Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1915: There are so many plays.

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Chapter 1915 is really a lot of drama.

Chu Li did not look at him, sealed his hearing, and did not want to listen to nonsense.

As for this method, it takes a little effort to break open, and his power does not want to spend it in this irrelevant place.

Therefore, Chu Li does not care, Meng Xiao light can trap Chu Li in the formation, but can not get close.

The seriously injured Xia Houzi anger said: "I really want to kill this man, he dared to live up to the kindness of his dream sister."

Listening to him, the light smile flashed a cold light.

"Sister Xiahou, I am not allowed to say Chu Gongzi like this." She was a little angry.

"Hey! My silly sister! You haven't married him yet, and you have turned your arms out. I really don't know if this man has a good place." Xia Houzi was dissatisfied.

She looked at Chu Li: "This face is very good! The temper is not like people."

Meng Xiaoxiao said: "I like it, he is very good, his strength is very strong, I first met a man who can make me so tempted, so if you can't let her escape my palm." heart."

Mu Qiang, who did not come to the Temple of the Bow, heard the two women chatting, and heard the soft, sweet words of Meng Xiaoguang.

I really don't know who it was, was it seen by Miss Dream?

As a result, when Mu Qianyi approached, he saw a familiar person, a brother!

And the situation is not right, and people are trapped in the formation.

Mu Qianshao cold channel: "Put me to me!"

At this time, Mu Qianxi also knows that the person who likes to laugh and lightly is a brother.

At this time, Chu Li opened his eyes. He looked at Mu Qian’s eyes and was not so indifferent but a little happy, and finally waited until the sister.

Xia Houzi angered: "Mu Wei, what are you? You said that letting people release people? This is my dream sister's sweetheart."

Mu Qianxi sneered: "My heart, Chu Li is not interested in your dream sister. Do you think that the dream sister is trying to catch the overlord?"

Meng Xiao lightly grievances: "I did not, Chu Gongzi ignored me, I am too sad! So I came up with such a way to trap Chu Gongzi, I just want to stay with Chu Gongzi for a while, do not want to hurt him."

"Mu girl, please also fulfill me!" Meng Xiao pleaded.

Mu Qianxi did not say anything, she explained: "I just like him too much. Mu girl is a friend of Chu Gongzi. If you advise him to talk to me, I will be satisfied if he can talk to me. I must let Chu Gongzi come out."

There was a hint of coldness in Mu Qian’s eyes. "Miss Dream Miss still likes others to go! You like it, he can't afford it. I will say it again, let people go, or I'm welcome."

"Hey, why do you admire the girl, you don't know me, everyone is a woman, why do you have to make me difficult." Meng Xiaog grievances crying.

"I know that Ms. Mu has grown up in the country, and there are all kinds of excellent men to follow. In addition to the Chu Gongzi, there is also the mirror son of the Qingxuan son, even if the Suzaku son looks at you differently, I know you don't understand me. A kind of pain that can't be done, but you can't destroy my good things! I'm already poor enough."

Xia Houzi showed a fierce color, she said: "Dream sister, don't talk to her so much nonsense, if she kills her, maybe Chu Li can see you."

Xia Houzi shot on Mu Qianxi, "Mu Wei, do you think we will be afraid of you?" Don't think that your auction is great, my dream sister can be amazing, if Chu Li gave you a dream before The challenge of my sister, I must have lost you before."

Xia Houzi's long whip waved to Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qianxi hurriedly avoided.

Meng Xiao shouted: "Don't fight, don't because I am hurt."

"Hurry up and stop!"

The dream laughs on the surface and seems to have lost the pull frame. As a result, some dark pins are thrown out in the dark to attack the Millennium.

She is very secretive, but the soul of Mu Qianxi can not be detected, she chills: "The wind is the shield!"

"Hey!" The fine needles changed direction and almost fell into Xia Houzi's body.

Xia Houzi is also somewhat surprised, and the dream sister will actually hurt the man with a dark arrow.

Meng Xiaoxiao said: "Sister Xiahou, I will help you!"

Meng Xiao light shot, Xia Houzi did not think so much, as long as they can solve the admiration, what means they use.

"Mu Wei, I joined forces with my dream sister, you are dead!" Xia Houzi smiled.

"Booming!" The two men joined forces to deal with Mu Qian, but they could not find any benefit.

"Wind, broken star!"

The element of horror has erupted, and the dream laughs lightly, but Xia Houzi can't stop it, and vomits blood again.

Business mix with the wind from the low temperature.

"Xiahou sister, dangerous!" Meng Xiao fluttered in the past, let Xia Houzi avoid the attack.

Meng Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "Mu girl is really powerful, it is the first genius of the southern emperor dynasty, laughing and arrogant."

"Don't be so crap, unravel the way of Chu Li!" Mu Qian is impatient.

The previous beauty rescued the hero, Mu Paneli felt that this dream Miss was a little bit wrong, and now I saw that this guy discovered a lot of drama.

Meng Xiao gently supported Xia Houzi to go to that one, and then said to Mu Qian: "Well, I listened to the girl, immediately untied this one, and let Chu Chuzi come out."

Meng Xiao light began to dispel, and Mu Qian felt that this woman had a big problem, so she did not take it lightly.

When the big battle was to be solved, a dagger pierced the heart of Xia Houzi, and the blood was like a spring.

"Dream sister... you... you... why are you doing this..."

After a knife stabbed, Xia Houzi did not die, her face showed an incredible look.

Meng Xiaoxiao said: "Why? Who made you useless? Even a little girl who can't cope with Muxi's film can't cope with it. It just happens that my nightmare is thirsty. I can only use your blood to water it."

"Xia Houzi, you can rest assured, I will definitely kill you and avenge you."

"Hey!" After listening to the dream, the Xia Houzi, who had already had too much blood, once again spurted blood.

"Dream laughs lightly, I feel like you are a younger sister, you are so like this to me, you dare to do this to me, I misread you!" Xia Houzi shouted.

"Take me a pro-sister, do you have such a qualification for waste like this?" Meng Xiao smiled sarcastically.

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you this slut! You are a vicious slut!" Xia Houzi angered and smacked toward the dream, and the blood on her body became more and more powerful. Both of them were dyed red.

And a white scented flower was also dyed red at this time, and Chu Li’s face changed greatly. “Be careful!”

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