Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1913: Burned directly

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Chapter 1913 burned directly

The strength of the solitary wave is very strong, and the sword hall is much more familiar than the two of them, so he smashed the sword hall faster than the white mirror month and the green mysterious, and also got a quasi artifact. Sword.

White Mirror Moon and Qing Xuan are very thrilling in the inside, but in the end they still came out from the Temple of the Temple, and the harvest was not small.

However, they came out of the sword hall, but they suffered a lot of damage, and the spiritual power consumed more.

"Boom!" The attack slammed into it, and the solitary wave was waiting outside for them.

The white-faced moon’s face sank and said: “Duo Youlang, what do you mean?”

Du Gulang sneered: "What do you mean? Naturally, you want to kill you, don't blame me. If you blame, you will blame your relationship with Mu Xi. You will kill you first and then remove that woman." ”

"You dream!" Qing Xuan cold channel, took the remedy to restore spiritual power.

The ghost sword was unsheathed and looked sharply toward the solitary wave.

White Mirror Moon did not hesitate, hurriedly started.

"It’s not that easy to kill us."

Bai Jingyue and Qing Xuan teamed up to deal with the solitary wave, but the solitary wave is a victory.

"Even if you join hands, it is definitely not my opponent."

What makes the solitary waves strange is that the two people who had been exhausted by spiritual power recovered quickly.

And their combat power has exceeded his expectations, it seems that they need to waste some time to solve them.

At the time of the fierce battle between the two sides, a white figure swept over.

"Done brother, are you here?"

"Song Mingyue, you came just right, killing them two people. In several other halls, this son can be with you, your chances of winning will be much larger."

When Song Mingyue heard it, there was a flash of light in his eyes. "That would have thanked the solitary brother."

Bai Jingyue and Qing Xuan two pairs can still barely block the solitary waves, but they have joined a Song Mingyue, and their situation has become very dangerous.

"Hey!" Bai Jingyue and Qing Xuan have been injured, but the war between the two of them has not decreased.

Du Gulang laughed coldly. "Ha ha ha! Bai Gongzi, you are a sect of the sect. I don't want to do anything too much. If you kneel down and ask for mercy, I can leave you a whole body!"

"As for this one, it’s best to die!"

Qing Xuan cold channel: "You are not the boss's opponent to shoot us, really pitiful, waste one!"

"Do you want to try again?" Qing Xuan opened his mouth and blew the Du Gulang.

"I want to kill you!"

At this time, a cold voice came.

"You are so angry when you are alone, are you wrong with Qing Xuan? You are a waste snack."

The purple figure swept out like a ghost, and Mu Qian appeared in front of Du Gulang and Song Mingyue.

After passing through the temple, and then after arriving at the temple, I saw such a scene, it is really narrow road!

Du Gulang sneered and said: "Very good, very good, Mu Yan, you actually took the initiative to come to the door, it seems that this son does not need to go to find you, you give me to die!"

Song Mingyue also rushed up, but Qing Xuan and Bai Jingyue naturally would not let them both besieged, and the two directly stopped Song Mingyue.

The two of them could not cope with the Solitary Wave, but it was more than enough to contain Song Mingyue.


Mu Qianxi and Du Gulang hard hit, but the solitary wave did not attract a little benefit.

"Don's alone, you really don't have any progress. If you have this strength, you still want to deal with me. Is it whimsical?"

The elemental spirit of the wood, the elemental spirit of the earth, madly attacked Mu Qian, but some of his attacks, Mu Qian, have already seen it. Now she has advanced to the eighth-order spirit, and this attack is against her. It is not a threat.

"Wind, broken star!"

Mu Qianxi saw the move and made the face of the solitary wave difficult to see.

She said: "The solitary waves, there are some tricks to quickly make it out. Now in this South Spirit Tower, time is precious, I don't want to waste too much time with you."

Du Gulang sneered: "It is you who forced me, you forced me, Mu Yan!"

Suddenly, a dark green flower appeared in front of Mu Qian.

White Mirror Moon, "It turned out to be a rare plant-based beast, and the solitary wave actually got such a baby."

There are too few attacking animals in the plant system, and only the wooden elements can be conquered.

Song Mingyue laughed. "The solitary brother is really hidden! This plant is a half-beast, and it is easy to solve the problem!"

Du Gulang confidently filled his smile: "That is nature. If it is not for the genius event, it is not allowed to use the contract beast. This son will not let the woman who is admired to suppress me."

Seeing this plant beast, Mu Qiang smiled.

"I really don't know where you come from. If the genius event allows you to fight with the spirit beast, you are expected to be killed by the second. Because..."

"Small ink, come out! Give me a fire to burn this thing."

The black flame broke out, and the pressure of the beast and the beast had to fade away. It was like a eater-eaten thing. It didn’t have the spirit of the past, just wanted to hurry to hide in its owner’s July space. .

The solitary wave is completely stunned. "How is it possible for the beast, the phoenix beast of the fire system?"

"Hey!" The darkness is not dead. Fengyan swallowed the spirit of the plant system, and finally it was left with a little resistance to the burnt slag.

The face of Du Gulang became pale, hurriedly retreating, trying to run, facing a fierce beast, he had no power at all.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "I want to run, it is already late!"

"Fengyun, cold moon!"

The solitary wave has been chaotic, and this slamming is too late to dodge. The horrific impact of the wind element erupted directly to the far and wide.

"Hey!" The solitary slammed on the ground, and it was not good at all. A blood spurted out and his face became pale.

He still doesn't give up, climbs up and wants to run away.

"Fighting clouds, broken stars!"

"Hey!" He was covered in bruises, and there was no such strength to run.

The wind is zero, and the fan is suspended in the air. As long as you have a good idea, the solitary wave will immediately land.

"Mu Wei, you dare to kill me to try! I am the master of the 琅星宗, if you kill me, the 琅星宗 will never let you go." Solitary waves roared.

"If you don't let me go, I won't let go of me. Do you think I will mind?" The wind-zero feather fan left a blood mark on his neck with lightning speed, and he was clean and clean. It is.

In the last one of the deaths, the face of Du Gulang showed an incredible look. Mu Yu actually said that he would kill and kill, and he did not care about his identity and the northern realm.

Song Mingyue, who had a fight with the white mirror and the Qingxuan, saw that Mu Qianyu had so violently killed the solitary wave, his face became pale, and he was afraid that his end would be exactly the same as the solitary wave.

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