Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1931: Give me a pick

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Pick me up in Chapter 1931.

Numerous black silk threads pass through this space, blending with the darkness, making it hard to find.

The purple figure swept out, and Mu Qian started the attack. "The wind is locked!"


At this time, everyone saw what the behemoth was. Some people did not know, but some people recognized it.

"That is a fluorescent dark spider."

"The fluorescence is its companion insect!"

"It's the strength of the beast, after all, this little girl is not running fast, even with this spider."

"There should be no problem! Mu Yu has a beast."

"In this mine, the flying beast is simply not open!"

And when they talked, Mu Qianxi has already fought this huge incomparable spider. I don’t know how many rounds?

The spider woven a large net and wanted to trap Mu Qian.

But Mu Qian’s speed is too fast, which makes it impossible to hurt it.

"Hey!" Countless times caught the prey, it was angry, and the attack became more and more crazy.

"Wind, broken star!"

Long Shen looked at Mu Qianxi and the spider, and found that he was only an eighth-order spirit.

The Eighth Spirit Emperor can fight this spider, and he can be protected by a woman!

"I will help you!" The dragon rushed up, not attacked, and was entangled by the spider.

The wind zero lupin is broken down, and a fan blade cuts off some of the black spider silk that entangles the dragon's depth.

"Your fighting power is too scum, find a safe place to stay, don't get in the way is my biggest help."

Long Shen’s face turned red and had to leave!

The Qin Feng Lord is also a look of embarrassment. "This child is obsessed with refining, so the actual combat is a bit poor. It seems that this will not work, I have to change the way of education."

"Hey!" and Mu Qianzhen is now fighting with the spider, but although she does not prevail, she does not intend to let Xiaomo ink come out to help.

Other disciples of Jianmenzong said: "There is no white to watch the game! Wonderful!"

"No wonder the master is not as good as her, and the girl is really amazing."

"If I met this beast, although I wouldn't have the power of a battle like the brother of the dragon, it is estimated that it will not last long."

"Wind, broken star!"

When Mu Qianqi attacked and ducked, the spider found it wrong.

It even entangled itself, and the action was seriously hindered!

It turned out that Mu Qianxi had already dug it in the dodge. She smiled and said: "You don't like to spit it! How do you feel entangled in yourself?"

The disciple of Jian Menzong voted for the five bodies that she admired. "Not only is the strength, but also very strategic, the genius is the first, and the name is well-deserved."

Mu Qiang plucked the past and wanted to capture the life of this spider.

As a result, the spider suddenly violently walked away, became several times larger, broke free from the shackles of some spider silks, and directly blasted Mu Qianxi.

"Boom!" Mu Qianxi hit a big hole in the stone wall of this cave.

The crowd exclaimed, "Mu girl!"

"Mother is okay!"

The spider was also prepared to determine if Mu Qianyi was dead and rushed straight up.

At this time, Mu Qianxi suddenly appeared on its back, and the wind and zero feather fan of the quasi-artifact directly cut its body into two halves.

A dark spiritual core fell from the air, and Mu Qian took it.

She smiled: "Yes! I finally found the second refiner material. With this, I might be able to make a fun thing."

At this time, in Jianmenzong, one by one stunned and looked at Mu Qianxi.

"It was so blasted, Mu is not injured! I knew that she was very strong, but she didn't think so strong?"

"It’s a very perverted, she is not hurt at all except the clothes are broken!"

"The speed is almost unpredictable, and the holy beast is killed without knowing it."

Not to mention that they are surprised, and Long Shen is also surprised.

Qin Feng main road: "This little girl is not allowed! The strength is so abnormal, even with our refining division to grab the rice bowl, it is not like it."

The crisis was lifted, and Long Shen said: "Thank you for the help of the girl."

The president said to Qin Feng: "If you don't die, you can save your apprentice's life. Don't say that the life-saving grace is the same, and let your disciples give the collected ore as a thank you gift to Muxitou. !"

Qin Feng Lord smiled and said: "Everyone is a partner, thank you, it is a bit hurt."

"To be shameless, this time the old man really served you." The president gnashed his teeth.

At this time, Mu Qianxi looked at Long Shendao: "Long Shen, if you want to thank, pick me the ore you found!"

Long Shen stunned. "What are you talking about?"

"I have been looking for such a long time to find such two ore, the quantity is not enough. This is the place that your master has set, you gain a lot, give me a sigh!" Mu Qianxi smiled.

Originally quietly followed by Long Shen, just to wait for Long Shen to find enough ore and then grab it, but did not think that Long Shen discovered this mine, let her harvest a more spiritual core.

Even if she has a nucleus, she does not intend to let Long Shen, a big fat sheep that has fattened!

Qin Feng’s master did not have a good spirit: “I’m not the one who came out of your refining division’s trade union. I even thought of this with your old boy! My gangster, you must not agree!”

Long Shendao: "Mu girl saved me, I will definitely return you! But this is in the trial, we are still opponents, I can not take it lightly to let our refining peaks lose again."

"I don't want to pay, it doesn't matter! Then I have to move thick. Friendship reminds me, once I start, I can't start!" Mu Qian's spiritual power broke out. Although her level is low, Long Shen feels it. Very strong pressure.

If you don't see Mu Qianzhen beautifully clean up a beast near the beast level, he will definitely fight back when he hears this, but now, he knows that even if he is not the opponent of the girl.

Long Shendao: "I am not your opponent, and I don't want to be jealous. These are the ore I collected, and I promised to hand it over."

His own apprentice did not resist any surrender. Qin Feng’s main temper was to smash his chest. "She is robbery, robbery! How can this girl do this?"

The president smiled with satisfaction, and the little girl did it very well.

He retorted: "It seems that you said that the rules of the game did not say that you can't grab it! Muxitou has no violations! If your family refuses, you can resist! You can fight! Winning the nature does not need to give the ore."

Qin Feng’s main vomiting blood, with the terrible fighting power of the little girl, the first generation of the younger generation of their swordsmen can’t beat, and the apprentice of his five slags can be beaten.

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