Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1921: Murong brother

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Chapter 1921 Murong Brothers

Many people have rushed to Mu Qian, and the strange speed is difficult to catch her even if it is the Spirit.

They learn to be smart, and they are besieging the Millennium.

Mu Qianxi sneered: "I really thought this way, can you get me?"

"Small ink, come out, burn them!"

The light was blocked by a dark phoenix, and their bodies fell into the shadow of black.

Daddy, the darkness of terror is not dead, and Feng Yan is crazy.

Low-level spiritual holy, can not resist at all!

They can only curse, "Damn, it is a beast!"

"No wonder she is so fearless, she has contracted such a powerful beast."

Even so, the Xing Xingzong and Xiahou family owners still do not give up their feelings for revenge, still want to seize Mu Qianxi.

Fighting crazy and rushing out, a low-level spiritual sacred smashed out of the encirclement, and finally got the opportunity to attack Mu Qian.

Although he has injuries on his body, it is easy to kill Muxi, the spirit of the Holy Spirit.

Even so, he still tried his best to kill the killing.

"Broken bones!"

He grabbed the best time manipulator, in order not to give Emma a chance to escape.

However, Mu Qianxi did not avoid it at this time. He smiled and said: "Is it desperate? Did you give up? Very good!"

At this point, he can already think of how many rewards the family will give him after killing Mu Xi.

"Boom!" This palm fell on the body of Mu Qian.

Only a sharp fan blade, when the blood draws a blood hole on his body, blood splatters out.

"You...you..." He looked at Mu Qiang with a stunned look. He couldn’t think of him who would die.

"You should know my performance at the genius event. Didn't you do your homework when you killed me? I have refining my body. This body's defense is not only effective for high-level Lingzong, but also for low-level spiritual sacs. Just as effective."

"This is impossible!" How can there be such a perverted practice? Let a physical body of the spirits block the attack of a low-level spiritual sanctuary.

At this time, his consciousness has been dissipated, and naturally no one can give him doubts.

The site of Nanwangcheng, the people of Xing Xingzong and Xiahou’s family knew that it was difficult to kill Muyu, so they chose to retreat.

However, there were not many people who finally escaped, causing anger among the people of the Xing Xing and Xiahou.

"Damn Muhammad, **** Suzaku."

"In order to kill a territory, the loss is too heavy, the owner is not worthwhile! If you can't do it, we can come to the dark, for example, assassination! We don't believe that Suzaku can not be relaxed at all times. Even if Mu Yu is the wife of Suzaku, it is impossible to guard like this." Someone suggested.

"Good! The master of the house is preparing to kill and die, and must kill the sorrow." Xiahou's family is cold and cold.

When the Xiahou family and the Xing Xingzong plan to assassinate Mu Qianxi, they have left the South King City without knowing it, so let them find it slowly in the South!

Mu Qianxi went to the southwest branch of the Refiner Division and everything went smoothly. He took the letter of introduction and joined the refiner division.

"This is the person who the president will personally invite to our union, very young! And it is still a little girl."

"The arm is too thin, is the refiner really powerful?"


The recommendation letter in the hands of Mu Qianxi is quite weighty. It was given a crowd when it was first discovered.

"Mu girl, please come with me!"

The environment of the refiner division is still good, after all, they are not bad.

Her soul spread and she observed a lot of people, but she did not set a goal.

This refiner division must have a person who is not simple.

Suzaku let her come so high-key, must have his intentions, maybe the other party will take the initiative to send the door to come, maybe?

She will stay here first!

The entire refiner division was very curious about Mu Qian, when a tall man came out and he put on a simple loose black robe.

The people of the refiner division saw him a little glimpse, saying: "Mr. Murong, you are going out. You will be surprised by the saints you made this time."

"Mu Rong brother is good!"

A low voice came, "The woman named Mu Yan, is it?"

"Yes! The girl came a few days ago and has been resting on the side of the North House."

After answering this little teacher, they found that their Murong brothers soon disappeared.

"It seems that the origin of the girl is really not simple! Even the Murong brothers who are obsessed with the refining of the hard state are interested in her."

"Mu Rong's brother is the first day of our trade union. No, not just genius. His refining is second only to the president and several elders. Mu Hao is far worse than Murong's brother!"

"Is it that Murong's brothers have taken a look at the beauty of the girl!"

Mu Qianxi has been quietly practicing in the refining division of trade unions for a few days. Many people are curious, but they have not waited for the people she has to wait for.

There is a breath close, and someone is coming!

"Hey!" The door was pushed away by violence, and Mu Qian looked up and looked at the person standing at the door.

The eyebrows of the eyebrows, the eyebrows fly into the shackles, the deep facial features, the bronzed skin, this is a man full of masculinity and very imposing.

Murong Yu also looked at Mu Qian, and from the perspective of normal people, this is a very beautiful woman.

But for him, a beautiful woman is more attractive than a sword.

Mu Qianxi said: "Who are you?"

"I am Murong." The low voice came.

"Murong Yu, the first day of the Southwest Branch, Murong brother!" Mu Qianqi's mouth twitched a touch of laughter.

"If I said, after I came, I will take away the name of your first genius. Do you have any opinions?" Mu Qian asked.

"The name of the first genius is just a fake name! But you don't have this strength but want to take it away. I advise you to leave the refining division trade union as soon as possible." Murong frowned.

The woman is annoyed by the woman, and the woman who is so arrogant, he feels very annoying.

Mu Qian said: "I will prove my strength, how are we more than one?"

"I really like to compete with the powerful refiner. You should have the strength worthy of my shot. Otherwise, no matter who recommends you, I will never spare you." Murong Yu warned.

"Dear and look forward to it!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

After leaving Murong, he said to the elders that he would be compared with the trials for the three days, and let the elders prepare, which made the whole club boil.

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