Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1942: Not afraid of offending

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Chapter 1942 is not afraid of offending

The power of violent rushing, Mu Qian knows that this guy is going to blew himself.

The self-destruction is unprepared, but Mu Qian’s teleportation is far away from him.

He looked at the incredible figure unbelievably, and he was not willing to die.

"Boom!" In the sound of the thoroughness of the earthquake, Mu Qianyi felt a trace of soul fluctuations.

Mu Qian is screaming, "Is it ventilated?"

Others also packed up the enemy, some were killed and some were caught.

When they heard the explosion from Mu Qian’s side, they were shocked.

"This power is too strong, and the girl will not have an accident?"

"If the girl has an accident, how can we tell the son?"


Soon, a familiar figure swept over and they were shocked: "It’s a girl!"

"Mu girl is fine, great!"

Mu Qianxi swept them: "The injured are quickly healed, and they immediately set off. I am afraid that this is not the only one who dares to do it."


"Fortunately, the girl you reminded is timely, otherwise we are not prepared, it will not be so easy to deal with them!" They excited.

Although it is an incredible thing to find an enemy at such a long distance.

"After that we absolutely obey the order of the girl."

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Good! Depart!"

After they had gone a long way, Mu Qiang found another person lying in front of him.

She said: "There are enemies ambushing in front of them. Although the number is not strong, they are very strong. Everyone is going around them and raiding them. They are not caught off guard."


Mu Qianxi led the way in front, successfully bypassed them and copied them from behind.

"First use the poisonous spiders to control their actions. Use the gods of Zhuge, wait for the little ink to start, you are launching the phoenix secret, and then enter them, quick-fix." Inform them about the combat plan.

Others have no objections and act on their orders.

Mu Qian said: "It is already close to the attacking range of the spider's claws, and it is hands-on!"

Although they are ambushing each other halfway, if they want to do it, they can take the lead.

The sound of the sharp tearing of the air came from all directions, and the claws of the **** of death were approaching them.

In the twinkling of an eye, some people felt dangerous. "Be careful, someone sneaked!"

"Get away!"

"Get out of the way!"

They want to escape, but it is not too easy.

The place where they were was surrounded by spider webs, and some lightning-fast poisonous spiders pounced on them one by one.

"What the spider is this?" Someone was shocked.

These dark spiders are made to be vivid, and in this tense atmosphere, they can be faked.

"This is not just a spider, it is a hidden weapon! The poisonous spider is a thousand claws. How can there be so many hidden weapons in the refining of Jianmen Zonghe?"

"The people who are clear about the son are doing our best to us, preparing for war, and solving them!"

"Hey!" Just when they wanted to pull out the people who attacked them, as many as the sound of the air broke out, a sharp arrow was extremely fast, and it was raining like a rain.

"Hurry to escape!"


Zhuge God and the spiritual power to launch, the speed is very fast, if the person is not responding fast, there is no time to use the spiritual defense to resist, there is no hangover.

"Puff puff!"

Two attacks, the other side suffered heavy casualties, and many people fell.

"Damn! How did the people who regained their sons get so many powerful three!"

"Everyone gathers, we must work together to deal with them! Otherwise we will be killed by these despicable people with hidden weapons!"


Ms. Qian said: "Small ink, come out! Be careful."

"The owner can rest assured!"

They felt the air dark, and a dark phoenix threw a terrible flame against them.

"Hey! I thought they had any tricks! Just this little phoenix!"

"It seems that they have not been recruited, do it!"


At the time of their murderous counterattack, "Oh!" is another wave of attacks, "ah!"

The scent of the phoenix under the cover of the little ink and ink made them invincible, and then everyone killed the group of confusing enemies.

"Kill!" Mu Qianshao cold channel.

"Damn, I want to kill you!"


The other party is also roaring in anger.

They have become self-defeating, not in the climate, under the numerous mad attacks and under the attack of some unbeatable hidden weapons, they have killed more than a dozen people.

"Wind, broken star!"

Mu Qianqi is fast, naturally leaking, seeing that there is not much combat power, she will go up to make up a knife!

"The wind is unparalleled!"

The phoenix element swept away toward the enemy, even though the strength of the emperor of the Millennium was the weakest among them, but it also solved many people.

The chaotic battle is still going on, and the other party has suffered a lot.

Mu Qian’s mouth sneered a sneer and wanted to run!

"Block them!"


At this point they want to run, it’s too late. At this time, they said at the end of the road: "You can't kill us? Let's stay in the line?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Can't you kill you? Is it because you are a member of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce, or a Shimen?"

"You already know it." The other party is also very surprised.

"If you know, let us go, you kill other people, we don't care about you, they are not as good as people! I want to reunite the son and don't want to offend people."

"Offended to die?" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

She asked: "You tell me, is your son a man who is afraid of offending people?"

"Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce and Shimen only. Since they have the courage to unite with our son, our son will never let him go!"

"If you are not a busy son! It is estimated that all kinds of powerful spirits will be prepared and we will kill them with two base camps."

"Our son is never a fearsome person. These people are too ridiculous."

These people in Shimen were pale in color. They were rumors of listening to the Ming Dynasty. He was extremely mysterious. The most famous one was the tyrannical style of acting. He was very cruel.

Mu Qianxi smiled. "In this case, what did the child do with their nonsense? Kill me!"

"Yes! Ms. Angel!"

In the face of their tyrannical attacks, these people in Shimen can only insist on sticking their teeth. "We must hold on, wait for the reinforcements to come, and they will die!"

"Yes! We will definitely send the reinforcements. This time we are miscalculated! They have got so many powerful hidden weapons, or we will not lose!"

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