got the ninth weight?

Zhuque’s mouth is smiling, who is the ninth heavy person? He is very clear, it must be!

Then two people boarded the eighth floor. Some people exclaimed: "There are two people on the eighth floor. Isn't the genius all together?"

At this time, Qingxuan was defeated, and the soul was pulled out. At this time, the eighth layer of Nanling Stone Monument flew down a jade card and fell into the hands of Qing Xuan.

"It's him! He actually rushed to the eighth!" Everyone is very surprised.

After all, Qing Xuan’s dressing, which can’t be seen as a disciple of a big door, is more like a chilling distraction, where he will think of his talent for day.

Qing Xuan’s hand fell on the ghost sword. “It’s still too weak, only defeating two people.”

After a while, the soul of the white mirror month was also pulled out, and another eighth token was flying out.

"Is it the mirror moon son? He also rushed to the eighth heavy!"

"Mirror Moon is not only a seventh-order Lingzong, but it broke through in such a short period of time."

"There is definitely a breakthrough. How can the strength of the eighth-order Lingzong be on the eighth?"

White Mirror Moon was somewhat lost. "The last one is still worse."

The more difficult the opponents are, the harder it is to deal with them. If it weren’t for the experience of fighting with the crickets, it is estimated that they have not had such good results.

White Mirror has swept the ninth heavy attack. "You can definitely pass it."

More than the seventh-order Lingzong's strength, Muqian, wants to deal with it is not easy, of course, the power of these guys will not last, so Mu Qiang bite his teeth to fight war.

If you use the spirit of water and fire, you can solve it faster with the Dragon Sword. The geniuses of the southern part of the East Emperor Dynasty are gathered here. The East Emperor Dynasty estimates that there are also many eyes staring at it.

If you can't help but use other elements of spiritual power, if you can't control it when you try it, the hiding in such a long time is in vain.

Squeeze the potential of the squeeze, try your best to consume the strength of the other side.

Mu Qianxi stayed in it for a long time. After everyone had tested it, Mu Qianxi was still ninth to deal with the enemy.

Three lives were spent on death, and one third remained.

Everyone else has finished testing. This is not obvious in the ninth weight. They are stunned and look at the purple girl.

She is the one who killed the ninth weight and stayed in the ninth for so long!

The elders who guarded the Nanling stone monument felt that something was wrong, and no one had ever persisted for so long.

This man is accompanying the Suzaku son, and now the Suzaku son of the day is also with her, they are talking to Zhuque: "Suzaku son, entering the Nanling stone monument is the soul consciousness, which is very consuming soul, this The girl has been in it for so long and has not come out. We are afraid that there will be problems with the Nanling stone monument. You do not need to ask the elders."

For such a long time, even the soul of a spiritual sac will be exhausted and expelled, let alone a little girl.

Suzaku replied: "I don't think there is anything wrong with it, wait for it!"

Suzaku naturally knows how perverted the soul of the millennium, and such consumption has no effect on her.

After solving three problems, Mu Qianyi solved the remaining three, and three...

"Wind, broken star!"

The Phoenix Zero Fan was instantly opened, and the horrible storm swept away toward the remaining three opponents.

Even so, they are not hurting a little, but they are rushing to attack her.

The speed of Mu Qianxi is so fast that it won't let them hit the honor.


It was another fierce battle, and the intensive wind blade struck from all directions...

The setting sun is already hanging on the hill at this time, and it will soon fall, but these geniuses who came to the South Spirit Tower test still do not leave.

Because they really want to know, that one of their own girls challenges the ninth weight, can they succeed?

If it is successful, they can witness a genius to break through the ninth weight of the Nanling stone monument. This is a rare thing in a hundred years!

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