Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1906: In addition to the sister

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Chapter 1906, except for the sister

"Booming!" The more fierce the two played, the more fierce they were in the end.

The spirit is so horrible but not afraid of death. These two people are crazy.

"There are no things at all. They don't dodge or defend, but they are not injured. Are they still people?"

"Don't these two people be monsters?"


This kind of hard hit, the people present are estimated that few people will be able to withstand, but the two people in the ring are more and more spirited.

Nanchen Road: "I really didn't think that Mu Yan would be a refiner!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I can't see you like it! I rarely meet the practitioners of the refining body, and I will hit you once and for all! But I have to tell you that the war of consumption will definitely win me. You'd better find a way to beat me before the spirit is exhausted."

"I am Lingzong, the spiritual power will be slower than you consume! And I know that some of you are not bad, the medicinal herbs are also prepared a lot, you can fight for a long time!" Nan Chen back.

After listening to his words, Mu Qian’s mouth twitched with a faint smile and then attacked fiercely.


The people present were unable to count how many rounds these two crazy monsters had played against each other. How many times did they supplement the spiritual power with the medicinal herbs?

It was not until the dusty medicinal preparation of Nanchen was finished that he knew that he was prepared to be adequate and that Mu's preparation was more adequate.

Moreover, although the other party is a spirit emperor, the mastery of spiritual power is very precise, and it consumes more slowly than his one.

After the spiritual power was exhausted, the face of Nan Chen was pale. He said: "I lost!"

"Dream sister, you must give me revenge. Now challenge Mu Xi, her spiritual power consumption is so much must not be your opponent!" Xia Houzi was seriously injured by Mu Qianxi, now dare not continue to participate in the war, can only condone her good My sister started.

Dream laughed and said: "Good! Listen to you."

Mu Qiang just left the contest, and laughed and said: "Mu girl, your strength is very strong, I admire, so I want to challenge you."

Mu Hao just finished a battle, dreaming, laughing, but challenging, a bit not kind.

I dare not look at the hatred of Xia Houzi, it seems that the dream girl is to avenge a good sister.

At this time, a cold voice came.

"She refused, I will come to you more than one."

On the ninth floor, the young man in the black dress who is like an invisible person is finally open. He laughs lightly and smiles and says: "Good!"

The two fell on the platform, and the smile was light and gentle: "Chu Gongzi, please be merciful!"

As a result, at the beginning of the test, Chu Li did not have any mercy, and a trick made the dream laugh to the second.

Not only did one stroke kill, but it also hurts others. Anyway, it is impossible to challenge Mu Wei today.

Dream laughter was so defeated by the face, but not angry, her weak eyes looked at Chu Li on the ninth floor.

The gaze was noticed by the fire, and he was shocked: "The younger sister, the woman will not be faulty! It was defeated by Chu Li so much that she did not feel pity, and it seems to be looking at Chu Li."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Is there any way to do it, can you see the charm of the people of Chuli? Do you have a lot of men who like you! You don't have to worry!"

Chu Li faintly said: "I don't like being liked, trouble!"

Then said: "Besides the sister! I don't want to be troubled by the sister."

The anger is angry. "You are too narcissistic! Your sister can't say that I like you."

Chu Li did not give the face to defeat the Miss Dream, and made many flower ambassadors angry.

"That Chu Li is not a man! It is such a dream to Miss Da."

"Strong strength is great! Can you be so humiliating if you are strong?"


Yan smiled: "You see, you are angry! You are going to have a three or four stroke with her!"

Chu Li replied: "Trouble, you can solve a problem without using a lot of effort."

Mu Qian’s mouth was slightly pumped, and he found that the brother was really a very troublesome person.

Chu Li stopped a dream and laughed lightly, but Du Gulang also thought that she would defeat her and weaken her, and today she took the first place in the genius list.

"Mu, I want to challenge you! Give this less to roll down."

Yan Dao: "The last time I let Chu Li give priority, this time let me deal with this awkward man."

Ms. Qian said: "No, it is still me! Just after I took a break, the feeling of faintness has to be broken, so I will fight again and see if I can break through."

Yan Dao: "Well, the sister who gave you a little color to look at, is too annoying. What is he? I dare to talk to my sister."

The strength of the solitary solitary wave is also dangerous, which makes people a little surprised.

Before the admiration, there was no battle. This time they felt that if they were smart, they would not be expected to fight.

However, at this time, Mu Qiang stood up and said: "Roll? You alone, you should first make a demonstration and roll it to the platform to let everyone see!"

"Do you dare to talk to me like this?"

"Don't you dare? Are you very good? Or you go to the contest, or you can give me a good speech, if you still want to compare with me."

Du Gulang is angry in his heart, but in order to defeat Mu Xi, he can only bear it first.

When Mu Hao went to the contest, he would definitely regret her.

"Mu girl, I want to challenge you! Come on, let us play a good game, I think you should not be afraid of my solitary waves, right?" After that, the solitary wolf swept the platform very quickly. .

And Mu Qianxi also swept past, she said: "I am naturally not afraid of you!"

Many people sighed when Mu Qiang fell on the stage. "Hey! Mu is still too impulsive."

"There have been two trials in a row, and the other side is very strong. Now I am going to fight against the solitary waves. I am afraid I will lose very badly!"

"If you are patient, take a day off and fight tomorrow, even if you are on the solitary wave, there is a great chance that you will win. After all, the speed and physical strength of the girl is very strong and abnormal."

At this time, Nanchen also quickly returned to the eighth floor. He looked at Mu Qianxiao and smiled: "Mu girl can not lose!"

"Hey! Don't lose, where are you confident? She beat you, you are so optimistic about her, you are sick!" Xia Houzi was very dissatisfied.

Nan Chen looked at the purple figure and smiled: "I am very fortunate to have encountered such an opponent."

He looked over at Xia Houzi and said: "You are sick, Miss Xiahou, you, Miss Xiahou, you should go to a refining pharmacist."

Xia Houqi is angry, "Nand ​​dust, I want to challenge you!"

"I don't accept it. It's more interesting to watch a girl fight than to play with you." Nan Chen has no mercy.

Xia Houzi is going to be bombarded. She said: "Look, you are waiting to see if you are optimistic that Muxi is being abused by the solitary waves! Just because she dares to fight with the masters of Qi Xingzong?"

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